Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government


The conclusion I've reached with what you post on politics is that it's largely crap and hence not worthy of response.

But you just can't resist anyway, eh! ;)

You're entitled to your opinion, but you remind me of...

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
― Mark Twain​

Like him or loathe him, Rudd has been one of the most popular politicians for a long time. As the saying goes, ignore that at your own peril!

Do you not see Hawkers book as a continuation of his strategy to rid rudd of being the scape goat for the Gillard, shorten and backroom deals episode and resuscitate his political life?

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.​

The conclusion I've reached with what you post on politics is that it's largely crap and hence not worthy of response.

+1 Doc.

The voters have spoken loud and clear on the 7th September 2013 and the lefties still won't accept it......Very bad losers.

The majority love Abbott, Abbott, Abbott.
The bank deposit levy Labor proposed is not on the list of 18 tax measures the Coalition are keeping, the 3 they are modifying or the 7 they are not proceeding with.

As for the remaining 64, there's an encouraging sign,

Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos, with assistance from the Board of Taxation will undertake consultation with tax experts, including a number drawn from the Board's advisory panel over the next two weeks with a disposition not to proceed with the remaining 64 measures.
+1 Doc.

The voters have spoken loud and clear on the 7th September 2013 and the lefties still won't accept it......Very bad losers.

The majority love Abbott, Abbott, Abbott.

What majority?

If you look at the first preference results Labor actually came out on top with 33% just ahead of the libs.

But the critical point is of the first preference Abbott's libs only got about 1/3rd of the votes Labor lost and not much better after preferences.

They won government with (if you accumulate all the coalition members) abt 45% of the first preference... Still not a majority!

If you can't see the fragility of Abbotts win (in terms of the national vote) and the stupidity of thumbing your nose at THE MAJORITY... then you deserve to get tossed out.

Hence, my fear that Abbott has overrated his electoral support and taken his tenure for granted, as much as some on this forum and completely underestimates his opponents potential to regroup and or the electorate to deal with his going overboard to steal credit for 'good' things they did not do and spiel Labor with all the bad things.

The bank deposit levy Labor proposed is not on the list of 18 tax measures the Coalition are keeping, the 3 they are modifying or the 7 they are not proceeding with.

As for the remaining 64, there's an encouraging sign,

Certainly needed cleaning up, but Mr Hockey is not doing his prospects of longetivity in office any favors by implying that he had inherited 96 tax and superannuation changes that were announced but not legislated... implying it was all Labors legacy of laziness that has left taxpayers confused... when in fact some go back to 2001 and 'the Howard government.

Some, including one aimed at stopping multinationals shifting profits overseas, which reportedly will be watered down, at a cost of $700 million... has potential to come back to bite them in the context of his catch cry 'Aus is open for business again' and decisions re opening us up to more foreign investment and foreign ownership of major infrastructure like Graincorp. If more Lib politicians don't revolt to join the Nationals on this issue, their voters likely will.


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The problem with Abbot and co is they are going overboard to steal credit for 'good' things they did not do and spiel Labor with all the bad things.

I suppose this is something they finally learned from Labour. ;)
The conclusion I've reached with what you post on politics is that it's largely crap and hence not worthy of response.

+2 :xyxthumbs Whiskers your living in a different dimension lol :screwy:
The media are completely lost now that Labor are gone, they have nothing to talk about , the big story now is an Australian girl found wandering around in Ireland.
The media are completely lost now that Labor are gone, they have nothing to talk about , the big story now is an Australian girl found wandering around in Ireland.

Yes, it's great to read Laurie Oakes blubbering about the government not feeding him, what a laugh.

Now Labors not there, feeding reporters like chooks, they are having to get of their ar$es and earn a living.
All I can say is, it's about time.
IMO the SMH and the Age were looking like a government funded propoganda unit, under the last government.
It will be great if they can overcome their obvious affiliations and give some decent coverage.
I suppose this is something they finally learned from Labour. ;)

Not sure who learned it from whom... BUT not coming clean with the electorate on policy agenda and or detail and telling fibs has led to the downfall of many a politician. Howard's workchoices, Gillards Carbon Tax and Rudds... well maybe Rudd didn't suffer so much from lies as he did from knives in the back and poor decision making.

It's one thing that Abbott made a big fuss about and the expectation is for him to set a higher moral standard. That's my beef with him... and that a few dumb fibs for cheap political points will likely be his ruination and the coalition government with him.

