Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

I was at a function on the weekend.

Mostly lefties/greenies.

You should have heard the comments. All the problems, are TA's fault.

Funny how they 'side-step' issues when pressed too. I've noticed this a lot from the lefties. The most common one, 'illegal immigrants'. Broken borders under the ALP, classic response - "More fly in than come on boat". That's not the point. Border protection was broken under the ALP. They don't see it that way.

I mainly just stayed in the background and drank my beer....
I guess Abbott must be doing something right to have his ratings lifted.

It probably will not make the lefties too happy.

Been there and done that noco... back at post 800 and my analysis at 815.

Although it's only one poll, the fact that it's the same pattern, Labor continues to loose more support than Abbott gains, 2.3 points to 1.4 respectively, for me it spells another labor leadership spill sooner than later. The other number that suggests there will be a grass root Labor revolt is evident in the preferred PM numbers. Shorten got 28%.

Even if you give Shorten a more longer term split of the undecided (25%) along party lines, say half the undecided, 12.5%... guess what, you have about 40%. That's the same number of Labor membership that supported him in the leadership poll. That's a clear enough evidentiary trend for me.

But as it stands at the moment, Abbott has nothing to fear from Labor led by Shorten, and the Aus public and grass root labor might just gain the abolition of the carbon tax before dispensing with him. That would be a significant first step in natural justice for the embattled voting public.​

It's amazing how two (or more) people can look at the same data and see different things.

To feel reassured that Abbott has "his ratings lifted"... is hardly endorsement that "Abbott must be doing something right". From the data pre and continuing trend post election, it's more likely endorsement of the best of a bad bunch... hoping he'd do something right.

While it's clear that Shorten is not going to be a serious threat, it is also evident that Abbott isn't picking up any greater share of the support Labor is loosing... ie the greens and others are stable to slightly revived. That ought to be a concern to Abbott. I'm sure it is and is why he's planning to do quite a build up for the spin to break election promises.

As far as "Abbott must be doing something right"... the abolition of the carbon tax and the vague but 'good' appeal of his slogans to cut the waste and fix the economic crisis hits a pleasant chord with most people. The problem he has is in exposing the detail of that without offending peoples general perception of how he intended to achieve it. That is likely to be his Achilles' heel.

That's when the real test of his personal approval rating, as opposed to preferred PM, will be critical. That would be a typical cue for the PUP to do a bit of grand standing for further support and typically when Rudd or his support base would make their move on the Labor leadership.

Don't forget the expenses rorts and electoral ballot reform are big voter issues, a double edge sword for Abbott, still festering awaiting action.
What's most encouraging about this government it that it is quietly and systematically building the foundations on how it will run the country largely undistracted from the day to day media cycle.

This is a pleasant change from the chaos of Labor in government and on the area of border protection is already delivering fruit. Other results will come with time and it is from there we can pass broader judgement.
What's most encouraging about this government it that it is quietly and systematically building the foundations on how it will run the country

That's exactly what worries me a bit dr... not automatically encouraging.

largely undistracted from the day to day media cycle.

Except when he wants to 'appear' to appear discreetly in the media, as the 'good' citizen and 'good' firey etc.

When one buys a new bull for the herd, it's better to keep him in sight as much as possible until you know he will behave himself and not stray out of his paddock.

Other results will come with time and it is from there we can pass broader judgement.

A good cattle dog is a 'watch and guard' dog and will know when the new bull is leading the herd astray and pre-empt his attempts with a counter warning of a nip on the heels or sharp snap on the nose if it tries to ignore him. No smart cattleman would tolerate a dog that waits for the herd to scatter off the beaten track to the paddock before doing anything.

Likewise your property, if a tradie you didn't really like but was the most appealing available came to your property to do some work and you unwisely left him to work out of sight for too long... and complained bitterly when you found later he stole your family 'chest' and slipped it into his tool box when you were not looking...

Too late to shut the gate after the bull has bolted! Get yourself a good 'watch & guard' dog 'sense'.

“Complacency delivered us into the hands of evil greedy men like Cheney.”
― Sonia Rumzi​
What's most encouraging about this government it that it is quietly and systematically building the foundations on how it will run the country largely undistracted from the day to day media cycle.

