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The Abbott Government

Abbott on 3AW

"Do I think it's wrong for a member of Parliament to go to a fundraiser and maybe use a Comcar to do it? Not necessarily.

"Should you use a helicopter to get there? Well plainly that's outside community expectations."

I don't see why tax payers should fund a politician to attend a fund raiser. I have no issue in providing funds for them to listen to community concerns, but then they already have electoral offices paid for by tax payers, so unless you have a ministry position and are doing formally recognised public consultation, then no I don't think I should have to pay for a union conference or subsidise running VIP functions for exclusive access to politicians.
WTF does Genworth have to do with the federal government ?

It's a publically listed company.!/GMA

GMA is regulated by APRA. Last I heard APRA is the FEDERAL regulator.

In what universe is it sane to allow a company that's geared at 115 times, with falling profits due to increasing bad debts that it insures the banks against shift more capital out when the likelihood of increased insurance payouts in the future is all but inevitable?
GMA is regulated by APRA. Last I heard APRA is the FEDERAL regulator.
Are you going to post about banks, credit unions, building societies, general insurance and reinsurance companies, life insurance, private health insurance, friendly societies and most members of the superannuation industry in this thread ?

There's a dedicated thread for GMA on this forum.

That's leadership for you. We think it's "not necessarily" wrong, just the people don't agree so... you know, let's just say it looks bad then.

I heard Bronwyn is retiring with $225k p.a. pension?
All this time I thought only the PM get that kind of lifetime pension... because he's the PM and there's only a few of them at any one time... that and national service at the highest level and all that.

So does all MPs get this? Only after a few terms or one term's enough?

Don't tell me the taxpayers also pay for their lunches too.

And these are the same people who's cracking down on welfare slackers and single mothers.

I agree , but the rules are so blurred that almost anything can be justified if they play their cards right. eg if they stop off at a fete and give out prizes in the lucky dip on the way to the fundraiser, is that 'official duties' ?

Probably better to give them an allowance as a proportion of their salary and the size of their electorate, and if they spend more than that, tough luck. Under the present system, the rorts will continue indefinitely.
Probably better to give them an allowance as a proportion of their salary and the size of their electorate, and if they spend more than that, tough luck. Under the present system, the rorts will continue indefinitely.

I agree with your solution. Alternatively, give them sweet FA.

Hockey was demanding Swan take a far more active role as Treasurer. Can't sit in your office all day expecting results, or words to that effect.

Just holding Hockey to the standards he was demanding when in opposition.
The arrogant self-entitlement of Christopher Pyne on ABC Radio today will take your breath away.

Paraphrasing, "I flew my kids over in Business Class in 2013 (cost to taxpayers $7,000) because that's the procedure, they were coming over to be part of my job..".

No problem however with making teenagers wait 6 months to get the dole.


Yes, and more is surfacing about Burke and his indulgences.

Like I said earlier, it is starting to look more and more like a misogyny driven witch hunt by Labor, on Bronwyn Bishop.

They are starting to look more and more like a bunch of losers, that includes both sides, buy Labor take the cake for starting it.

It just highlights how dumb they are, when you have the picture of Burke with the "P" plate, then hear of his indiscretions.
Christopher Pyne said:
they were coming over to be part of my job..".

I think the Pyne cone needs to explain that in a bit more detail. What services to the Australian taxpayer were they providing ?
Clearly there are politicians on both sides that over reach with the expenses and clearly Bronwyn was the leader of the pack by a very long way.

Burke made the point that his claims although were within the rules were outside the community expectations interesting Pyne's arrogance reflects the Liberals born to rule and screw the workers attitude.
Surprised at no mention of the $80 bil + ship building pork barrel.

Did anyone one else have trouble not throwing up listening to Abbotts comments about his government doing good work making these promises?
Surprised at no mention of the $80 bil + ship building pork barrel.

Did anyone one else have trouble not throwing up listening to Abbotts comments about his government doing good work making these promises?

That's $40bn per seat for the prospective losses to Nick's new party.....including Chris'
What's clear about this is that it's not party specific.

It's a broad problem of cultural excess within the political class but reflects worse on the conservative side of politics due to the obvious inconsistency with fiscal prudence.
What's clear about this is that it's not party specific.

It's a broad problem of cultural excess within the political class but reflects worse on the conservative side of politics due to the obvious inconsistency with fiscal prudence.

Agree, how any one thinking flying your wife and kids business class any where for any reason at the tax payers expense is reasonable is seriously out of touch.
Agree, how any one thinking flying your wife and kids business class any where for any reason at the tax payers expense is reasonable is seriously out of touch.
Partisan criticism is a waste of time on this issue when both sides so obviously show such strong underlying bipartisan support for rorting the current system.
Partisan criticism is a waste of time on this issue when both sides so obviously show such strong underlying bipartisan support for rorting the current system.

That's true, but once the Libs made such a fuss over Slipper and $900, you wouldn't expect Bronwyn to be let off with $5,000 would you ?
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