“Distance lends enchantment to the view.”
― Mark Twain​

It's a good thing to step back to check the bigger picture now and then.

Abbott did a good job a getting up in Labors face while still remaining a small target himself during the election campaign.

The problem now is he has withdrawn too much within his closed door government and allowing not only the media, but wider public to step back and get a better view of a not so 'good' look. You can spin that to a good sign if you are a strident supporter or just happy to live in ignorant bliss...

+2 :xyxthumbs Whiskers your living in a different dimension lol :screwy:

Yep, I don't deny I'm living in a different dimension to many of you guys. :p:

I did warn about the resurgence of Rudd for PM as soon as he was tossed by Gillard, when sooo many were writing him off... based on a psychoanalysis as opposed to the emotional version that so many people draw false comfort from.

The one thing I do know is some people dwell in the front end of the paradigm shift and some of those have the ability to see ahead of the paradigm shift... a tendancy to be more perceptive.

“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.”
― John Lubbock​

On the other hand the majority are just happy to go with the flow and ride with the trend in the middle of the paradigm shift... a tendency to be more reflective, looking back to check that they conform.

“Often it isn't the mountains ahead that wear you out, it's the little pebble in your shoe.”
― Muhammad Ali​

It's the little things that are going wrong for Abbott already that cumulatively run the risk of stalling his momentum before he gets to the big policy stuff. Remember he still has a hostile senate preventing key policy legislation for another seven months and even then the new senate is not assured of cooperating well.

Remembering that if as little as 1.5% of his first preference voters desert him (even if only in the weekly/monthly polls), regardless of whether they go to PUP or back to labor, the Coalition government will have a lot of difficulty passing any legislation not the least of which, the abolition of the Carbon Tax.

The big ticket item that most of us expect him to deliver on is the abolition of Gillards carbon tax. Apart from the problems passing the legislation, the public statements from industry that they doubt much if any at all of the price rises will be unwound.

Abbott and some industries and local governments etc made a lot of noise attributing at least 7 to 9% price rises and the Australian Industry group claim increased costs of 14% as a result of the carbon tax.

If you think the voting public will tolerate a fraction or no refunds of those price increases with the abolition of the carbon tax you desperately need a new political analyst. Abbott really needs to deliver on those price cuts to maintain his integrity.

PS: Hello Julia and Calliope. Good to see you continuing to read and learn another perspective. Stick with it, it sometimes takes time to get over past prejudices and intolerances :)

Just for you guys...

“I don't know why I felt so closed and bitter and threatened by the things I did not like.”
― Peter Cameron, Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You​
The syndrome "God Complex" springs to mind = Rudd and Whiskers ;) also the word narcissism is in the mix. :2twocents

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh goes the media :cry:

But Mr Hockey told ABC Radio on Thursday that Mr Abbott's performance should not be judged by his media activities.

"Given the last few years, I don't think the success or failure of a prime minister should be based on the number of media appearances they make," the Treasurer said.

When asked what Mr Abbott was doing, Mr Hockey replied: "Well, he's ringing up his Treasurer every day. We've spent all day Monday in cabinet meetings ... I can tell you he's been flat out.

"As prime minister you've got to run the country with your cabinet and that's what we're all doing. We've got our heads down and we're going through all the challenges."

Finally we have a government hell bent on governing and not feeding the press gallery tid bits of irrelevant snot.
+4. And not only on politics.:)
Whiskers doesn't seem to have noticed that previously active posters have simply dropped out, in recognition of the futility of attempting any constructive discussion.

The penny might drop when Whiskers is left just talking to himself.
Whiskers doesn't seem to have noticed that previously active posters have simply dropped out, in recognition of the futility of attempting any constructive discussion.

The penny might drop when Whiskers is left just talking to himself.

In defence of Whiskers, this forum is not the exclusive domain of those that only kiss Tony Abbott's a*se*.
The syndrome "God Complex" springs to mind = Rudd and Whiskers ;) also the word narcissism is in the mix. :2twocents

Nah, none of that TS... just doing better research than some who are still blind sighted by the election win with their eyes stuck in the rear vision mirror when it comes to the changing dynamics of the electorate landscape. I give myself a muted pat on the back occasionally just to remind people that I do have the courage to stand behind my predictions and not just barack from the sideline for their favourite team.

