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The Abbott Government

All this fuss about people illegally entering Australia would make a lot more sense if we were actually trying to protect something.

With manufacturing all but dead, 457's displacing local workers, selling vast areas of the country to foreign interests and yet another "free" trade agreement there's not a lot left to protect against in the first place apart from actual real acts of terrorism.

If the aim is to stop terrorists then checking visas on the streets of Melbourne seems an awfully inefficient way to go about it. If someone's not supposed to be here then they could simply choose to not carry any ID. So long as they're not driving, flying or in a pub then that ought not raise any real attention in itself.

The whole concept of checking ID's on the street would only ever identify those who have nothing to hide. Anyone else would simply not carry any ID, right?

I see that Kevin Rudd has been on TV overseas as a guest news anchor. The future for Abbott and Co is more likely to be in comedy I expect.

Maybe you can tell me what company Australia owns smurph?
I normally agree with you completely, but can you tell me where you are going to raise the money, to build the infrastructure to support our lifestyle?

Over here in the West I'm seeing improved process controls, decimating highly skilled process control jobs, it is pretty scary and I'm retired. But a lot of the younger guys, who were laid off 6 months ago are realising how scary it is.

I also realise any capital expenditure to install new industry, is going to be hard to raise with Australian IPO's.

How are we going to fund capital investment in Australia? Or do we just all say who gives a rats, we will just take the Tassie welfare option. It won't work.

IMO the only difference between Liberal and Labor is. one is going to tell you this will hurt, the other will say, this won't

It's not to check for IDs or Visa.. that's just an excuse.

It's to stop and check who you are, who you're with, what you're carrying.

It's a pedestrian version of a random breathe test.

There might be something in the Constitution about presumed innocence and private property, just cause and suspicion and freedom and stuff, so you can't just pull people over whenever you like if they're driving legally. So you introduce random breathe test...

Since you can't pull a person taking a walk for breathe testing, you check his "visa"... then while you're at it, crank up the metadata too.

I thought taxation usually do the job?

Apparently our gov't couldn't even name and shame big corp tax dodgers.
Maybe you can tell me what company Australia owns smurph?
I normally agree with you completely, but can you tell me where you are going to raise the money, to build the infrastructure to support our lifestyle?

I follow the points you raise however I don't see how keeping illegal immigrants out will fix them, indeed being seen as anti-immigration may make things worse if it gets to the point of scaring foreigners with $ away.

This "Border Force" checking people on the street is the kind of thing you'd expect as a prank filmed for a TV comedy show, not something that a government would actually do. Amazing.
I thought taxation usually do the job?

Apparently our gov't couldn't even name and shame big corp tax dodgers.

Well taxation can't even pay the welfare bill, let alone anything else.
Maybe we should just give a massive tax break, to everyone who wants to open a food outlet, would you like fries with that.

The government can't even name a shame welfare bludgers, what chance do they have of naming and shaming sophisticated tax dodging companies.:1zhelp:

Give me a break, FW's led by FW's

Maybe when all the chardonay socialists, are on the bones of their ar$e, we might get some sensible

If you tax people and corporations properly you will, and then some.

Not only are those with good tax advisors not paying much tax, most don't even pay the legal amount of tax! And they can get away with it.

Those on welfare are being shamed alright. There will always be those who abuse the system, but for the honest and needy.. why must they be shamed?

I would have thought the shame would be with those in power, with those whose job it is to create economic growth, create jobs so that people do not have to rely on handouts.

A bit rich to fail at your job, force your people onto unemployment lines.. .then make policies that shame them, make it harder for them to receive help.

Not only is that morally bankrupt, it's also bad public policy.

One, it's always easier to help people when they just got into a tough spot. Leaving them there and their situation will get much much worst. Getting worst will either destroy their chances to get out and contribute to society; may also lead them towards crime and other anti-social behaviour - all of which will costs the public much more.

Two, welfare provide a security net for the vulnerable and desperate in society. That not only help the poor, it demonstrate the kind of society we ought to be - to have compassion for each other. That tend to be a good thing.

To make it hard, make it shameful, to imply laziness etc. towards those who need some help... who will that hurt? The criminals, the bastards who will abuse the system... you think they will feel shame or feel bad taking a few extra bucks?

Shaming welfare recipients will only hurt the honest.

But mainly, social security is not just security for the welfare of the poor - it's to secure the wealth of the rich. You remove that pittance of a payment that's between poverty and starvation and soon a large portion of your population will be poor and desperate... when enough of them are in that situation, the state will fall and with it the ruling class will have to flee to their other homes overseas somewhere.

