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The Abbott Government

I would have thought that being a keen contributor of economic commentary that you'd care about the accuracy of what you post in that field.

As to whether you do or not is up to you. 2013?OpenDocument

Trend 11765.4 - 11646.8 = 118.6

Seasonally Adjusted 11775.8 - 11645.8 = 130

So if I'm wrong, how about you put up direct information to prove your point.
So if I'm wrong, how about you put up direct information to prove your point.

I refer to what I posted before on the information for review,

I'll try and paint this as an exercise.

1) Review the statement from December 2013 and in particular the headline seasonally adjusted employed persons and also the graph. The graph extends to September 2013. You'll note that the position of the lines in the graph for September correspond to the numbers provided above in the September 2013 statement.

2) Do the same for January 2014 and note the difference. Note how that difference impacts historically via the graph which in that statement also extends back to September 2013.

From that it should be obvious as to how you conclusion on the change in employed persons between Sept 2013 and July 2015 should be revised.
It will be interesting to see if the proposed Melbourne/Brisbane inland freight rail system gets a guernsey among all the road construction projects touted by the Libs.

The Nats want inland rail, but some in the Liberal party think that freight rail is a communist plot to put road haulage companies out of business and replace them by a government enterprise.

Sure a few trucking companies may go out of business, but if rail is a more efficient freight carrier, why should we worry ?

Inland Rail report finds freight train between Brisbane and Melbourne would cost $10b and boost economy

The IEA’s latest estimates indicate that fossil-fuel consumption subsidies worldwide amounted to $548 billion in 2013,

I don't know how the fossil fuel industry is able to compete with piddly subsidies like that.

Those subsidies were over four-times the value of subsidies to renewable energy and more than four times the amount invested globally in improving energy efficiency.

Gosh, only 4 times as much fossil fuel subsidies as for renewable energy. Just terrible the injustice done towards coal and oil companies.

We don't have to go 100% renewable at present, so the argument that the sun don't always shine, or the wind ain't always blowing isn't really relevant.

Grid scale battery tech is slowly being implemented in other countries. It'll eventually find it's way to Australia.
Paste some figures that back up Abbott's claim, or don't.

I've shown you the information I've based my claim on, as provided by the ABS.
Your original claim,

Consider the graphic from the December 2013 labour force statement,

From the graph, the September 2013 figure is around 11,630,000 employed people or slightly less than the figure you noted from the original September 2013 statement.

Now, consider the graphic from the January 2014 labour force statement,

Note that employed people has been revised down significantly including for September 2013. From the graph, the revised figure is around 11,470,000 employed people which is a significant downward revision from both the figure you presented and the December figure.

In short, subtracting the original September 2013 labour force number from the latest labour force number isn't necessarily an accurate reflection of the number of jobs created over that period due to later revision of the data.
In short, subtracting the original September 2013 labour force number from the latest labour force number isn't necessarily an accurate reflection of the number of jobs created over that period due to later revision of the data.

So basically the cut backs at the ABS are making the stats open for major revisions.

By Feb 2014 you're seeing 47.3K jobs added from Jan 2014

Bit of a worry that the labour force stats can be so unreliable.

I'll put that in the back of my head to see how the revisions go in future. Starting to think no one really knows how many jobs have been added.
When you look at the sampling error information at the bottom of the monthly statements you'll note they're estimates. You'll also note contact details if you wish to seek more information.

A more reliable guide to overall job growth over a longer period such as a 2 years may be the graph trend over that period or a sum of the individual monthly changes.

In my view, the best that can be hoped for now is that heads overall within are sensible enough not to allow it to become a Labor style blood letting.
Is something afoot ?

The silent majority, eh!? How do you know they agree with you if they are silent? Given the polling its likely that many will have changed their support in recent months.

Its laughable how you accuse us of character assassination - something your side of politics with the help of your propoganda minister murdoch, have perfected - then in the next breath call us 'lefties and fabians'.

I think its just the last desparate whinges of a man who is his heart knows this has been one of the worst governments in our history, i think you too know abbott is a dead man walking and thats where a lot of your pent up anger and ad hominem attacks come from.

Its a bit like listening to someone whose cricket team is getting a flogging!

Still the greatest risk for the ALP is that the LNP ditch abbott before the next election, their failure to show any leadership of things like the abuse of refugees and data retention means they need abbott.

Maybe now is a great opportunity for a new party, with the principles and values of the old liberal party, the social concience and protection of workers rights of the old labour and some genuine policies for the environment from the new greens!
You only have to look at Mike Baird to see an example of a guy whose policies aren't that different to Abbott but who is a better politician on every level. He's like the rebuilt version of Abbott. Smarter, more personable, fitter, better looking and a better salesman.
Being a fence sitter has its advantages. I get the Liberal Party news, the Labor Party News, the Nationals News and Getup's news:

Being a fence sitter has its advantages. I get the Liberal Party news, the Labor Party News, the Nationals News and Getup's news:

Interesting that Labor hasn't made a big deal about the ISDS aspect of the TPP. I hope this isn't another fait accompli like CHAFTA seems to be. The secrecy surrounding the TPP is a good reason why we shouldn't sign it.

No democratic government in its right mind would allow itself to be sued by corporations for passing policy of benefit to its citizens.

If ISDS is in the TPP, then we should be out.
Being a fence sitter has its advantages. I get the Liberal Party news, the Labor Party News, the Nationals News and Getup's news:
As do I. So what do you make of this weekend's National Party news? After a messy nominations process they elected a new president who has an impeccable party pedigree and most recently worked as a lobbyist for Shenhua, among other coal miners.

In general news it's being overshadowed by Liberal leadership boilover, but seems likely to be a boost to good community independents in rural seats. I wonder how many are ready to run now.

LOL Larry ...wonder how Barnaby is feeling.
If Andrew Hastie gets in that will be what..... two protestants, one jew and one muslim versus the catholic team?

Today was the first day this Spring that I haven't needed to wear an undershirt or jumper during the day.

I can't remember this happening this early in the season, I'm sure it's a clear case of global warming.

Just thought noco should know this.


So you want yet another left wing party..... Gettin' crowded over there boyo.
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