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The Abbott Government

It's been nothing but Burke since the news day service began

I was talking about you guys, cat got your tongues.

You were outraged at Abbott going to a wedding, Bishop going from Geelong to Melbourne in a helicopter, you must be really out of shape with Burke taking the missus and kids business class.
I was talking about you guys, cat got your tongues.

You were outraged at Abbott going to a wedding, Bishop going from Geelong to Melbourne in a helicopter, you must be really out of shape with Burke taking the missus and kids business class.

Tony is soo boring, whereas Bronwyn painted a target on her forehead the day she kicked her Labor victim out for 54its and giggles. ....... karma

+ 1.................all the best Noco
Tony is soo boring, whereas Bronwyn painted a target on her forehead the day she kicked her Labor victim out for 54its and giggles. ....... karma

Like I said, " It smacks of misogyny, by the anti misogyny party".

It typifies what pi$$es me off about Labor, and why I have lost all respect for them.

They rant and rave about morals and principals, yet display none themselves.

They accuse people of being immoral and abuse them, yet know they are no better themselves.

I've no time for them, they have less credibility than Hockey, who has very little.
When I heard he rents a house in Canberra, from his missus, I thought "jeez the hide of them is unbelievable".
Great to see you up and firing noco, what do you think about Tony Burke taking the wife and kids business class to Ayers Rock, at taxpayers expense?

Apparently, he may have taken them on another taxpayers trip, to a Robbie Williams concert.

Nothing like the pot calling the kettle grimey ar$e is,lol

Losers and Labor, have more in common, than first letters.

That moron stood up in parliament, with a P plate sign for Bronwyn, he should have an L plate stapled on his forehead.
That's L for loser, not for learner, what an absolute dick.
Everyone else has to pay for their own family holiday, I don't see why politicians shouldn't as well. It'a not as if they get paid peanuts.

Burke's career may suffer for this in the future, just as Bishop's career has suffered now.

If he's had to pay back money 15 times, on the face of it it looks as if he's made 15 false declarations. Not a good look.

Everyone else except Christopher Pyne who 1st classes his family to Canberra.

Thank SP for your kind thoughts.....I feel like a new born baby now......No hair.....No teeth and I just wet my pants...LOL

Am beginning to think both sides of political parties are tarred with the one brush.....Take what they can while they can.

I once had a young sales rep who traveled away from home...When he presented his expenses for the week many evening meals included oysters, lobster and mud crabs.......I asked him "do you live like that at home?"...He said ....Turn it up , I could not afford that sort of food every night.

So it is OK to live the high life so long as someone else is paying for it.
Has a bit of a track record does Tony Burke. Not averse to his lurks and perks.

If I was him, I wouldn't be pointing the finger at anyone else. Remember this?

Poor Bronny will lose her seat soon and will have to get by on a relative pittance with only 10 domestic plane trips allowed and a tragically limiting tax free pension of 255K per year.
I feel for her as after all she has done for the country. I am sure she believes she deserves better.
Noco, has been to the pearly gates chatting with St. Peter......nearly did not make it plod.... St Peter sent me back down for a while.

Good to hear you're back on the mend Noco, look after that heart.

On the community expectations that both parties seem to be hammering home, just stop putting the wool over our eyes. Tax payers shouldn't be paying you to attend party fundraisers which is easily exploitable by arranging a "meeting" with the local member etc so that the trip is classified as political, nor should we pay you to attend a colleagues wedding.

255k is not a lot to live on these days in Oz.

I mean, look at the price of a decent chopper.

Thanks overhang.....Lucky I have a good GP who diagnosed my problem in time.

N.B. to all ASF members, don't put off seeing your GP should you have chest pain, short of breath or feeling lethargic ...I was short of breath for a few chest pain....nearly left it too late.
Newspoll was meant to be published this week based on last weeks polling.

It hasn't happened and the rumour is the polling was so bad that Newscorp didn't want to release it, told the Prime Minister who promptly got rid of Bronwyn and arranged the trip to Adelaide to improve his standing. Anyone else heard this?

No.....don't believe a word of it......its a leak out of the Labor Party shadow cabinet meeting.
Me thinks an even bigger version of stormify.

Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia has urged the Abbott government to adopt the recommendations of the Financial System Inquiry, after reaffirming its full-year growth target and flagging a special dividend for shareholders as part of its interim results.

In the six months to June 30, Genworth (GMA) delivered a net profit of $113.05 million, a 25 per cent decrease on its pro-forma results in the previous corresponding period, due largely to higher losses in parts of Queensland and Western Australia as the economy continues to transition away from resources sector-led growth.

…The mortgage insurer will pay an interim dividend of 12c per share on September 4, with a special dividend of 18.5c per share also to be paid on the same date.

Why is Genworth being permitted to issue a special dividend at this point in the cycle? According to its March accounts it carried $316 billion dollars in insurance in force yet it only carries $2.738 in regulatory capital, a shocking leverage ratio of 115.4.

How APRA could allow the special dividend is beyond me. Rising bad debts, falling profit, 115 times gearing, yet has excess capital to return to shareholders. Expect a bailout in a year or two once the WA and QLD economies start to take as unemployment bites and the historically low mortgage arrears climbs.

The Govt will stand there yet again saying who-cudda-known.
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