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So migration of 200k a year might prop up housing to a degree. While also lowering wages and standards in the building industry.
And ensuring ALP and woke in power for the next 50y..
European history repeating.
invest in security systems and welfare providers, get out of cities, out of IP , move money have a few decades
So migration of 200k a year might prop up housing to a degree. While also lowering wages and standards in the building industry.
This has a definite feel of the 1980's about it, the next few years aren't going to be nice for workers IMO, but we get through and a new norm is found.
Does this article sound familiar? Ah being old, at least you get to see quite a few once in a lifetime events. It's funny how many are actually repeats.

This headline says it all.

The Morrison scandal has to take centre stage, while the real action is happening backstage.
That "Fed Reserve History of the 1982 USA Recession" is interesting reading for me, as I was living in the land of the free for most of that year. It really was a grim time for the unemployed , in numbers not seen since the great depression. For all their faults , Americans, I found then, and still believe now, are a far tougher and resilient people than us. No sissies and crybabies anywhere. They all come into this world ,knowing full well, that mom and dad are not going to hold their hand forever and the government sure ain't gonna do it, either.
life is easier and sweeter, here, though. I ain't goin' nowhere, no matter how "wokey" it all gets.
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Not a very interesting scenario,
- loans are expensive
- investors starting to see re as bad investment
- surplus stock for sale
- low rental stock
- increasing supply of renters

tent city here we come
the US is seeing an uptick ( more than other vehicle types ) of 'vans ' , now i am taking that as panel vans and light trucks , which MIGHT translate to 'mobile accommodation ' ( rather than dedicated 'mobile homes 'and caravans )

i wonder if that trend is reflected here ,
there was years back a surplus of inner-city apartments ( in Brisbane )

but now we appear to have this work from home trend ... not so beneficial to renters of inner-city apartments

now that MIGHT still be okay for construction/developers/landlords that chose a retail/commercial/residential mix building .

now 'tent city' doesn't seem to be cheering up FWD ( now specializes in module/demount-able buildings albeit mainly at mining sites )

might be worth watching SUL ( includes A-Mart and a fishing and camping chain ) KMD and BGP for indications

( i hold FWD deeply underwater , and SUL nicely up , i also hold APE who hasn't spotlighted a similar trend , a rise in van sales and APZ )

i was thinking 'tent city' starting in 2013 and so far have been disappointed
I wonder if any if them are worrying what will happen to their "investments" if china does go to war over Taiwan
China is already at war with Taiwan , and it is a financial/economic/trade war

China would prefer Taiwan intact and compliant , so is less likely to choose a 'hot war '

now other Pacific nations ( like Guam) should be wary of being complacent , and China still remembers Japan unfavorably , abandoning it's non-aggression stance could be costly

Australia reacting to a 'war ' against China will invoke a logistical nightmare ( in Australia )

would the Australian Government do it ??

( hint they fumble bush-fires and floods regularly AND we should be about due for a decent cyclone season in the coming year , they have had plenty of practice dealing with them )
So migration of 200k a year might prop up housing to a degree. While also lowering wages and standards in the building industry.


We already have a housing shortage, so why are builders going broke ?

Not because of a lack of demand but because of price increases that are pushing new buildings beyond affordability.

That won't change with increased demand unless builders cut costs and reduce quality.

Governments need to take a more holistic approach to skills shortages instead of the knee jerk reaction of increased immigration.
As long as you understand that immigration is the leftist woked wrapped implementation of the reset: suppression of nationalism, garantee of left and so mondialist electorate, levelling of income on a world level and increase of profits for big multi national corporatism..
Anyone opposed is labelled as racist, ensuring splitting of societal fabric.
France Sweden and soon Germany are perfect study boards of effects, who benefits and the overall collapse of the nations.
With alp and the watermelons in control, we are speeding the pace but make no mistake the lnp are playing the same game,bprobably less willingly or less aware
Nothing like increasing the importation of votes under the cover of fixing the economy and "helping people"
Governments need to take a more holistic approach to skills shortages instead of the knee jerk reaction of increased immigration.

Absolutely but don't for one minute think that their policies are to fill the void for the the skills shortage. The main reason ( which was never the main driver anyway despite what many think) was to prop up property prices in their government sposored ponzi.
Only problem is that increasing migration again may not save property prices this time in Australia as well as many other western economies. A fundamental shift in trend is now taking place that is reversing decades long trends not just in real eastate but also the stock markets.

It will also increase the strain and maybe further breakdown the medical and welfare system among others
It will also increase the strain and maybe further breakdown the medical and welfare system among others
Have you been to a hospital lately? You would be surprised at the large percentage of medical workers who are either immigrants or the children of immigrants.

If anything I think Immigration in the last 20 years has propped up our medical industry, not caused a breakdown.

Same with the building industry, its grown massively over the years because of immigration.

Check out "Highrise Harry", responsible for building more housing in Australia than anybody else. If you we had denied him entry because we were worried about housing, we would have made a huge mistake.

Probably a large number of patients in hospitals are immigrants or their children, parents or associated relatives, so I think the benefits of immigration has to take into account the costs as well.
Not read the book but luck is something you trigger with tries.
If you have a 1/3 chance of failing in a new business within 3y, well try 3 times... not purely exact but you get the idea
I retired in my 50s by saving, but also going independent then starting ventures 2 failed after years of efforts in parallel to contract work, the 3rdvwas reasonably successful until covid rules ended my role.
But gave me a smooth path out.
I think i have been quite unlucky!!!
Some close their noses and benefit from rotten business going provate,some work hard to get a system or a company out of the ground.
Luck has a play but far far less than many think IMHO.
Agreed. You have to make good decisions to get the luck. You can't sit on your @ss and end up with a great business.

Taleb's point is that if people take similar decisions, some will still do massively better than others, due to random factors.
Honestly I don't go doctors much at all but my son had a ear infection few months ago and every place (public) we tried to go or even get a teleconsulation was all full and booked out.

My wife also had some minor procedure done this year for which she was waiting over 1 year public as well.

Private was the only way to go with my son, that is my personal experience so not a big % of the population.

Back when I was a kid the doctor used to check the tonsils, listen to your chest make you caugh. The public doctors I have been to with my kids used google images for 'comparison and demonstration' purposes.
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