You are correct New Order was trying to save on typing.
I got out of OZ because I firmly believe it is heading for a crash just like USA and bailed just like thousands of others from all different countries are doing.
However you are entitled to your opinion the same as other have rights to theirs.
I do agree RE can be a good investment if you chose right.
May the best man win
Damn it I must be living in a property hotspot. Five of the eight houses I looked at today had already sold. The others were absolute overpriced crap. Investors are still snapping up the resonable properties fast. Honestly bring on the crash.
A gold coin to that man. You have hit the nail on the head my friend. There are places that are doing well. There are palces that are holding their own. There are places in retreat. Nothing changes overall. Samma samma Dong. It is called Real Estate. Kinda like the share market really.Ya just gotta know WHEN AND WHERE to buy.
Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn ....... we are in real trouble !! I just witnessed afternoon TV and the amount of home improvement infomercials and shows was incredible. The BLOCK has 8 couples on this year "THE FIRST TIME EVER" it screamed at me. There was that crappy home improvement program as well which almost made me upchuck and I am not talking about "Tim the Toolman" one either. I went to the websites of the major TV stations and all the advertising is house related or home improvement.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD have mercy on our souls.
I am sure I wrote this about 300 posts ago as to the state of play in the RE Industry.
Speaking of The Block, there was a story on the weekend that the producers will be lucky to not lose money when the apartments are sold off given they bought them when them market was a lot better.
Speaking of The Block, there was a story on the weekend that the producers will be lucky to not lose money when the apartments are sold off given they bought them when them market was a lot better.
"This weekend there have been 138 auctions reported with a clearance rate of 58 per cent.
The long weekend has resulted in a low volume of auctions.
A total of 80 homes were sold and 58 were passed in, of those 38 were passed in on a vendors bid.
This weekend last year saw 348 auctions and a clearance rate of 72 per cent.
Around 700 auctions are expected on each of the next two weekends.
Don't miss Melbourne Property TV Monday night on Ch31 at 8.30pm.
Enzo Raimondo
Well done Enzo, I could tell that there were around 25% less cars on the road this weekend compared to last year.
Great for the serenity.
Great for the planet.
Yes I do admit that I conveniently neglected to mention the significance of declining interest rates in my recent tirade.ERMmmmmmmm ....... just a coupla questions cynic.
1) How can you become positively geared in a declining property market?
The decline was somewhat gradual. It could be argued that the perceived capital decline, in such a leveraged investment, exceeded the net positive cashflow hence yielding a somewhat meagre rate of return on my deposit monies overall. However, my expectation at the time was that availability of tenants would continue and that both rents and prices could at that time be reasonably expected to lift in response to increased wages etc. In terms of net cash flow, three out of the four properties yielded net positive cash flow and/or accommodation savings that far exceeded available returns on the personal capital deployed (deposit, stamp duty conveyancing etc.).2) If property declined during this period why did you not sell up this poor investment?
I'd have to go over my personal financial records dating back 20 years to give an accurate guesstimation. Furthermore I didn't retain suffiicient records of advertised prices (and I mean actual maximum price advertised, not price ranges or $XX+) throughout the years in question.3) How much did it decline and where was your stop loss point?
The cheapest prices I observed in plentiful supply appeared in the Spring of 1997. By Summertime there were few of them to be found. By the Winter of 1998 there was nothing available in my target range, hence I concluded that the Positive Gearers Property Purchase Party was over and that prices were then on the rise. Based on my experience I concluded that the bottom of the market occurred sometime between Spring 1997 and Autumn 1998. If the statistics claimed that prices commenced their ascent during the summer of 1997 I would not contest the point.If property prices declined over a 10 year period when interest rates were at 17% from 1989 - 6.5% 1999 then why is it that every single chart or statistic says differently?
Evidence on the other hand correlates to the uptick. Land titles office reports straight to the ABS btw so pretty hard to dodgy the numbers when the land transfer has gone through.
Thanks for that, I freely admit that I am capable of error, from time to time, and I thank you for recognising that I speak the truth as I understand it. I also thank you for challenging my assertions and highlighting the inconsistencies in my post.You seem like a person of your word there cynic so no need for proof or otherwise.
P.S. Congratulations on your property portfolio, various trading and bank account balances.
If you think prices are going to rise: Buy a house
If you think prices are going to fall: Don't buy a house.
I don't talk about property with people, they get really pissy. Some guy recommended I get a property as an investment at work and when I said I'd rather wait and see if prices fall he got all defensive and went off on a long rant about how great they are. good, go ****ing buy one then!
It is getting easier to hit a nerve, as, at the moment, people are confronting the real possibility of their investment going backwards.
Nice buying opportunities for others though.
I think once house prices are seen to be declining there will be a rush to get off the sinking ship after all they will see whats happening in USA and want out while there is still some equity left ..if they get out early.
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