Might sound far-fetched but it's only some 70 years ago that most of map of the world was redrawn. Russian Czars were gone only a bit over 100 years ago, most of European Royalties either became rubber stamps or have their heads handed to them around the same time; China's last Emperor was still alive until the 1980s or something; Vietnam/IndoChina was under the French only some 60 years ago...


The problem we have, and it seem to be worldwide, is we have a bunch of politicians who fancy themselves leaders yet does not seem to have read or understand any history... not even those only a few generations ago.

They all tend to dress up to commemorate WW1 and 2, give speeches about freedom and sacrifice and evil Nazis... then head to the Ball or the Opera. You would think with the annual speeches they'd at least wonder what led to those wars and those evils... nope.

Instead of learning that economies fail when wealth is not equitably distributed; societies and gov't collapse when the masses starves and the aristocrats tell them to eat cake and live in their forbidden cities... they systematically removes the safeguards their forefathers were smart enough to put in place just in time to save their country.

Not smart to remove the few circuit breakers that stops periodic uprisings and revolutions while kicking up the wealth disparities that have always ruin economies. Not smart.

This time it's global, and there's plenty of nukes to make it even more exciting.

Going to have my imported beer now What's wrong with VB? They used to be nice, now it's like cheap tea.
I believe the government should bring in a flat tax rate of 25% for all and no deduction perks..That would apply to PAYG WORKERS, BUSINESS AND LARGE CORPORATIONS.

Lift the GST to 15% with compensation to pensioners by way of increased payments.

A very simple system without a lot of scrutiny by the Tax department........We would also meed about half the staff in the Taxation Department.

I don't know how old you are syd, but back in the day, I think it was mid seventies, the WA traffic cops were kitted out with kawasaki bikes, jack boots and an SS style uniform. The cops fell right into the role of judge, jury and executioner, with gusto.... the WESTERN AUSTRALIAN public were to be brought into line with Mr Court's/Liberal Party's idea of regimen and discipline.
Going to have my imported beer now What's wrong with VB? They used to be nice, now it's like cheap tea.

The few times I buy packaged beer, I have started up with Millers.
If a minister doesn't bother reading emails and follow up emails that have a dire impact on society from intended actions, what other stuff is deemed of no consequence?


If a minister doesn't bother reading emails and follow up emails that have a dire impact on society from intended actions, what other stuff is deemed of no consequence?


"The government will not comment on on-street matters"
Tony Abbott being urged to consider dumping Joe Hockey and calling a March election: cabinet ministers

Of course this is just another LUG-Fairfax-ABC-Lefty conspiracy


Part of my role at work is to raise outage notices which get seen on the web page of the 2 brands of ISP I support.

One of my KPIs is to manage this process in a timely manner ie get the notice up not too long after the outage starts and remove it not too long the outage is fixed. It's not coket science, but keeps out customers properly informed of any issues.

Over 24 hours of community agitation from the media release just seems too long to have been due to the higher ups not knowing what was going on. The fact it took till a decent protest had formed for the Friday 2pm scheduled media presentation till things were "clarified" makes me suspicious. Call me crazy but I'm just sceptical of what ANY politician says these days.

The Govt is spending a few million each quarter on media monitoring alone, including twitter, so they had to know pretty quickly what was going on. If not, they need to review their contracts because they're not getting much for their money.

Maybe Dutton is the sacrificial goat to shore up Abbott's voter base, not Hockey?

I think the truth is the last thing we hear from any of them, that is why it is important people form their own opinions, not parrot what they are being fed by politicians and the media.
I agree with most of what you say, and your lateral thinking, it will only get better with age and experience.
I seriously mean that, IMO your only failing( which probably isn't the right word) is your faith and belief that most people are nice. Time, experience and disappointments will smooth that out.
Keep posting, they are the high point of general chat.
A lot of food for thought here

Australia's treatment of asylum seekers was bound to lead to something like Border Force


What else would expect from that Red Rag Guardian News Paper...They are more biased than the ABC and that Lenore Taylor is as far left as she can be and an Abbott hater....I listened to her on Insiders with Barry Cassidy on Sunday morning and she is making out it is all Abbott's fault. The whole thing a storm in a tea cup.

What a beef up by this woman.....Would not be surprised if she was a Fabian.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Maybe I should have said "food for thought for those capable of it"
Maybe I should have said "food for thought for those capable of it"

There is no food for thought in that long drawn out report..

And you know as well I do, the Guardian News Paper is a communist paper...What else would you expect from them.

Did you really believe what you read?
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