i dont know what is happening around the rest of the country. But i have bought a block of land in adelaide, and mananged to get 20% off the asking price. Go back a few yrs this didnt happen. People are desperate to sell, and there are no buyers anymore. If someone signs up subject to finance usually it falls through. One block i was looking at had been bought 5 times subject to finance, and all fell through, its been on the market for one yr now. Its for sale for $200k, so not big $.
if people dont think its a correction happening now, they are in the land of the fairies. My advice is to bargin hard and some bargins can be bought.
this notion of a land shortage is just crap, australia doesnt have the population growth of 3 yrs ago, its halved now. The only country with land shortage is the vatican.
Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing that.
As robots would say, "good news from the ground, man."
As an aside, what do people think the chances are of tipping into technical recession if/when house prices deteriorate? Given so much of our GDP is consumption spending, and this spending grows when we have high house prices and feel wealther, am I the only one that thinks we will go into recession as soon as house price falls are recognized by the general public?