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The Abbott Government

I came around from an operation yesterday just in time to see that "interview". I got the distinct impression the bets are already on within the Muslim community to shun our ways and proceed at full steam with their own empire building Arabic caliphate. Hizb should be encouraged to talk on more shows to get his views across a broader audience; maybe then the ambivalents and bleeding hearts will realise the situation we are in.

Those old guys with half a brain back in the 19th century dark ages must have known a thing or two about religion versus a parliamentary system and thus the separation of powers. I'm wondering what punitive provisions were put in place to enforce the rule of law?
I'm wondering what punitive provisions were put in place to enforce the rule of law?

Only a few minor punishments like flogging, stoning and cutting off hands.

What a thing to wake up to eh ? You should have had an early operation and woken up to Vanessa O'Hanlon

Only a few minor punishments like flogging, stoning and cutting off hands.

What a thing to wake up to eh ? You should have had an early operation and woken up to Vanessa O'Hanlon

Yes Vanessa...yummy mummy

I caught the tail end of Q&A this week and I noticed there was that twerp who does the Optus ads and promotes homosexuality. I found him rather rude shouting over Bob, but more to the point I was amazed at how many likes he got on facebook for being obnoxious; the strange thing about Josh Thomas is that he is a local lad who went to our local school in an affluent suburb and there is no reason anyone can fathom as to why he has a mangled accent.... showmanship is apparently the thing to do these days in the face of sensible and mature conversation and it certainly attracts the low lifes like flies.

What a soft under-belly our democratic system has!!! Our PM is empowered to spend hundreds of millions to drop two bombs in Iraq even though we know there will be seldom targets of opportunity there.

And yet he has no power to root out evil radicals in the Muslim community who support ISIS.

Can anyone tell me what relevance those two bombs have to our homeland security?

I'm afraid I didn't watch that show, but I saw the obnoxian you refer to on a news clip somewhere.

Being outrageous and/or "contraversial" is the way to get attention these days, rather than having a reasoned argument, which is why the likes of Jones (Alan) and Bolt (barking) thrive. Trying to argue a point based on evidence or reason is just too hard for most people to understand and the brain dead prefer some twit to utter nonsense as long as it's half entertaining.

When does the views of a few individuals represents the views of the majority?

I don't know... where I live, those Muslims, not all of them, but a large number of them... in the past couple weeks, they all drabe houses, flag their cars, honk to each other day and night on the roads... But their colours are White and Blue.

I thought it was Black, or maybe green and white... but somehow, these barbarians chose Blue and White as their colours, and a Bulldog as their idol. They even have their children wrap these flags around them man! My neighbour, whom I thought was a Christian Arab, they all wrap their kids in white and blue, bring friends and eskies over the weekend and have a barbie.

I think they've converted the local Canterbury culture to their ways of hate and are not shy about showing it.

dam, I better go throw the pasta and seafood salad they gave us.
Sloppy Joe screws up again:

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is being urged to "correct" his Treasurer Joe Hockey, who has said the Labor opposition should pass stalled budget measures if it is "honest" about supporting the Iraq mission and its associated costs.

Mr Abbott on Thursday was asked several times whether he backed Mr Hockey's comments, but he declined and instead praised Labor's leader Bill Shorten for his bipartisan approach to the military action against Islamic State extremists.

Read more:

"within the Muslim community"
How to look after your mates and wage a class war in one easy lesson

How to look after your mates and wage a class war in one easy lesson

We all know from America that the rich are job creators, not necessarily Australian jobs or the kind of jobs the non-driving poor are hired to do... but you know, trickle down economics.
So Mr (R)Abbott is going to shirtfront Putin for murdering Australians.

There is no evidence that Russia had anything at all to do with this crash. There is some growing evidence that a Ukraine warplane shot it down by mistake.

The investigation still has a long way to go and is being held back by political self interests, in particular from the west.

Source, Zero Hedge over the last few months.

It is becoming clear that Mr Abbott's mouth is becoming an embarrasement on the international stage.
Isn't the loopy Left's cause now Islam ?
Isn't the loopy Left's cause now Islam ?

What has the left got to do with the current discussion?

The use of the word "loopy " is there in place of understanding.

And Russia is a totalitarian regime but seems to be moderating towards western ways and trade. Its growing wealth in resources and its trading relationship with the chinese powerhouse make it one to try and work things out with, not try to thump.

I think he unconsciously want to compete with Putin to see whose shirtless pose will win the G20 calendar contest.
When I was at uni (mid 80's), I can remember someone protesting that if the US disarmed its nukes, that totalitarian regime (your words) would have done the same.

Perhaps he too saw himself as being understanding.
Its growing wealth in resources
It doesn't seem to be too commonly realised that Russia produces more oil than Saudi Arabia and is the world's #1 oil producing country.

Russia = 13.3% of world oil production. The other big two being Saudi Arabia (12.65%) and the USA (10%).

For the record, Australia = 0.7%, New Zealand = 0.07%.

If you look at Russia's economy, they're very much an "oil country" so far as exports and government revenue is concerned. Not quite as dependent on it as the Saudis etc, but it's a very major industry in Russia certainly.

Russia is also the #2 gas producing country at about 19% of the world total. USA is #1 (20%).
Perhaps we can get the Australian protagonists in the ring with Putin at Cairns.
First billing will be....Vlad the Lad v Tony the Show Pony....and then Vlad the lad v Bill the Dill.
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