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The Abbott Government

If Abbott has the cajones, he'll get my support


I thought you get you medical advice from the GP that wrote the prescriptions. If you need advice for over the counter medicine, read the instructions. And why can't WOW or WES pharmacies provide the same level of service from their registered pharmacists if they're allowed to operate?

But the $16 billion industry tells you there's more to it than that.
Obviously Abbott Govt ministers have very different ideas as to what the ending of the age of entitlement should be like

Just have to say wow about the day let. I've got 6 nights in london for $860 at the mercure this week. I also don't understand why I've had to pay for his wife to go on the jaunt with him.

One has to wonder if he'd been handing over his personal credit card if he'd have been as extravagant. Maybe he's attended the Don Randall school of entitlements
I'd prefer to see less PPPs with 20% IRR and restrictive clauses eg 1 public bus route to Sydney Airport or compensation if more public transport options are delivered than compete with a toll road.
The argument used to be that we needed "reforms" so as to lower costs and make the overall economy more competitive. That sounds reasonable.

But having seen what actually happens, it's very clear that neither the Coalition nor Labor has even the slightest intention of genuinely lowering business costs to improve competitiveness. Rather, it's simply about transferring wealth to selected private owners in the main, and either bashing (Coalition) or boosting (Labor) unions. Nothing about lowering costs in there.

I've understood politics a lot better ever since I realised that the "need to be competitive" line isn't what either of the major parties actually pursue. A bit of lip service perhaps, but not a lot of substance.

No way would we have the likes of Macquarie owning airports (a natural monopoly) and making a fortune if the real aim was to keep costs down. But that's not the aim....
Interesting that the PM said in Parliament today that we should "live normally", but prepare for restrictions on our freedom.

I wonder if he realises how contradictory those ideas are.

Very true. Short term sugar hit to sell of an income producing asset to pay off cheap debt, then shaft the economy with an airport charging some of the highest fees in the world, run by a company that isn't even spending enough on the airport to keep up with depreciation.

Howard was able to brag about what a good economic manager he was, while the most important airport in Australia acts as an economic drag on the tourism sector for decades to come.
The Hawke/Keating government sold a couple of bits and pieces IIRC.

And what was the previous Labor government planning to sell after completion ?

Originally, NBN Co was to be automatically sold - provided the finance minister of the day felt the price would be right - five years after the network was built.
Interesting that the PM said in Parliament today that we should "live normally", but prepare for restrictions on our freedom.

I wonder if he realises how contradictory those ideas are.

Certainly getting an uneasy feeling where now every headline is Abbott and terrorism, now its freedoms bit like when in opposition all you saw was Abbott and Hi Vis with the workers.....we all know how that turned out.

You know its all poll driven when Shorten joins in lock step.

Yes spot on IFocus.

ISIS/ISIL/IS making threats to Australians (urging locals to kill Australians) just to bloody improve Abbotts polls!
These terror threats are being made online or on social media.

Why aren't these sites being blocked instead of considering monitoring everyone's internet use ?
Could I implore the Abbott Govt to take on board this IMF Growth-Friendly Fiscal Policy

Considering the lack of ability to sell policy so far, I'm not hopeful.


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These terror threats are being made online or on social media.

Why aren't these sites being blocked instead of considering monitoring everyone's internet use ?

The media are doing their jobs as they always have but it makes me wonder how many of the target audience for these extremest would have even seen this fatwa if the media hadn't given it coverage? I think from what we know in Australia this isn't a well organised following.
The Hawke/Keating government sold a couple of bits and pieces IIRC.

And what was the previous Labor government planning to sell after completion ?

I'd argue the sale of CBA and Qantas more fit with the Abbott ideology of privatised competition.

The Howard era of selling a vertically integrate Telstra monopoly, and monopoly airports was not quite as "pure".

There is no competition for the majority of Australian Airports - BNE and OOL are probably the only ones that truly compete with each other. Telstra had a monopoly network and have spent every day since listing on the ASX making telecommunications as expensive as possible for the rest of us. I'd love to know how much the legal wranglings and ACCC monitoring has cost since the T1 sale. Plenty of dead loss money.

But even Labors sale of CBA, which you could argue was helping with moral hazard, hasn't really done much for us because CBA is TBTF and we tax payers will ride in to rescue it should they stuff up too badly. Same with QF. The international arm may be let go, but the Govt would definitely step in to keep the domestic airline running should QF stumble badly, though it's return on capital is woeful so we taxpayers who didn't buy into it are better off than the punters who did.

Is it smart to sell an asset that generates a greater return than the cost of debt? Why are highly geared PPPs seen to be superior to conservatively geared Govt investments?

As for Labor selling the NBN, at least it was a wholesale only monopoly providing legislated open access to everyone. If Telstra had been sold as separate wholesale and retail companies, well we'd probably have had an FTTN network a decade ago.
The media are doing their jobs as they always have but it makes me wonder how many of the target audience for these extremest would have even seen this fatwa if the media hadn't given it coverage?

Exactly. Why give these people any oxygen to light the fires with ?
Why are highly geared PPPs seen to be superior to conservatively geared Govt investments?


You ever seen the PPP agreements the govt signs? Does the old saying "all care no responsibility" resonate? The grab for cash is much stronger than the moral dilemma of mortgaging the next generation with a worthless asset at the end of term.
As for Labor selling the NBN, at least it was a wholesale only monopoly providing legislated open access to everyone. If Telstra had been sold as separate wholesale and retail companies, well we'd probably have had an FTTN network a decade ago.
They had to build it first and we now all know how well that that was going when Labor was booted from office last year.

Then there's the question of the price being right as per the quoted article above. What if it could only be sold at a loss ?

Who would want to buy it (or anything else for that matter) at a price that generated a lesser return than the cost of debt ?
On matters budget,

For WA, the situation is even worse with the iron ore price now about $US43 below budget estimates for a shortfall of over $2bn this financial year. The $AUD though has turned in the WA budget's favour though, currently to the tune of about $150m.
Someone's been a naughty boy.

I wonder if switching from business to economy is a way to get two tickets for the price of one, then get bumped anyway because airline people know the importance of keeping the domestic political bosses happy?

At least he managed to get the latest papal instructions for our mostly catholic parliament, first hand.
Yes spot on IFocus.

ISIS/ISIL/IS making threats to Australians (urging locals to kill Australians) just to bloody improve Abbotts polls!

Yep, probably Tony Abbott is behind the entire disaster that is the ME, just so he can play war games and get a lift in the polls.
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