This is a pleasant change from the chaos of Labor in government and on the area of border protection is already delivering fruit. Other results will come with time and it is from there we can pass broader judgement.

I agree with you, drsmith, its been wonderful not seeing them in the media every five minutes and just getting on with the job, so refreshing.

Now, just to give ABC and SBS a shake up.
What's most encouraging about this government it that it is quietly and systematically building the foundations on how it will run the country largely undistracted from the day to day media cycle.

This is a pleasant change from the chaos of Labor in government and on the area of border protection is already delivering fruit. Other results will come with time and it is from there we can pass broader judgement.

So the snouts in the trough scandals don't count as in front of the media? Just wait for Boom Boom Barnaby to blow off over Graincorp / ADM.

Considering Tony's bemused what should I do looks in front of the cameras, what exactly makes you think they're actually doing much besides restricting the information flow on just about everything. Pretty much every inquiry they're running has been stacked with people who will provide the "correct" answers. Big business view of the economy - check. We've got Tony's wacko comments in the USA, along with Treasurer Ponzinomics wonderful belief that rising house prices somehow makes them more affordable. Wish I could sell a product that is rising in price by double figures, but claim it's helping to make it more affordable.

Don't you think it was the changes made just before the election that has slowed the flow of boats? If not, what policy action since the election has achieved this? Surely it's not the 2 star general?

I agree with you, drsmith, its been wonderful not seeing them in the media every five minutes and just getting on with the job, so refreshing.

Now, just to give ABC and SBS a shake up.

Except for Brandis, Tony, Joyce, Randall, the VIP jet-setters of the Howard Govt. So far most of the media time they've had hasn't been too flattering. Even Calliope, Tony's most ardent follower, isn't too pleased with how Tony is handling the travel rorts. Tony's been given a golden opportunity to show some leadership and all he's done is try to defend the indefensible. Surely even you were disgusted over his stumbling explanations for Randall's Cairns trip.

Before you shout left wing media bias, the SMH has published information so that any concerned citizen is able to go and peruse the travel expenses of the politicians and send them any irregularities they've found.

I have no idea if those currently searching through the data have been biased to looking at the conservative side of politics, but if Labor are the huge rorters most in ASF believe then surely you wont need to spend much time to root some out and expose them just as senior members of the current Govt have been.
Jeez Syd,

If you keep this hyperventilation up until Labor are next in office, you'll be able to breathe comfortably at an altitude of 40,000 feet.

A word of warning though. If you wish to debate boat arrivals, there's a separate thread for that.
Been there and done that noco... back at post 800 and my analysis at 815.

Although it's only one poll, the fact that it's the same pattern, Labor continues to loose more support than Abbott gains, 2.3 points to 1.4 respectively, for me it spells another labor leadership spill sooner than later. The other number that suggests there will be a grass root Labor revolt is evident in the preferred PM numbers. Shorten got 28%.

Even if you give Shorten a more longer term split of the undecided (25%) along party lines, say half the undecided, 12.5%... guess what, you have about 40%. That's the same number of Labor membership that supported him in the leadership poll. That's a clear enough evidentiary trend for me.

But as it stands at the moment, Abbott has nothing to fear from Labor led by Shorten, and the Aus public and grass root labor might just gain the abolition of the carbon tax before dispensing with him. That would be a significant first step in natural justice for the embattled voting public.​

It's amazing how two (or more) people can look at the same data and see different things.

To feel reassured that Abbott has "his ratings lifted"... is hardly endorsement that "Abbott must be doing something right". From the data pre and continuing trend post election, it's more likely endorsement of the best of a bad bunch... hoping he'd do something right.

While it's clear that Shorten is not going to be a serious threat, it is also evident that Abbott isn't picking up any greater share of the support Labor is loosing... ie the greens and others are stable to slightly revived. That ought to be a concern to Abbott. I'm sure it is and is why he's planning to do quite a build up for the spin to break election promises.

As far as "Abbott must be doing something right"... the abolition of the carbon tax and the vague but 'good' appeal of his slogans to cut the waste and fix the economic crisis hits a pleasant chord with most people. The problem he has is in exposing the detail of that without offending peoples general perception of how he intended to achieve it. That is likely to be his Achilles' heel.

