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Yeah bring on 15%


If a fraction of what is being posted up on the "Conspiratory" thread is correct there will be no interest and no banks.

The system will be caput. Might be a rise in homesteaders. Need to bar up.
If a fraction of what is being posted up on the "Conspiratory" thread is correct there will be no interest and no banks.

The system will be caput. Might be a rise in homesteaders. Need to bar up.

In that case home ownership will be just a meaningless piece of paper and the strong will take what they need to survive by force while the old and the weak are muscled out - Mad max style bring it on lol
Its Sunday and tomorrow is Monday, oh well waiting for soon to come interest rises to make more interest on my cash deposit from so called property investors and watch them all complain how the banks are evil, oh well another day


gidday, yeah well we have had over 5yrs of watching and reading how its done so should be no worries about getting it right

actually, we are still watching and reading how its done, amazing hey man

amazing the biggest financial event since 1929 and medians well higher than before this event, and the shonk markets? still in catch up mode, oh well

professor robots

amazing the biggest financial event since 1929 and medians well higher than before this event, and the shonk markets? still in catch up mode, oh well

professor robots

You are repeating yourself there bots, you said the same thing a few days back and I didn't bite that time, wonder.

1929 was only the biginning, the markets over the next four years continued to crash and unemlployment was such that they slepts on the roads for 20 years past that date, those that did not go to war that is.

The financial bad times are only now beginning to be noticed. It would be great if you would take the time to read some of the other financial threads on ASF and get up to speed. Your ignorant asertions are so tiresome and not a good look for the REIV either.

yeah no thanks explod, i am about positivity not negativity which you and the rest of the population spread, doom and gloom

but oh well, i guess thats what differentiates my rhymes from yours

gee, hows the performance of property since the start of this thread?

professor robots

Knowing and speaking of what is really happenning is not negative at all. It is just common sense to be alert to what is in the pipeline. If you are not aware of it you get slaughtered.

Being positive is not going to stop some NSW towns being flooded tonight. Need to be real there bots.
wonder what the figures will be in 10 years from now??

People over 65 in Sydney now enjoy an 82 per cent home ownership rate, but the proportion of lower-middle income households in Sydney without their own home rose from 26 per cent to 40 per cent in the 45-to-64 age group between 1986 and 2006.

more pressure on the welfare state is about to arrive for NSW

bubbles have all sorts of consequences...

anyone can call a bubble a bubble week in week out, i give that zero credibility, theres one in china also..

gotta love them bubbles hey!
Knowing and speaking of what is really happenning is not negative at all. It is just common sense to be alert to what is in the pipeline. If you are not aware of it you get slaughtered.

I with you explod. I think I'll stick to the unhedged gold producers rather than the hedged mortgagees. But I will not say Oh Well. That phrase is trademark protected by robots bubblemania enterprises etc..
One difficult variable in this debate is the housing shortage. Seeing as all stats on this come from the real estate lobby I found it interesting to have a look at Brickworks annual report. As Australia's largest brick producer you'd think they would look into the topic.

Sure enough housing approvals in Australia are up 28.5% to the year ended 31 July 2010. Not surprisingly up highest in VIC, NSW & WA. Now we may just be playing catch up here with a way long to go but it does seem the catch up has started.

Just thought I would share an objective source as although Brickworks monitor the approvals I havn't bothered to read the market share they intend to capture
the drum last night, great interview with steve keen, and plenty of good questions fired at him and all taken with ease as usual.

just go 26 minutes in

as usual he makes his remarkable clear points

what i like about steve keens own blogsite is that all his presentations are posted and all are commented on and answered by him, so if you have any doubts on any of his research your welcome to discuss it and talk it through.
Taltan, I dont buy into the debate about housing shortages. Tend to think is being used to talk new buyers into the market, gives the media something to harp on all bullish about also. The real debate is the supply and demand for credit, Steve Keen touches on this. Another top blog ive been reading lately is Leith van Onselen's......he also covers the housing bubble from the standpoint of credit availability.

Catch up mode? You mean like this? (From your old mate )


like i say man, believe what you want from debtwatch, gphc, creditcrunch and other toxic blog sites

as its all F for fail from those doomsdayers

professor robots

like i say man, believe what you want from debtwatch, gphc, creditcrunch and other toxic blog sites

as its all F for fail from those doomsdayers

professor robots

.....& the Reserve Bank and Bureau Of Statistics too?

I guess the 'other' 4 will have to put forward a riposte explaining away the chart then?

This article is essential reading for property PolyAnna's -

The 3 Stages Of Delusion

yeah no worries, give us a bell when the 40% drop hits

abs up again last quarter

bad luck Againsthegrain yesterday, interest rates on hold, oh well brother have a great day

professor robots
Got to love ya Robots your a legend, however

No sun shining in Melbourne today.

bad luck Againsthegrain yesterday, interest rates on hold, oh well brother have a great day
I said previously I await the interest raises in Feb/March as predicted, pay attention.

Ofcourse there will be no raises this year especially before xmas, it is a rule of thumb don't push too far or you will create a martyr that has nothing to lose.
This rule applies perfectly to the unsuspecting borrower who thinks they are safe for xmas and ready to spend, while they will be hit hard at the start of next year. Oh well i am in no hurry green tea time!

p.s even the attitute in my workplace is changing, simply amazing from people that were confident that property is the only way to go and can't lose now complain about investors, rates and the mortgages being rolled over to their kids and grandkids lol simply AMAZING! oh well ho ho ho

Supreme Komendant
those pesky unreported results??? well as usual they were not sales!!

but we all knew that

so the actual result for lst weekend for melbourne was 56%

this weekend they will run the same lies, on sunday they will report 60% and monday again 60%..

i wonder if the actual clearance rate will be 56% next week? i am tipping a far lower number.

i saw heaps of latte drinking developas sittin there all week in those cafes..

they are still smiling as the median prices are still rocketing for them..

banks are lending as recklessly as ever.. they love those bubbles.. the bigger the better.. they and the developas think the guvment will bail them when it all hits the fan..
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