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The Abbott Government

Sydboy, I think you may be confused between subsidies for exploration and actual construction of wind,solar and fossil fuel....To the best of my knowledge, their is no subsidies given for the development and construction of the coal, oil and gas industry.

'Subsidising dangerous climate change'

One of the report's authors, Shelagh Whitley from the Overseas Development Institute in London, said G20 governments are funding high carbon energy sources at the expense of renewable energy projects.

She said the exploration subsidies were just a fraction of the subsidies received by the fossil fuel industry every year in G20 countries.

"The fossil fuel industry writ large receives around $775 billion in subsidies," Ms Whitley argued.

"So that's much higher than what we are looking at here which is fossil fuel exploration."

Ms Whitley said the report was calling on G20 countries to immediately end subsidies for fossil fuel exploration.

"The reason we are looking at fossil fuel exploration is that we've been told in this past week by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) ... that we have to actually keep two-thirds of fossil fuel reserves in the ground if we are to avoid dangerous climate change," she said.

"These subsidies are the equivalent of subsidising dangerous climate change."

The report also called for more transparency in budget reporting and for the elimination of public finance for fossil fuel exploration.

The authors looked at publicly available government data on exploration subsidies and used Bloomberg and Rystad Energy databases for company and commodity information.

They noted that limited transparency and wide variations in data availability "posed major obstacles to the identification and estimation of fossil fuel subsidies."

The Minerals Council of Australia says Australian government funding and tax breaks for exploration are not subsidies but legitimate tax deductions for business.
Being a fence sitter has its advantages. I get the Liberal Party news, the Labor Party News, the Nationals News and Getup's news:

I do hope you know GETUP is an offshoot of the LUG party.

Bill Shorten is a foundation member and an ex board member of GETUP.

You could gainfully expect a biased poll from GETUP.....Hardly a reliable source IMHO.
Spill is on, apparently. Turnbull speaking at 4pm.

Bishop has apparently told PM it's on. She has always stayed quiet.
Chris Kenny sums up the ABC bias and its love for that hypocrite Tony Windsor.

Windsor talks up big about Climate change but sells his farm to the coal mining industry which has been accused of supplying too much C02 into the atmosphere.

Windsor did not have the guts to stand in his old electorate in 2013.

There’s been a lot of Windsor love at their ABC lately. No, not theQueen — they’ve been polite but restrained about her record-breaking reign. The national broadcaster has been particularly amorous towards the former independent MP Tony Windsor.

Windsor seems to have something or other on his liver, to be sure. He strikes me as one of the angriest blokes in a pretty feral polity. Even on the ABC or on Twitter, where myriad Abbott-haters jockey for daily prominence, this bitter former pollie is in a league of his own.

He is the ex-conservative independent who installed Julia Gillard and Labor, then barracked for their carbon tax while selling his farm to coal interests and leasing it back. But no, the ABC hasn’t harangued him over that.

Windsor defended the indefensible mistakes and incompetence of the Gillard government and promised to put his record on the line by running in the 2013 election — then didn’t. But no, Aunty’s people haven’t pressured him over that either. He is grabbing extra publicity now by threatening to run again (don’t hold your breath) but the ABC hasn’t pinned him down on that either.
Spill is on, apparently. Turnbull speaking at 4pm.

Bishop has apparently told PM it's on. She has always stayed quiet.

I think we should exile all ex-PM's to Nauru detention centres... but then it'd get even more overcrowded quickly.

And in Townsville last night in the middle of September we were sleeping under a blanket...Thought you might like to know this has not happened in the 44 years living here.

We are entering the mini ice age.
Just shows the difference between a good Opposition leader and a good Prime Minister.

The attack dog needed to turn into a St Bernard.

Or a German Shepherd pace Julia. I wonder what she'd make of the last 6 months. She was no fan of Abbot OR Turnbull.

Man oh man, you will need some mighty big batteries to run an aluminum plant ....What do you say?

Whist some countries are promoting the drop of fossil fuel subsidies, some of those same countries are also saying they will be using coal for a long to to come.

"Nations of the world, and particularly of the G20 and G7, have made repeated clear commitments to both fight climate change and end fossil fuel subsidies," the report states. "And yet, billions of dollars' worth of government support continues to flow towards fossil fuels and, incredibly, towards coal."

The report argues that claims by governments that continued public spending on coal is necessary to end energy poverty in poor nations is "baseless" because "zero export finance for coal has gone to low-income countries, where the need for access to energy is greatest".

It continues that the $73 billion is probably an underestimate because of a lack of transparent data for many of the institutions.

"Governments of the world are literally hiding their ongoing support for fossil fuels, and for coal in particular," it says.

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I can assure you there are members of the ASF (and I have had PMs from them) who support my thinking and who would also like to respond but their dislike for the intimidation and bullying by some lefties on this forum deters them from doing so.

You have just remonstrated your ability to intimidate and belittle anyone who does not agree with you and your comrades from the left...Do you think you are some kind of demigod who has the divine right over others?.....I can assure you, I will continue to express my views and neither you or anyone else will deter me.
Liberal leadership: Jeff Kennett slams Malcolm Turnbull as 'the Kevin Rudd of the Liberal Party'

Yes Jeff, the public do want leadership, the problem is that we are not getting it.

This situation has come about because Tony Abbott is not up to the job of being Prime Minister, and that has been obvious for some time. With him gone at least there will be a chance that we won't be talked down to with three word slogans and we may be able to participate in the debate and not be treated like dumbos.

You paste the irony on thicker than my son puts vegemite on his toast!

"..who would also like to respond but their dislike for the intimidation and bullying by some lefties on this forum deters them from doing so."

Seriously?! Have a look back through your own posts for paragraphs laden with intimidation, bullying and name calling . I also think its rather insulting to other members of the forum to suggest they are so precious as to avoid a discussion just because those who hold a different opinion post there too.

"You have just remonstrated your ability to intimidate and belittle anyone who does not agree with you and your comrades from the left.."

There you go again, an unsubstantiated ad hominem attack followed with what you perceive as an insult. Pointing out your style in posting hardly constitutes intimidation and belittlement.

"..Do you think you are some kind of demigod who has the divine right over others?.....I can assure you, I will continue to express my views and neither you or anyone else will deter me."

What on earth would lead you to post that strawman? I am sure you will continue to post your opinions, and so you should - but with that comes the responsibility to accept that many dont share your world views and will continue to challenge your extreme and polarising opinions about politics.

Perhaps its time for some internal reflection about why Abbott has been such a disaster as PM and consider whether your blinkered support for him is actually deserved? After all it seems a majority of the LNP has come to the same conclusion.
At least it's going to be quick. Party room ballot later this evening.

TA stands defiant and has tried his best.

The Abbott Government will shortly be resting in peace.
It will be funny if that old crone bronwyn bishop votes against Abbott after he damaged himself by not forcing her out earlier. Hell she only got the spearkership in the first place because of some misguided sense of loyalty abbott felt towards her.
"..Do you think you are some kind of demigod who has the divine right over others?.....I can assure you, I will continue to express my views and neither you or anyone else will deter me."


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