Finally we have a government hell bent on governing and not feeding the press gallery tid bits of irrelevant snot.

But that's all they are giving out, tid bits! ;)

Labor regularly served up the whole damn smorgasbord.

Unfortunately though, some of the bits that are leaking from behind closed doors worryingly suggests there is a fair bit of 'snot', as in undesirable festering infectious waste, building up back there.

There is the still unclear Indonesian spying scandal with whatever ramifications of that and the Nats along with some of their own ranks speaking out against foreign investment and takeover issues... just to remind those who are still wearing their rose coloured glasses it not all Hunky-dory back there.

Whiskers doesn't seem to have noticed that previously active posters have simply dropped out, in recognition of the futility of attempting any constructive discussion.

I'm providing plenty of material for discussion... as distinct from plain derogatory comments and abuse for having a different opinion.

The penny might drop when Whiskers is left just talking to himself.

But I'm not alone... you continue to confirm I'm not alone... and keep reading.

So why don't you counter with better research, data or rationale if my point or questions are so wrong?

One's own opinion is fine, but the collective opinion of the electorate is what really matters.
In defence of Whiskers, this forum is not the exclusive domain of those that only kiss Tony Abbott's a*se*.

In defense of the indefensible again I see Macquack. Government is doing well at keeping the press locked out of running the country by NOT turning it into a popularity contest. Bravo to the blue tie brigade I say as they have this great countrys future at heart and NOT to see themselves on the front page of every tabloid and 6 o'clock news program.
Nah, none of that TS... just doing better research than some who are still blind sighted by the election win with their eyes stuck in the rear vision mirror when it comes to the changing dynamics of the electorate landscape. I give myself a muted pat on the back occasionally just to remind people that I do have the courage to stand behind my predictions and not just barack from the sideline for their favourite team.

Mebbe you should read some of the palaver you are writing? You were awake at the steering wheel when Rudd/Gillard/Rudd was in FULL swing right?

[But that's all they are giving out, tid bits! ;)

Labor regularly served up the whole damn smorgasbord.

Unfortunately though, some of the bits that are leaking from behind closed doors worryingly suggests there is a fair bit of 'snot', as in undesirable festering infectious waste, building up back there.

There is the still unclear Indonesian spying scandal with whatever ramifications of that and the Nats along with some of their own ranks speaking out against foreign investment and takeover issues... just to remind those who are still wearing their rose coloured glasses it not all Hunky-dory back there.

Leaking ??? Are you for real ?? What happened to the Labor Party and its leaks ?? There was more water in the boat than underneath it mate !! Negative buoyancy was the culprit.

I'm providing plenty of material for discussion... as distinct from plain derogatory comments and abuse for having a different opinion.

But I'm not alone... you continue to confirm I'm not alone... and keep reading.

So why don't you counter with better research, data or rationale if my point or questions are so wrong?

One's own opinion is fine, but the collective opinion of the electorate is what really matters.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Liberal Government was formed by the collective opinion of the voting people of Australia. And that is what really matters. :xyxthumbs
In defense of the indefensible again I see Macquack. Government is doing well at keeping the press locked out of running the country by NOT turning it into a popularity contest. Bravo to the blue tie brigade I say as they have this great countrys future at heart and NOT to see themselves on the front page of every tabloid and 6 o'clock news program.

Sorry for butting in here Macquack... but I'm learning all the time why some people are a bit bad attituded (if that's a word)... they seem to miss key points like... government is ALWAYS a popularity contest.

Just ask Howard, Rudd and Gillard. I want this gov to succeed in a few things especially removing the Carbon Tax, but if they loose popular support they won't be as effective in swaying others to support them in the senate and run the risk of loosing a double dissolution and changing nothing.
So policy has nothing to do with it and we are voting on a beauty pageant? There you go again Whiskers with your argumentum ad hominems. Do try and aim for the ball and not the player in future. Crack on then shall we?

P.S. Look up the dictionary about the "loose" and "lose" meanings for me will ya ... a small thing but it will improve your quality of discourse when it comes to such matters. :cool:
P.S. Look up the dictionary about the "loose" and "lose" meanings for me will ya ... a small thing but it will improve your quality of discourse when it comes to such matters. :cool:

Enough with the spelling lessons, unless you are perfect yourself.

Going back three posts, "countrys" seems to be missing something?