22Yr olds speaking like seasoned veterans
Wet behind the ears and no hope of drying off!
Time to bugger off.
Bit unnecessary, old timer.
22Yr olds speaking like seasoned veterans
Wet behind the ears and no hope of drying off!
Time to bugger off.
The first to fall will be the FHB's who took advantage of the generous grant. I've got mates who earn $35k a year and took out a $500k mortgage and are in strife. Second will be the speculators and negative gearers. Fun fact - 30% of Australian properties are investment properties of which 70% are negatively geared. We are therefore looking at roughly 15-20% of Australian housing stock being negatively geared and relying on capital growth for profits. Those capital gains have now dried out, and interest rates are rising. The question is, how many of those properties will be put on the market?
We are therefore looking at roughly 15-20% of Australian housing stock being negatively geared and relying on capital growth for profits. Those capital gains have now dried out, and interest rates are rising. The question is, how many of those properties will be put on the market?
Bit unnecessary, old timer.
Need to verify but I believe that non recourse loans did not apply in every state in the US, I believe less than 25% of states had full non recourse loans. This fact needs to be verified as it is widely assumed that every loan in the US had jingle mail attached.
Well after all, what are interest rate changes really trying do? The ultimate aim of the changing interest rates is to ensure that the economy gallops along at a 'healthy' rate of inflation (2-3%). How does it control inflation though? By limiting the amount of $ you have in your pocket for discretionary spending by increasing your loan repayments on your mortgage or business loan and vice versa when it wants to ramp up inflation.
So why is that significant? In the US and many other countries that are suffering, their interests are at or near 0%. They have no room to move! We of course, still do. In the event that property starts falling in price, what do you think will happen? People will start to panic and get scared and stuff their money under the mattress. So the economy starts to slow down (deflation). So what will the RBA and banks do? Drop interest rates.
I think you are looking at rba policy with RE goggles on. Do not make the assumption that just because the real estate market drops, that will trigger a rate decrease. Its quite possible to have high core inflation pressure and falling real estate prices.
Reading the "risk management" post: There is no WAY 95% of property owners have any risk management in place. Why would you if property has been going up for 20 years?
If you are an older person with an established RE portfolio then your pretty confident you can ride out any dips, because you bought in at 1/10 of the current price and NOTHING will send RE prices that low short of a nuculear war.
But younger people on thier first and second home, you have one single asset with 80 or 90% leverage that you can just afford if you pay 2/3 of your wage into it. Any situation that forces you to sell out of the market, weather it is interest rates your did not plan for or a large drop in value is going to wipe you out. You are going to take serious capital losses. There is not much you can do really.
So your a young couple and you cannot afford 10%-14% interest You have a $ 450K loan over 30 yrs and you have an average wage.---what do you do?
Other than going bankrupt/not putting yourself in a position you cant maintain in the first place----what do you do?
What is your practical advice.
Meaning Time for me to bugger off.
I couldn't have summed it up any better.
I think some politicians need a smacked bottom, for the way in which they extended or encouraged the FHB'ers grant coupled with temporarily low interest rates.
well no, first home buyers need help getting into the market. They're probably going about it the wrong way with the grant but its better than nothing. What they do need is to be belted about is perpetuating the price problem by allowing negative gearing. We're one of a few countries that still have it and it should be scapped. But politicians are spineless and it will never go.
well no, first home buyers need help getting into the market. They're probably going about it the wrong way with the grant but its better than nothing. What they do need is to be belted about is perpetuating the price problem by allowing negative gearing. We're one of a few countries that still have it and it should be scapped. But politicians are spineless and it will never go.
THE Reserve Bank's November rate hike sparked a national fall in house prices with further declines likely over the year ahead.
Prices had been flat for the five months since the previous rate hike in May but slipped 0.2 per cent in November.
New lending figures released by the central bank yesterday show that growth in home lending to owner-occupiers has fallen to 7.3 per cent, its lowest level in the 20 years figures have been kept and little more than half the average growth of 13 per cent.
Rismark managing director Christopher Joye said the likelihood of further rate rises in 2011 meant it was unlikely that home owners would see any capital appreciation, with small nominal price falls a chance. Financial markets expect three more 0.25 percentage point rate hikes this year.
Personally, in my humble opinion, if FHB's are helped to artificially hold the value of entry level [first homes] By buying them at current levels, this also by proxy increases the price of 2nd & 3rd home buyers prices, [i.e. sell first home for more, spend even more on the 2nd etc.] & thus onwards & upwards it goes?
By letting the bottom wrung faulter, [can't afford 500k as fhb's], It could help keep property values at a more sustainable rate?
What thoughts do others have?
One likely consequence would be a glut of investment property hitting the market due to government subsidy being removed, making negatively geared property prohibitively expensive. Since such a glut of property would depress prices, more renters could afford to be owners. Less demand would then make it more difficult for landlords to hike rents.Seriously, get rid of negative gearing?? What might be the consequence of this??
Investors pull out of the market once it is no longer a beneficial investment vehicle to offset the tax. Then where would renters find accommodation, oh yes it becomes the responsibility of Government.
From a wiki...Or rents will go through the roof because now to make money in property I have to seek a rent that covers my costs. I could do this because now there is probably less rental properties available.
I don't agree that we need to help FHB by giving them handouts. We should help them by giving them the skills to manage money responsibility.
One likely consequence would be a glut of investment property hitting the market due to government subsidy being removed, making negatively geared property prohibitively expensive. Since such a glut of property would depress prices, more renters could afford to be owners. Less demand would then make it more difficult for landlords to hike rents.
Please review my edited post as I anticipated such questions.Ok so great for a period of time there would be a glut of property available. Then what?? What happens without the private investors?? There will always be those that cannot afford to own a home, or do not want to. Where to they go?
Property experts like Margaret Lomas encourage investors to seek positive cash flow (not positive gearing) when making property purchases. I agree that at currently inflated prices, it's difficult to find positive cash flow properties but not impossible, it takes time and research. Without the subsidy though prices would need to decrease to bring investors back into the market.Investors make money over a long period of time as they grow their equity. It is difficult to find a property that is positively geared from purchase
You're making assumptions and predictions here that are unlikely outcomes IMO. Home ownership and equity are declining in Australia due in large part to gov't (local and federal) subsidy and policy distorting the property market and inflating prices. Subsidizing property speculation was probably not the govt's intention when they reintroduced negative gearing.If not for negative gearing, there would be a lost less investors and without them, I see a lot of social problems for the young, the old, the working class who have not been able to become the "home owners" that we all should be.
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