I do think that sometimes the younger generations can lose touch with the fact that pensioners are actually real people, who have lived full lives and mostly contributed to our society in one form or another, and are not just a burden on society that we'd be well shot of if given the opportunity.
The security and comfort older people can draw from living in their own homes can be difficult to empathise with if you've never actually owned your own home, or lived in one place for a lengthy period of time. It's probably equally difficult for youngsters to recognise the value older folk place on their independence, or that looking after one's home can provide a purpose in life, as in your late father's case. Like most things in life, it's easy to suggest changes that affect older people if such changes are far-distant from oneself.
Nah. According to the baby boomers they all worked so hard to get their houses I can't see how any will be depending on the pension as they're all self funded investment geniuses.
And they'll all been soooo wonderful to their kids, their kids will be falling over to help them out in retirement.