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"The End" of the US Stock Market Boom

Just finished reading it then. Great stuff.

My biggest take from it was how management have passed on risk to shareholders, while they happily take their bonuses. It only re-inforces my view that i want to get into upper level management... if capitalism as we know it is still around by then

Or maybe its payback time. Assassination, sell the children, seize their assets, run over their dog, etc. All that sort of stuff. The reaper will take his toll.
The end of the US & global capitalism as we know it? The illusion of wealth is perpetrated by the increase in unrestrained credit/money. The money is now vaporising because it's based on never really existed in the first place, at least that amount over and above what could be created into existance by honest productivity? Simple?

The end (of the downturn) will be when people are employed to build homes according to the ability to pay for them ie to live within their means. The good thing about Australia is that we, supposedly, don't have a suplus of homes to get rid of, unlike the rest of world, so our recovery will be construction lead?

Thing is, you gotta deal with 'Joe average' lower-middle class shareholders who complain about anything/everything.

"Why isnt the price going up?"
"Why did you take a holiday in the Caribbean for 1week? you should have been working"
"Why do you get a big fat bonus?"

I'm quite happy staying out of shares and making my money through futures and/or foreign exchange. And if I start a company, it will be a partnership.

So true. Dodgy accounting practices is the real cause of all this.
The really scary part? Real wealth (IMO) is based on tangible resources. Fertile soils, adequate water, renewable forests, accessible mineral resources and above all a kind climate. Being on dry land also helps.

All the evidence to date is saying that we are overusing all the natural resources and causing a climate change phenomenon which will make most of the planet too hot to sustain the societies we currently have. If there is a question about the End of the stock market it needs to relate to the factors of production that go into every element of our producer society.
Or maybe its payback time. Assassination, sell the children, seize their assets, run over their dog, etc. All that sort of stuff. The reaper will take his toll.

"Merrill Lynch paid billions in bonuses before bailout
Merrill Lynch, the loss-making Wall Street bank, paid its staff billions of dollars in bonuses even as it prepared to be taken over by the US government-backed Bank of America. ........"

OK, so John Thain has just elected himself to the top of the list.
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