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The Albanese government

Who is going to be the first to try and knife Airbus next year?

  • Marles

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Chalmers

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Wong

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Plibersek

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Shorten

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Burney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
The appointment of Sam Mostyn, a more politcial pick for Governor General than has been since Bill Hayden, is back in the news for the massive pay rise given to the incoming GG.
The Albanese government has justified the generous salary increase – representing a 43 per cent rise on the compensation former army general David Hurley received – because Ms Mostyn will not receive the same military pension as he did, resulting in the remunerations being “adjusted accordingly”.
Its going to be made more difficult for Albanese to justify it when you look at what has occurred in the past when the GG was given a pay rise.
I have no doubt coalition members will playing this clip for amusement.

This is the problem IMO, when Hawke and Keating dropped real wages, there was also a floating of the dollar which made our wages more competitive.

Also there was a reduction in tariffs on imported goods, which gutted out inefficient businesses and resulted in improved productivity.

Then we made kids stay at school and go to university, to get degrees in anything, but it kept them off the unemployment queue and gave them a debt when they finished.

Now we have a situation, where we are importing people who left school at 15 years old and did a trade in other countries.

So that they can build houses for us, because we are the clever country.

Now we have no wriggle room, it is one almighty mess IMO.

Now we are trying to screw more out of those who have a mortgage and screwing more out of rents, because we really don't have many other growth industries.

Sad really, I wonder when the stopping of rental assistance and home stimulus, will make the whole lot fall in a heap?

its a nowonder they at least charging for universities at least

The Gender Studies major offers you a unique interdisciplinary perspective on how gender shapes both formal knowledge and everyday experience. It encourages you to think beyond common-sense ideas about what it means to be male or female, and to recognise instead the many different ways that people embody and experience gender. The study of gender is one of the most intellectually challenging and socially important areas of enquiry in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The question is, does it give them a job in what they have paid for?
no doubt there is room in the government sector that has been created for them to help fit the clown world narrative
Not for 50% of students, that's how many go to uni now apparently, it is definitely the clown world.
We used to employ apprentices to build social housing, now we import tradesmen to build it, while we give our kids worthless degrees so they can qualify for the social housing because they are unemployed.
Something has certainly gone wrong.
This is interesting, that the Government finds it strange that people are ostracized for being different, there are a lot of colonisers feel the same way.
Picking winners and apportioning blame, is problematic IMO

Anthony Albanese says “shocking” ignorance of antisemitism has torn at Australia’s social fabric and caused Jewish children to fear wearing their school uniforms as he unveiled Australia’s first envoy to combat discrimination towards Jews.
Eminent lawyer and businesswoman Jillian Segal will use her position to speak to international counterparts at an antisemitism conference in Argentina next week, winning praise from the Coalition and teal MPs Allegra Spender and Zoe Daniel, who backed Albanese’s appointment.
Another tokenist position on the taxpayer's teat.

Don't we already have anti villification legislation that can be used instead of creating more bureaucracy?

Announce an appointment and the problem will go away, sheesh!

Cannot see the article, Hawke and Keating tried to connect wages to productivity growth to have a share of the profits which worked wages grew by 8% while US wages had no growth Keating pointed this out saying the US Democrats should hang their heads in shame.

I always thought it was further proof the Democrats are not left, certainly are not now.

Any way along came Howard and got rid of that and gave us Non Work Choices... here we are.
Jeez let's get some honesty back into the story @IFocus , you always slip back into bad habits of rewriting history.
Howard was voted in March 1996 - Dec 2007 see bottom two charts, the drop in 2001 was the dot com bubble bursting.
Hawke /Keating were in from Oct 1980 - until Howard took over in 1996, see bottom chart, wages were screwed.

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You proved my point note Hawke / Keating coped a recession hence the rundown, wages took off after that which set Howard up, during Howards run he coped not a recession but a massive boom.

During which he decouple productivity / wages successfully robbing workers of even high returns.

Covid and the Coalition crushed wages only to be partly rescued by Labor, I don't think Labor have been aggressive enough.

Remembering you and others here slamming wages growth encouraged by Labor because it added to inflation while ignoring rising prices on the supply side.

The following shows pretty clearly the Coalition government years

No if you remember correctly Keating handed the recession we had to have to Howard.

