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The Australian citizenship test!


Beware of Dropbears
12 October 2006
Fancy doing the proposed Immigration test ?

I just did it got 19 out of 20 correct, of all things i could of got wrong I got the date of Australia day wrong

Good-Luck, post result below if you like
19/20... I got our national flower wrong...Damn my lack of horticultural experience..
Ahhhhh!!!!! only 19/20; Couldn't get my head around the difference between "head of guvmnt" and "head of state". When will they come for me????. I have an Aussie passport, honest. Its not a fake, no-one would intentionally plant a photo that bad in their passport.
Is there a bit of censorship going on here?

This not on the smh, but is one of the top stories on

edit: ooops, it is there, but it looked like a story about Don Bradman.
19/20 got the national flower wrong - I thought wattle would be too obvious

they should have put in this question:

What is the difference between a Bogan and a Westie?

I've got 20/20, and I'm a migrant myself.
I'm not really sure if having such a test is a good idea, but if I can get 100% without studying, then it's definitely not asking for too much from any potential immigrants.
i thought this one was a trick question...

12. Who do Members of Parliament represent?

Australian businesses
The people of their electorate
Their local footy club

But besides that... all good!
Does test have 20 questions, or there are 200 questions and there are 20 randomly picked for every candidate?
i thought this one was a trick question...

12. Who do Members of Parliament represent?

Australian businesses
The people of their electorate
Their local footy club

But besides that... all good!
I had to tell a white lie to get that one right. The test is better than I had expected it to be and anyone expecting Aussie cits should expect to have to pass it.
I got seventeen out of twenty I thought I would've failed cos I don't know Australian History from a hole in the wall. I guess that's what makes me Australian Y'know going through schools that don't teach anything about it
18/20 - what do I know anyway, was born in Africa. Ask me about the great, green, greasy Limpopo River, all covered with fever trees. Then I'll know everything.
i thought this one was a trick question...

12. Who do Members of Parliament represent?

Australian businesses
The people of their electorate
Their local footy club

But besides that... all good!

Damn I was tempted to put the real answer down.

You only have to get 12/20 right to pass? You could just about guess that many based on common sense. On that basis, it seems like a total waste of time.
too true.
Read this on SMH thismorning and they listed them but didnt show the options (that I saw anyway). And at that point I thought I would fail miserably.

However with multiple choice, I got 17/20. Better than I thought - I know absolutely NOTHING about government which is half of it, but I guessed them.
Id say take away the multple choice options!...but then Id fail.. and I was born in and raised in Aus...
You only have to get 12/20 right to pass? You could just about guess that many based on common sense. On that basis, it seems like a total waste of time.
Did the test and was lucky to get 20. I'm a bit cynical about the test as I reckon its just more government paperwork. A fun, but useless test just the same.
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