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ps a hint for those with a keen eye on house prices...
there will be a steady flow of immigrants to regional centres, cause the housing is cheaper out there....


The flow will be alot more like a trickle....immigrants stick together and like city's, some students will go to the country side to pick fruit etc but will head back to the city's at the first opportunity...immigrants rent or pay crazy prices for new units, there are unit blocks in parts of Sydney with over 80% Chinese occupancy.
Politicians understand exponential growth. That's why they don't index income tax brackets.

We need new sources of energy to support our growth rate before we hit the wall with non-renewables.
We need new sources of energy to support our growth rate before we hit the wall with non-renewables.

Yes but many other resources are also finite... so carrying capacity is? The "Club of Rome" came up with 2B sustainable...????! That was passed a while ago... are we in over reach or is the sustainable number yet to be reached? Will our technology triumph or will we hit the wall???

gidday Kincella, man you got the best of both worlds though bro, city country city country city country, oh i dont know

before you dig up the turf, have a think about planting ground cover in a portion of the lawn

reduce the work in mowing, still helping get rid of CO2 and great for the birds and insects, colour, natives are very popular now and many tenants are also passionate about the garden

plant trees everywhere

associate professor robots

Markets are driven number one by sentiment,, which after a bit of a story boils down to greed. Everyone one wants their peice, and as those that came before him, so he should have it.

So whether we have passed it or not probably makes little difference now. The Indians and the Chineses all want a home, and as our esteemed Robots would say "so they should too" and to go with it a car each as well.

Just lets party brothers, as tomorrow if it comes will be another day.
I fear a different, non market outcome... but this is not the thread for it.

gidday everyone, great day

well i happened to come across the same sex rally in Melbourne again today, amazing, there was a very happy vibe

i was still a bit cautious though when i got to the socialist crew table after they bashed me last time for mentioning plenty of affordable places around and Aus is different

but made it home in one piece on the pushie, oh well

just a reminder 7.30pm log on for the auction clearance results

professor robots
Gay couples normally blitz affordability... LOL, I remember friends being criticized for the heinous crime of buying in Paddo and doing their place up to the hilt back when the first wave of gentrification was in full swing. Two professionals no kids... not uncommon but not typically your battlers, often business owners often smart operators while I am busy with stereotypes... LOL.

How do you define a bubble? General question... it normally meets with some interesting answers.
What are we looking at in terms of rental yield these days? I mean your experience, not the official numbers.

check out

am i allowed to go to the toilet yet?

professor robots
Dropped any gold bars yet robots? Talk about the goose that laid the golden egg ! Keep on trucking Mr Bots. You da man !
Hmmmm... well thanks for the obvious, but we are still left approximating yield as we are not certain of the property values. Which is why I asked for peoples current experience, their real YIELD % .... you know backing out costs etc.

yes, go to the open for inspections, get the vendors statements, check out the costs

see what the rent is, see what the return is for money put up, work it all out

if you dont like it dont buy, simple really

do any of the bloggers from the bucketshop forums actually do any research? amazing

professor robots
Hmmmm again with the attempts to belittle.

So I am left to assume you don't know your numbers... if indeed you actually are what you say you are.

It's a passing interest at this point I am hardly going to "go to the open for inspections, get the vendors statements, check out the costs" as I have no intention of becoming a landlord anytime soon.

Now folks wouldn't you expect that a truly decent property investor would say... hmmm yes I get x% or I aim for a minimum of y% depending of things like say the potential I think the property has for capital gain etc etc.

Not like I am asking for specifics like the value of your holdings now is it?


here it is again for you, assume what you like

you have no intention of becoming a landlord

professor robots
So that makes a question to a supposed "real estate investor" invalid? Maybe you'd surprise me, maybe you would get me thinking "hmmm I might take another look at this", at worst maybe you would encourage someone else to look at it. But no.... low content attitude is what comes back. Why? Feeling insecure about your investment religion?

I must say that you have an adversarial outlook considering the little I have actually said about where I think prices are going. My appraisal has been simply that I think the odds favour the bears. Even the esteemed Mr Spotter concurs with that although maybe we would probably differ on degree. That I am still trying to come to terms with.

Its kinda hard to take you seriously given your responses. You claim I am from a bucket forum (what ever you think that is?) yet the most meaningful thing you post is a clearance rate, which really is not that informative without supporting data, and its something we can all look up easily.... unlike a real bonafide RE investors real net yield.
Lets do some simple sums as robots has suggested,

Starting with investment grade inner city (within 10k melb. CBD radius) small single front house on it's own block, prices for this type of property range from about 700K to 1200K, income from same seems to range between 350-550 PW.

Taking the midpoint of both, ((450*52)/950000)*100=2.46% not including property purchase expenses/financing interest/property management fees/missed rent/damage/appliance breakdowns/legal fees associated with bad tenants and whatever else I've missed.

The figures I came up with was from a quick scan on real estate dot com, the figures don't really stack up, how do you guys do the math ?

no worries, thanks for your thoughts

dont take things personally its just discussion and debate that will go on for centuries

professor robots
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