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The Abbott Government

The main opposition for the burka ban seems to come from shrill do-gooders like Christine Milne rather than from the Islamic community.

The full face covering burka is NOT a requirement of the Islamic faith, obviously, as very few Muslim women actually wear it so it comes down to a matter of choice. We should therefore be free to impose the same restrictions on identity concealment as we wold impose on anyone else who chooses to conceal their identity in public.

I wonder if they would let a bunch of blokes, wearing full face motor cycle helmets, walk in?

Even if it was a requirement of the Islamic "faith", I still see no reason to allow it.

This is Australia, we make our own rules and we require people to have their face clearly visible in some situations and there are justifiable reasons why this is required. End of story.

+ 1...I fully agree.

Absolutely. My point was that there is no argument along "religious discrimination" lines.
The full face covering burka is NOT a requirement of the Islamic faith, obviously, as very few Muslim women actually wear it so it comes down to a matter of choice.

Its a matter of cultural acceptance or rejection.
Can anybody inform me as to whether, up to this point in time; has some one wearing a burka ever been seated bin the public viewing areas of parliament house?

Mind you though, I did spot Mathias Cormann trying to sneak out the back entrance in one just the other day, on his way to a financial advice seminar, I believe.

Not that I know of, which although I agree with their sentiment, the stupidity of bringing the idea up when it's not necessary to do so is obvious.
Not that I know of, which although I agree with their sentiment, the stupidity of bringing the idea up when it's not necessary to do so is obvious.
Before you get too carried away with how unnecessary it may or may not have been, it was reported on ABC's "PM" program this evening that the interim ruling was in response to a widespread rumour as follows:

(from PM this evening)

Additional reports indicate the possibility that around ten protestors (as distinct from Muslim women) were planning to create mayhem in the parliament.

Perhaps you'd prefer they'd have been permitted to go ahead and wreak havoc with their identities concealed.

Thanks Julia,

This puts the Speaker's decision and Tony Abbott's clarification/opposition to burqa ban in perspective.

Mice will make mischief.

And then there is female genital mutilation which goes hand in hand with burgadom.


Buy the best subs

THANKS to Brendan Nicholson for the most interesting report about retired rear admiral Peter Briggs’s criticisms of the Japanese Soryu-class submarines, which are being considered as a replacement of the Collins class (“Navy veterans critical of Japanese subs”, 1/10). It is worrying that we are considering the Soryu when it has smaller crew quarters and a shorter range than the Collins.

I agree with him when he says we should be considering a nuclear design, such as the French Barracuda, which doesn’t need refuelling for many years. Surely with our vast shoreline we need vessels with extended range rather than the reverse.

In 1990 we could have bought the British nuclear Vanguard submarines for about the same cost as the Collins. But because of our antinuclear policy these were never considered.

Is history going to repeat itself, or are we going to get real, start afresh, and consider revoking our antinuclear stand so we can look at the best submarine to suit our needs? Right now the US navy is building another 10 Virginia-class nuclear-powered subs for $US1.7 billion each, which is less than the budgeted replacement for the Collins. We should be addressing what is the best machine instead of repeating mistakes just because of a policy written years ago.

Colin B. Fraser, Aldgate SA
Perhaps you'd prefer they'd have been permitted to go ahead and wreak havoc with their identities concealed.

I think the simplest idea is just ban everyone with identity concealing garments from entering the building.
I wonder if they would let a bunch of blokes, wearing full face motor cycle helmets, walk in?

I wonder what would happen if a bunch of Aussie blokes donned a burka each and paraded around in them? Take it one step further, I wonder what would happen if motor cycle members donned a burka each in Qld ?

I heard the diesel is quieter, but yea, with our vast coastal borders, nuclear ought to be the way... at least worth considering given that a couple of bound of the stuff could fire one for a while.
Surely we could go with out strength and use coal power subs!

Seriously though, with the recent developments of batteries, couldn't we have an electric sub, maybe with fuel cells to create hydrogen from sea water to use as power as a backup. We wouldn't need refuelling depots or the problems of nuclear fuel.

Yeah...good idea but lets include some port holes as well to let the gases out.l

That's interesting... Saw a documentary where modern subs now uses seawater as its source of oxygen for breathing - separating the O2 from H2O... might as well use the Hydrogen byproduct to energise.

But why use clean Hydrogen and there's clean coals and fossil.
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