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The Abbott Government

There is no food for thought in that long drawn out report..

And you know as well I do, the Guardian News Paper is a communist paper...What else would you expect from them.

Did you really believe what you read?

Do you ever disagree with Andrew Bolt ?

If so, about what ?

What Lenore Taylor's article was saying is that because Border Protection in terms of "stopping the boats" was politically popular but essentially invisible, someone in government had the idea that it could be extended to uniformed people patrolling our streets essentially looking for those who may not conform to those peoples ideas of what an Australian should look like, without actually having done anything wrong.

That was a big miscalculation, and they paid a price for it.

It was never intended the way she makes out and that was confirmed by Abbott.

Some smart **** from the Border Force ( most likely a leftie) decided to give a media release in an attempt to embarrass the government.

Just like the lefties in the Bar association mates of Dreyfus tried hard to set up Deyson Heydon.

The LUGs will stop at nothing.

What has it to do with Andrew Bolt?.....At least he speaks the truth and on most occasions he is the messenger quoting some journo.

So someone in Border Force is responsible for running Abbotts fascism campaign even though it was sent to Duttons office twice for approval? This terrible concept would have probably never taken place if Abbott hadn't requested press releases concerning national security be made once a week until the election to drive home his fear mongering campaign because he cant win votes on the economic front.

Well, there is 41% Greenies and 32% Labor on the staff of the ABC so it would not surprise me who ever released that gag was a plant from the left....Fairfax is stacked with Greenies and Labor staff.

As I keep repeating, and I will do so until the cows come home, control the media and you control the naive with brainwashing propaganda.

Lets just say your tinfoil hat is correct and it was a fabian hidden in border force uniform even though border force was created by the Liberal goverment, but then we still have the complete incompetence of Duttons office to not read the 2 emails sent for approval.

I think you really have more to worry about, than this.

And if you think I'm joking, you really have a problem.IMO
I think you really have more to worry about, than this.

And if you think I'm joking, you really have a problem.IMO

Of course you don't comment on nocos theory of a ABC spy working for border force but yet think that I may have a problem for finding that Duttons office not reading the press releases is incompetence....

As I've already explained that this operation probably would have never taken place if the Abbott cabinet didn't request that security agency's provide the government with press releases they can release once a week up until the election.

Christ, just re read what you have written, if that is the biggest problem in your life, good on you.
The government has sensibly decided to abandon plans for a bank deposit tax.

Why is it sensible?

The ratings agency say they explicitly give the big 4 banks a 2 notch increase in their ratings due to Govt backing. This provides the TBTF banks a cost advantage over the credit unions and other ADIs.

I doubt removing the deposit guarantee would last too long as the next crisis will see it brought back, so it's not a viable long term solution for the benefit the gang of 4 get.

Possibly a better way forward would be something similar to the US FDIC. Banks can offer accounts with or without protection and provide a variation in interest rates to suit. Let the market decide, and stop the tax payers giving a guarantee for free that would have been worth I don't know how many tens of millions if it had been provided by the private sector.
The government has sensibly decided to abandon plans for a bank deposit tax.

I thought you were concerned about the deficit?

Looks like the banks shoved enough money into abbott's mouth (and other orifices) to get the policy changed.
It's sensible because going into the government revenue and budget balance line any other tax makes it a tax.

A choice for consumers is another option but governments ultimately shouldn't be in the business of guaranteeing banks. Bank security is an issue for regulation, not government balance sheets.

Doc, make no mistake, if the LUGs get back in to power they will nationalize the banks as that will part of their (Fabian) ideology.
Doc, make no mistake, if the LUGs get back in to power they will nationalize the banks as that will part of their (Fabian) ideology.

They had 6 years under Rudd/Gillard and 13 years under Hawke/Keating to do it, so why didn't they ?

Who sold off the CBA ? Paul Keating.
You know I'm just waiting..

I'm just waiting for it.

The Honourable Peter Dutton, a Minister of the Crown no less, has announced that Fairfax and the ABC are jointly conducting a Jihad against the Rightful Government of Her Majestys Order.

The time must be nigh when these pernicious destroyers of "Law an Order" aresummararily imprisoned and disappeared never to be heard of again in the name of "Our Protection against the Infidel"

All it needs is for the stalwarts from ASF to grab their flaming torches and pitchforks and storm the appropriate buildings.

Pick up our sheets at the door folks.
Peter's a dill.

We all know that.
Quote Originally Posted by basilio View Post
You know I'm just waiting..

I'm just waiting for it.

The Honourable Peter Dutton, a Minister of the Crown no less, has announced that Fairfax and the ABC are jointly conducting a Jihad against the Rightful Government of Her Majestys Order.

The time must be nigh when these pernicious destroyers of "Law an Order" aresummararily imprisoned and disappeared never to be heard of again in the name of "Our Protection against the Infidel"

All it needs is for the stalwarts from ASF to grab their flaming torches and pitchforks and storm the appropriate buildings.

Pick up our sheets at the door folks.

Peter's a dill.

We all know that.

Yep. Sounds reasonable to me.

So at what stage does "someone in Government" say "That really wasn't a sensible thing to say ?"
Back track a little? Look embarassed ? Bemused ?

Recognise that painting Fairfax and The ABC as Jihadists because they are just doing their job as the Press is just wrong?

I feel as if I am watching a group of suited people coming out of an asalyum and just sprouting unbalanced rubbish - and we seem to be accepting it at face value ?
Doc, make no mistake, if the LUGs get back in to power they will nationalize the banks as that will part of their (Fabian) ideology.

Will the "peoples bank" pay a decent rate of interest instead of the paltry <3 % now offered by those private custodians of the cookie jar? If so I am in.

Those thieving bastards pay a disgraceful 0.01% per annum on basic savings (Comm Bank - Complete Access, Smart Access, Streamline, accounts). I am sure many people confuse this figure with 1%.

If you have $1 million in one of these accounts, they pay a whopping $100 interest for the whole f***ing year. How about a Royal Commission into the bloody banks?
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