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The Abbott Government

It will be funny if that old crone bronwyn bishop votes against Abbott after he damaged himself by not forcing her out earlier. Hell she only got the spearkership in the first place because of some misguided sense of loyalty abbott felt towards her.

Not quite, she's Liberal royalty and one time leader in waiting. Tony would have been unwise not to put her in the chair once Opus Dei has spoken.
Abbot fighting to the end and if he IS kicked out he will be part of the kick in and destruction of the Liberal Goverment.

As soon as he started bombing the other week it was clear in my mind that something like this would be on soon.

Anyhow, pass the popcorn
Nightmare for Shorten if Turnbull gets up

Maybe now we can get some reasonable policy discussion
Nightmare for Shorten if Turnbull gets up

Maybe now we can get some reasonable policy discussion

There might even be a notion of dialogue between MT and BS and an outside chance they might work together to advance Australia fair.
in the words of Paul Keating... ' If Tony Abbott becomes PM, god help us'

In the words of Gough Whitlam... ' well may we say Malcolm Turnbull saved the LNP. But nothing will save Sofie Mirrabella....'
The Abbott government has been a much better government than the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd governments that preceded it but it hasn't been good enough.
Bill Shorten will be able to say he got rid of 3 Prime Ministers !

Is this a record ?

WTF did Shorten ever do to get rid of Abbot???

Abbot is responsible for this, he's an idiot and should never have got the leadership in the first place. It shows you how desperate the country was to get rid of the complete and utter incompetent union thug party....:frown:
Looks like the rest of Australia didn't agree

Certainly the rest of the Noalition parliamentary membership....quite stunned at the news, good thing that they chose a realistic chance of an election win over a no hoper, i mite even vote for Malcombe.
Oh the joy! Tones lasted less time than Julia. How she must enjoy this moment after all the sexist vitriol splattered over her. Tones surely takes the mantle as our worst PM from Billy McMahon. Now we just have to get rid of Little Bill and maybe good government can become a thing!
Ha ha, ABC news reporting that Julia actually held the PM job longer than bet Tony is pissed. hope he tears up at the news conference.
Maybe now we can look forward to something that doesn't resemble a bunch of boys re enacting Ten Town and building a country out of packing crates.
Maybe now we can look forward to something that doesn't resemble a bunch of boys re enacting Ten Town and building a country out of packing crates.

Your joking of course, but can tell you some people have been making such shelters of late.

Lets hope we have more empathy.
I have never posted in this thread until today. The Abbott government is the worst government I have ever had to live through in my entire life. When I heard that there would be a leadership spill I thought you beauty, anybody but Abbott and then when I heard it was Turnbull to challenge I thought all my Christmas's have come at once.

This thread along with that awful Prime Minister Abbott will now fade into oblivion. Thank You, thank you, thank you...............time to move on to somebody who is actually smart enough to run this country, well done Liberal Party.

The most unpopular prime minister, or the worst government? On what basis was it the worst government policy wise?
He was up there as one of the worst ever.
Amazingly poorly designed first budget.
Broken promises everywhere.
Ignoring of David Murray report.
Destruction of business confidence.
Inability to argue the case for change except in slogans.
Inability to treat electorate intelligently.
Continous gaffes and stupid decisions. Prince Phillip getting a knighthood really?
Tin ear.
Fighting the ABC.
Inability to put together a cohesive policy. The business council were practically begging him to make some changes.
Dumb ship deal which will cost us billions to try to gain a few votes in SA.
No industry policy.
Request to ask Usa to bomb Syria.
Loss of Victoria.

MT will turn around the polls and will in contrast be a great PM.

what Knobby said plus

- maintain tax perks for the wealthy (negative gearing and super), while hitting pensioners and the sick
- reducing taxes on big polluters and mining companies earning super profits
- supporting dying archaic industries like coal while ignoring high tech renewable energy
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