That's when the real test of his personal approval rating, as opposed to preferred PM, will be critical. That would be a typical cue for the PUP to do a bit of grand standing for further support and typically when Rudd or his support base would make their move on the Labor leadership.

Don't forget the expenses rorts and electoral ballot reform are big voter issues, a double edge sword for Abbott, still festering awaiting action.

But apart from the expenses "RORT", which you well know has taken palce on both sides of politics and of which the lefties want to keep stirring, what has Abbott done wrong in your eyes?

Give the man a break...he has only been in office for about 52 days....what are you expecting FGS?
But apart from the expenses "RORT", which you well know has taken palce on both sides of politics and of which the lefties want to keep stirring, what has Abbott done wrong in your eyes?

Give the man a break...he has only been in office for about 52 days....what are you expecting FGS?

A bit better understanding of economics for a start. Coming down as hard on the rorters in his team as he was with Slipper. Are you impressed with Tony's explanation of Randall's Cairns trip? The AFP should be investigating it. Randall should welcome it. If the AFP clear him he gets his $5K back, if not he's out and no pension or other lucrative perks of office.

A recognition that increasing house prices isn't good for society or the economy. Increasing property values only makes this economy less competitive. Forget weekend penalty rates, it's restrictive zoning laws and sky high rents that are crippling the competitiveness of business in Australia.

Hockey somehow thinks rising prices makes new housing more affordable. Can you please explain to me how that works? My understanding of economics says rising price = lowered demand, but Treasurer Ponzinomics has a different take on it.

We had 3+ years or economic and budget crisis according to the current Govt. Supposedly billions in waste and mismanagement and not one proposed budget cut since attaining office. Surely if things were that bad Treasurer Ponzinomics could have announced a few billion in spending cuts by now.

There's plenty of fat in the middle class welfare basket. Why the reticence to cut now? Surely the current Govt can provide a better budget outcome this FY than what Labor was proposing? They have 8 months to achieve it.
I have no idea if those currently searching through the data have been biased to looking at the conservative side of politics, but if Labor are the huge rorters most in ASF believe then surely you wont need to spend much time to root some out and expose them just as senior members of the current Govt have been.

When it comes to rorting the taxpayer, the Coalition guys are rank amateurs and have no experience in covering their tracks. Most of the Labor parliamentarians are ex-union officials or lawyers. The are well trained in rorting their membership and employers and the taxpayer ultimately picks up the bill . They are not interested in a trifling few thousand bucks. They aim for hundreds of thousands or even millions in the cases of Bruce Wilson, Michael Williamson and Eddie Obeid and their Labor cronies.

Labor legitimised the brutal, thuggish standover tactics of the CFMEU through the FWA. What possible reason could they have for doing this? And why are they opposing Abbott's proposed bill to make these thugs answerable to the law? There could be only one reason...kickbacks.

You rabbit on a lot about discrimination against minorities and your monotonous diatribes against Abbott, but never a peep from you about your mob discriminating in favor of thugs.

And while your "Electricity Bill" Shorten may may rave on about Abbott's shortcomings on rort control, Abbott's credibility in morals and ethics leaves Shorten's credibility in the gutter.
And while your "Electricity Bill" Shorten may may rave on about Abbott's shortcomings on rort control, Abbott's credibility in morals and ethics leaves Shorten's credibility in the gutter.

Oh irony of Abbott naming Shorten the Electricity Bill when Abbott himself mislead parliament about an electricity bill. Abbott and credibility are two words that don't align, the man is a snake in the grass.
Oh irony of Abbott naming Shorten the Electricity Bill when Abbott himself mislead parliament about an electricity bill. Abbott and credibility are two words that don't align, the man is a snake in the grass.
That wasn't a good day for TA and I suspect some very basic homework wasn't done by the Libs on that one.

As for Bill shorten trustworthiness, there's absolutely no doubt. Just ask two former Labor PM's, one of which is till lurking in the depths of the Labor bunker plotting his moment of revenge.

As for Bill shorten trustworthiness, there's absolutely no doubt. Just ask two former Labor PM's, one of which is till lurking in the depths of the Labor bunker plotting his moment of revenge.

