Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

So Tony is both a communist AND a Fascist, both extreme right wing and extreme left wing?

That guy is emblematic of the whole GetUp mentality - retarded malcontents.
I also note in the other image that that particular group was not too keen on democracy, something Stalin and Hitler had in common.
So Tony is both a communist AND a Fascist, both extreme right wing and extreme left wing?

That guy is emblematic of the whole GetUp mentality - retarded malcontents.

And don't forget Bill Shorten is a member of GET UP
For the record, I'm also a member.

Not that I've been to any of their protests, but being a member costs nothing and means I know what they're up to. :2twocents

One young girl on QandA last night said very clearly she was paid to go to the protest...she did not elaborate on how much or who paid her......No wonder they got a good roll up....some people will do anything for money

Anyway what was the protest about?

All I could observe was rude and crude banners and T shirts....I noted one T shirt with F*** Abbott....If that had been F*** Gillard or F*** Shorten there would have been hell to play...I really cannot see rhyme nor reason for that kind of behaviour.

Those people obviously do not believe in democracy.....they have to take some lessons some time that in a democracy the majority normally rules....use their protest at the ballot box.

Unfortunately in South Australia, the Liberals gained 53% indicating the voters wanted a change of government. But thanks to the Gerrymander in South Australia it can not happen....The same thing has kept Labor in power for 12 if the people in South Australia want a change of government, the Liberals will have to gain 54%.

I know you will tell me it happened to poor old Kim Beasley when he lost to Howard with 51% but that was Federal.and spread over a wider area...I am also old enough to remember the gerrymander that went on Joe's time in Queensland....but the new electoral commission later took care of that and since then it has been fair voting in Queensland.
The voting disparity in SA is not due to gerrymander.Every four years the electoral commission rewrites the boundaries to make the seats more equal in population.
The difference comes with SA being a city-state.The city seats are hotly contested with most having only a small percentage difference in the two-party preferred.However, some country electorates vote overwhelmingly for the Liberals,sometimes over four to one or more.This is where the disparity comes in.
The electoral commission has found this difference in voting patterns hard to counter,without skewing the geographical boundaries completely.
If you want to know what a gerrymander is, or was, look to Qld with old Jo ,and the Labor party in Qld before that.That was accepted behaviour in Qld,and in SA when Tom Playford was the long time Premier.
Country electorates always had fewer voters than city electorates.
For the record, I'm also a member.

Not that I've been to any of their protests, but being a member costs nothing and means I know what they're up to. :2twocents

Like all GetUp supporters you are probably just following your "compassionate heart".

I think we know what bastardry they are up to without being a member.

THE compassionate heart of the country seemed just a tad menacing at their rallies.

Greens MP Adam Bandt tweets, yesterday:

THE compassionate, humane & generous heart of this country beats strong, as ... (the) March in March gathering showed.

Banner at March in March, Sunday:

TO save the world, I vote for retroactive abortion on Tony Abbott.

Banner at March in March, Sunday:

#KILL Abbott pozible campaign?
I wonder where the Liberal party donation for this came from........

Financial victims unite to fight plans to water down consumer protection

Victims who lost billions in the collapse of financial advice firms such as Storm Financial are joining consumer groups, superannuant and seniors associations and industry superannuation funds in an angry backlash against the government’s plan to wind back new consumer protection laws

I just love this bit

But Tony Abbott said on Monday the former Labor government’s legal protection laws – which his government is seeking to water down – were “a classic case of regulatory overkill” because it was already an “ethical given” that professional advisers would take into account the best interests of their clients.

Ultra left wing group (Commo's) Choice joins the action (What would they know)

The consumer group Choice, which is organising a campaign against the proposed reforms, wrote to all senators on Tuesday asking them to oppose the legislation and vote to disallow the regulations.

Who made this up..............I am sure Arthur is straight all Liberals are.

The regulations are being proposed by the assistant treasurer, Arthur Sinodinos, who is under pressure over his involvement with a company linked to the disgraced New South Wales Labor figure Eddie Obeid, which is under investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
“a classic case of regulatory overkill” because it was already an “ethical given” that professional advisers would take into account the best interests of their clients.

What a pity ethics is not compulsory in the financial advice industry.
I wonder where the Liberal party donation for this came from........

Financial victims unite to fight plans to water down consumer protection

I just love this bit

Ultra left wing group (Commo's) Choice joins the action (What would they know)

Who made this up..............I am sure Arthur is straight all Liberals are.

Can you summarise the post, to make sense, unusual post from you IFocus.
Can you summarise the post, to make sense, unusual post from you IFocus.

My insinuations are the financial sector threw a heap of money at the Liberal Party now its pay back time.

Honest Arthur was a high flyer in the Liberal party machine possibly one of those faceless cashiers.

Even Choice thinks its a very bad idea which clearly means they are Commo's (name given to anyone opposing Liberal Party corrupt practices).

Think that covers it
Tony Abbott demolishing Bill Shorten and Labor on the mining tax,"

This is by vast bulk of it's foreign ownership 'The Mining Industry' demolishing The Australian Communities interests.
Buried in the blather, Abbott alludes to his government 'doing justice' to the Audit commissions report on the Henry Tax revenue.
We can only hope so. Which by extension would demand a bigger tax take than the current arrangement . 'enter Mitch Hooke or by crook'
A little light history on Labor's mining tax.

Ken Henry's version was announced as government policy without significant industry consultation and problems quickly emerged. One in particular was how markets would value tax credits on losses. It this tax proposal that brought Kevin Rudd's first prime ministership to the bitter end that we all remember in 2010.

Julia Gillard's version and associated spending was an electoral fix in a rush to the polls after deposing Kevin Rudd. It's raised much less revenue than forecast and combined with the associated spending has had a significant net negative impact on the budget.

Clearly an outstanding success, Labor style.
A little light history on Labor's mining tax.

Clearly an outstanding success, Labor style.

I'd rate it poorly, a lost opportunity, a failure of government.
Just like the middle class welfare structural deficit debacle left by the 'Happy Days will never end' Howard/Costello beer and skittles pork barrel the plebs brigade.

As I say though, I look forward to a little more enlightened future history on a Liberal Mining Tax.

I'll ask you to direct your next comments to the 'Science Minister'
A little light history on Labor's mining tax.

Ken Henry's version was announced as government policy without significant industry consultation and problems quickly emerged. One in particular was how markets would value tax credits on losses. It this tax proposal that brought Kevin Rudd's first prime ministership to the bitter end that we all remember in 2010.

Julia Gillard's version and associated spending was an electoral fix in a rush to the polls after deposing Kevin Rudd. It's raised much less revenue than forecast and combined with the associated spending has had a significant net negative impact on the budget.

Clearly an outstanding success, Labor style.

But Doc to make matters worse, the $6 billion Labor said they would raise from the mining tax has been spent and committed long before the money came in.

No wuckin forries...the Abbott Government now has the worry of Labors botched tax which has cost more to administer than it has raised.
But Doc to make matters worse, the $6 billion Labor said they would raise from the mining tax has been spent and committed long before the money came in.

No wuckin forries...the Abbott Government now has the worry of Labors botched tax which has cost more to administer than it has raised.

Abbott help create the issues backed the spending (populous opposition) and opposed the mining tax as Gina didn't have enough zillions and Rudd botched the implementation.

Your grand kids will have less for education and health care as a result.

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