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The Australian citizenship test!

There are 20 questions in actual test, and you have to correctly answer at least 15 questions, which is 75% score to pass. Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond booklet published by Department of Immigration and Citizenship is the only source to prepare for test, including few sample test. There are also few websites you can practice and boost confidence, websites provide free sample test and huge questions bank to practice. / is one of them giving opportunity to practice free sample questions, with recommendation, assessment and huge questions bank to practice.

that website looks fishy
wouldn't a Government website provide that kind of "education" for free?

PS: I used Timmy's link and also scored 19/20
Was too parochial and made our "Lord" John Forrest the first PM.
I used Timmy's link too and also got 19/20. I got the floral emblem wrong as I had seen the waratah when scanning through the thread for an active link to the questions, the power of suggestion! I would have got it right had I thought about it though, thanks to a certain poem by and English poetess ;)
that website looks fishy

Ya thinks...

Most of the members of parliament is belong to political parties. Some members are not belong to any political party, and they are called

Pidgeon English, nice! You b'long me.

Why Opera House and Harbour Bridge are famous all over the world?


Harbour Bridge & Opera House are most famous architectural structure in the world

Because it is in Sydney

They are national icon of the Australia

Because people and media advertise them all over world

Why I laff?

Which of following is correct?
Australia is a monarchy

Australia is a Democracy

Australia is socialistic country

Australia is a dictatorship country

This one told me I was wrong for saying Australia is a monarchy...:D

Which continents have only one nation?

New Zealand




I thought this was a trick question, so I ticked Fiji.:banghead:
I used Timmy's link too and also got 19/20. I got the floral emblem wrong as I had seen the waratah when scanning through the thread for an active link to the questions, the power of suggestion! I would have got it right had I thought about it though, thanks to a certain poem by and English poetess ;)

ahh, is that where the paint makers get their punchline from?
"Wattyl they think of next?"

but seriously: has that test ever been put into practice? Or was it defeated like the earlier one, where Johnny H wanted new citizens to know the Don and be able to recite the Man from Snowy River?
I'm ashamed to say I did not know our first PM, thought we had 1M more people than we have, and got one of the others wrong that I can't remember. Can I still be an Aussie with 17/20?
I'm ashamed to say I did not know our first PM, thought we had 1M more people than we have, and got one of the others wrong that I can't remember. Can I still be an Aussie with 17/20?

Don't fret about the 21M, DocK; the answers were correct in 2007; meanwhile, with all the boats arriving, we're already well over 22M. And if you can remember Miss Perfect, Mischa B, you'll never forget the name of our first PM (except I thought he'd been the second - d'oh!)
Don't fret about the 21M, DocK; the answers were correct in 2007; meanwhile, with all the boats arriving, we're already well over 22M. And if you can remember Miss Perfect, Mischa B, you'll never forget the name of our first PM (except I thought he'd been the second - d'oh!)

I guessed 18.5million (though I did include all the best aussies in my estimate)
Thought Ben Chifley was the first PM and thought I knew some of the national anthem.

Also, I cannot tell the difference between Federal and Commonwealth.

I should be deported! :p:
Don't fret about the 21M, DocK; the answers were correct in 2007; meanwhile, with all the boats arriving, we're already well over 22M. And if you can remember Miss Perfect, Mischa B, you'll never forget the name of our first PM (except I thought he'd been the second - d'oh!)

Oh good news on the population then as I thought about 22M - elevates me to 18/20 so I guess I can stay. I daresay as I'm a middle-aged woman the delightful Mischa Barton holds a little less power to enshrine her name forever in my brain, than perhaps in yours;) I'll do better if I remember that one of my favourite Aussie poets is named for him (I assume). Burglar, I also answered Chifley, although I must admit he was the only really early one I could think of. Actually, I've decided to award myself bonus points for answering the question re our Gov General with her name - I think that's only fair!