That takes care of his ethics. And he was sleeping with Chloe while still married to his first wife, and he has not denied the accusation that he got one of his staff pregnant (since aborted) while Chloe looks after the kids at home. That takes care of the morals.

It is not surprising that Abbott sees no conflict of interest with Quentin Bryce remaining G.G. while Shorten is opposition leader. Like most people who know him, she probably despises her son-in-law.

If overhung is looking for a snake-in-the-grass, he need look no further than his dear leader.:rolleyes:
That wasn't a good day for TA and I suspect some very basic homework wasn't done by the Libs on that one.

As for Bill shorten trustworthiness, there's absolutely no doubt. Just ask two former Labor PM's, one of which is till lurking in the depths of the Labor bunker plotting his moment of revenge.

If we are digging up old interviews there are certainly many more that show Abbott's incompetence when he is put on the spot. How about the interview with Leigh Sales where Abbott claimed the mining and carbon tax were responsible for BHP canning the upgrade to the Olympic Dam, yet when questioned on why the BHP report stated different reasons Abbott was left red faced admitting to not reading the report. He then lied about this the next day.

You may very well be right and Shorten too may be incompetent but he has a long way to go to reach Abbott levels.

And the nerve of the man to give the nick name electricity bill when he has in own embarrassing slip up regarding the subject, the man is nothing but a dodgy car salesman disguised as our PM.
If overhung is looking for a snake-in-the-grass, he need look no further than his dear leader.:rolleyes:

Just because I'm not a right wing nutter doesn't mean I'm endearing towards the Labor party, funnily I also visit a site that has a predominately left wing audience and find myself equally frustrated with their one eyed predisposition. Extremes from either side are a blight to intelligent conversation.
"intelligent conversation"?

Sorry overhang, but I follow the old adage known as "Fools' Law".

"Never argue with a fool - they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience".
If we are digging up old interviews there are certainly many more that show Abbott's incompetence when he is put on the spot. How about the interview with Leigh Sales where Abbott claimed the mining and carbon tax were responsible for BHP canning the upgrade to the Olympic Dam, yet when questioned on why the BHP report stated different reasons Abbott was left red faced admitting to not reading the report. He then lied about this the next day.

You may very well be right and Shorten too may be incompetent but he has a long way to go to reach Abbott levels.

And the nerve of the man to give the nick name electricity bill when he has in own embarrassing slip up regarding the subject, the man is nothing but a dodgy car salesman disguised as our PM.
The nerve of Labor to do a dodgy deal with the Greens and independents to introduce the carbon tax it said it wouldn't in the 2010 campaign is what the electorate will remember most when it comes to Labor. The electricity Bill tag will stick if he opposes the Coalition's repeal of the carbon tax and he knows it hence Labor's current wavering on this specific issue.

Bill Shorten will never be PM. Regardless of how you wish to rate him, there's just too much baggage. Unlike Tony Abbott, he's genuinely unelectable.

I'll also make the point that opposition is about making noise and government is about governing.
"intelligent conversation"?

Sorry overhang, but I follow the old adage known as "Fools' Law".

"Never argue with a fool - they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience".

Oh Calliope I'm aware intelligent conversation is over your head, its ok you can carry on vegetating.
The nerve of Labor to do a dodgy deal with the Greens and independents to introduce the carbon tax it said it wouldn't in the 2010 campaign is what the electorate will remember most when it comes to electricity Bill if he sticks by the carbon tax and he knows it hence Labor's current wavering on this specific issue.

Bill Shorten will never be PM. Regardless of how you wish to rate him, there's just too much baggage. Unlike Tony Abbott, he's genuinely unelectable.

I'll also make the point that opposition is about making noise and government is about governing.

If we want to get technical then you're talking porkies, Gillard said in an interview the day before the election that if she won she would consider it a mandate to introduce an ETS. The article was in the Australian and I will dig it up if you wish. Now I still consider this rather deceitful as she had up to that point denied it and 24 hrs before the election is hardly enough time for the electorate to receive the news.

Agreed Bill Shorten won't ever be PM he is merely a fill in until Labor can hopefully sort their internal disputes out, this may take 6-9 years.

And Abbott was very good at making noise even when he misconstrued the truth many times as I've outlined in previous posts, I don't think Shorten can be that much of a prick.