Wages were run behind inflation by Hawke and Keating, as is happening at the moment.

Howard brought in the GST along with tax cuts, which stimulated productivity gains.

Wages were stagnant for 14 years under Hawke Keating which started the rapid decline in union membership as workers became disenfranchised with Labor.

Also by the time Keating left office tariffs had been reduced to 5%, which sent most of Australian manufacturing either broke or offshore.

If you look at the bottom chart the fall in wages under Hawke/Keating started in 1984, they were in office from 1980, therefore to say the drop was due to inherriting a recession is nonsense, it was the wages accord, which reduced real wages.
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And the price for that has now hit dramatically.
Ols saying: "use it, or lose it" Certainly has been lost, manufacturing that is.

Nope read the charts I posted.
Nope read the charts I posted.
Nothing on there argues with the charts I posted regarding real wages, which is a reflection of buying power that the worker has.

Productivity improvements by dropping the buying power of the wage earner, isn't really a reflection of an improvement for the worker, only an improvement for the employer.

maybe you could post what you are trying to portray?

I don't disagree that Hawke/Keating improved Australia's financial position, I argue that it didn't actually improved the situation of the worker.

Same as the issue ATM, Albo doesn't have a lot of options other than inflate away the debt, it doesn't mean as a whole the worker is better off, because the debt isn't the only issue, housing, immigration and the power system will have a far greater impact on the future than a reduction in current purchasing power on groceries.

How that pans out over time will be what they are judged on.
Simple problem the Coalition have as prime examples is removing penalty rates for the lowest paid, then there is the Coalitions ardent objection to every single minimum wage rise ever.

The Coalition has continually formed policies to undermine conditions and wages for cheap labor.

Howard and Costello were classic examples as Keating pointed out they were just a couple of mugs that got lucky.

And TBH I dont think Labor have covered themselves in glory either but head and shoulders in effort above the Coalition.
Simple problem the Coalition have as prime examples is removing penalty rates for the lowest paid, then there is the Coalitions ardent objection to every single minimum wage rise ever.
I have a daughter with disabilities and punches well above her weight, had to have children through IVF, due to disabilities, Julia Gillard removed single parent pension from her when her oldest son turned 8, she struggled so f$%ck don't make me angry.
He is now 14 and her youngest son is 9, that has been overturned by Albo (who I voted for) but don't try to ram the moral FCkn high ground down my FCHN throat, FFS she would have been on more with disability payments, at least she would have had payments from 8-14 for the oldest boy.
But she did get penalty rates, WOW , it's a shame she couldn't do penalty hours because she had two kids at home, OMG
As I keep saying picking winning issues is a race to the bottom, who is the biggest ar$hole Govt, both qualify IMO.
Unfortunately you are a bit like the Christian Brothers IMO.

The Coalition has continually formed policies to undermine conditions and wages for cheap labor.
Both do it it only one party get held to account, because off blind belief in cult mentality, as in yourself.
Gough and Hawke /Keating dropped the tariffs on imported goods, to make our products competitive FFS, with 3rd world products, don't you think that was undermining wages and conditions? Maybe give up the hooch your smoking.
Funnily enough Fraser, who was more hated than Hawke by the workers, when you read up on history tried to increase the tariffs to save Australian jobs, which is weird because he was the one who said "life wasn't meant to be easy", but he was another smug turd, would have fitted right into the left these days. LOL
Howard and Costello were classic examples as Keating pointed out they were just a couple of mugs that got lucky.
Keating was and is a piece of work, only surpassed by Hawke who I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet and reminded me of my father who also had a nasty little man complex. Keating as with most other labor leaders have offloaded their partners, guess i shouldn't be personal, but it seems to be ok in your world, you don't have any problems criticising all and sundry.

And TBH I dont think Labor have covered themselves in glory either but head and shoulders in effort above the Coalition.
Well I have to agree with the current crop Labor are ahead, but it is a fCkn low bar.

MY rant, but I have lived through hard times and know what it takes to survive hard times and it isn't smug rich people telling poor people how well they are doing.
FCKn trust me.
This is exactly why it is all turning to manure for the left, gratuitous benevolence by smug rich pricks, being condescending to the struggling who are just trying to manage.
It ain't going to end well.
maybe now you can put me on ignore.
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Think you need to take a bex and have a lay down.
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