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The Abbott Government

Abbott has plans already in place but your comrades in the senate will not let him implement them.

Rumpy, Shorten should be listening to and taking notice of Uncle Bob and Uncle Paul......all in the interest of the nation of course.

Please spell out these plans.?

They do not seem to be in place or out there in the public domain to me.

He had a few to dismantle and what I would describe as constructive things but what is "he building" so to speak for Australia and its people.
Please spell out these plans.?

They do not seem to be in place or out there in the public domain to me.

He had a few to dismantle and what I would describe as constructive things but what is "he building" so to speak for Australia and its people.

Holy hell plod, don't you read the newspaper or watch TV?.......It has been on for over 12 months.

You can also do your own homework.

To date I have not seen anything from the Fabian indoctrinated Green/Labor left wing socialist.......Even Uncles Bob and Paul don't know what they stand for....perhaps you might like to tell me...but there again you would not be able to because the Green/Labor coalition don't have any plans.
Peter Costello says Australia's economic luck is running out as demand for resources falls

So Tony, what's the plan for after the resources boom ?

Goodness gracious noco, those you refer to are not in Government.

Answer the question?
Pretty much we're at the point now where spending any money to reduce electricity consumption is not going to provide adequate returns for my household.

A bit off-topic but I've been there, seen this one many times.

To do a proper analysis of energy efficiency, solar, pellets, gas, wood, coal, burnt leaves or shivering in the dark versus using grid electricity requires that you look at the marginal unit price only. Fixed costs are out of the equation completely unless you're evaluating literally disconnecting the mains supply altogether, and the lowest step of a tiered energy rate structure is also usually irrelevant unless you can cut consumption to below the upper limit of the lowest tier.

So it's the rate per kWh you are paying, not the total amount of the bill, that is relevant to any evaluation of alternatives. Eg if your marginal electricity cost is 24c / kWh then that's the relevant figure. That you are also paying $400 a year in supply charges is only relevant if you're considering going off-grid.

Doesn't have a huge amount to do with the Abbott government though. The level of fixed charges is primarily a consequence of the actions of state governments in the 1990's and 00's and to a lesser extent the Australian Governments in power at the time. Abbott hasn't had much to do with this one either good or bad.
Goodness gracious noco, those you refer to are not in Government.

Answer the question?

I don't have to answer any questions to a bully mate....who do you think you are? do your own homework...anyone with a sound mind all know what Abbott has done and I don't have to spell it out to you..........the lazy opposition are so negative...Uncle Bob and Paul also believe Shorten and his comrades need to change their thinking in the interest of the nation.
Peter Costello says Australia's economic luck is running out as demand for resources falls

So Tony, what's the plan for after the resources boom ?

Reduce illegal imigrants.
Reduce Govenment debt, to help hold interest rates down and free up money for infrastructure.
Spend on labour intensive infrastructure.
Reduce Government spending.

So Bill, what's your plan.
Reduce illegal imigrants.
Reduce Govenment debt, to help hold interest rates down and free up money for infrastructure.
Spend on labour intensive infrastructure.
Reduce Government spending.

So Bill, what's your plan.

And save $30 billion by buying Japanese subs.
And save $30 billion by buying Japanese subs.

Labor's plan will be :-

Bring back the carbon dioxide tax.

Bring back the mining tax that has produced no income,...cost more to administer than returns.

Open the flood gates to illegal immigrants.

Borrow more money ($30 billion ) to subsidize the unions for building of Australian subs.

Prop up the the unions to subsidize unprofitable industries.

Load up the credit card and let the Coalition pay it off.

They will be absolute economic vandals again.
Reduce illegal imigrants.
Reduce Govenment debt, to help hold interest rates down and free up money for infrastructure.
Spend on labour intensive infrastructure.
Reduce Government spending.

So Bill, what's your plan.

Increase 457 visa immigrants during a period of increasing unemployment. That's fair tot he local workers.

If reducing Govt debt holds interest rates down, how does that match with the increase in Govt debt over the last 5 years and pretty much the lowest interest rates we've had? The current deficit will likely be larger than last years, yet I don't see 5 and 10 year Govt bonds increasing in yield.

If spending on labour intensive infrastructure is funnelled to projects that don't generate an economic return, then all we've done is kick the can down the road and made future tax payers poorer. Infrastructure Australia already has some detailed research on proposed projects and none of them are stacking up on purely financial grounds. Abbott has so far chosen to ignore their advice.

Reducing Govt spending while the private sector is also cutting back on spending is practically impossible to do - not been done in the post war era. Cutting back on Govt spending when the private sector is also deleveraging will send us the way of Greece / Spain where debt levels are continuing to climb while GDP falls.


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not sure if this was recknoised a couple of months back

Accounting graduates will be hardest hit by a government decision to keep the profession on a list of in-demand occupations for skilled migrants, university experts says.

The decision, a boon to employers and a $4.8 billion cash cow for university business schools, comes despite the Department of Employment, which wanted accounting removed from the list, concluding there was a surplus of accountants and “deteriorating outcomes for graduates . . . relatively low pay rates for bachelor graduates and weak employment outcomes for masters graduates”.

Universities, who rely on international accounting students as a valuable source of income, and two of the major accounting bodies, who charge foreign accountants for membership and *evaluation of their qualifications for migration, support keeping the occupation on the list.

The government elected to keep accounting on the skilled occupation list, meaning qualified foreign workers can apply for a permanent visa without a sponsor, but to cut the intake from an annual average of 6500 over the past six years to 5000 from July 1.

The AWPA report reveals about half of migrants who said they were accountants between 2009 and 2011 were actually working as accountants or an equally skilled occupation a year after migration.

More than 40 per cent were working in a lower-skilled occupation or in an unspecified job a year after migration,

Seems just another ploy to keep the foreign student dollars coming in for the unis and suppress local wages, along with the population ponzi.
Reducing government spending will lead to a recession.

Increase revenue from those who can afford it (the mining industry) and use this to stimulate the rest of the economy.
Reducing government spending will lead to a recession.

Increase revenue from those who can afford it (the mining industry) and use this to stimulate the rest of the economy.

Rumpy haven't you read the latest news......the mining industry is flat so how are you going extract blood out o a stone?....coal prices down.....iron ore prices down.

Perhaps we might have to have the recession we have to have "ahla Paul money is left in the piggy bank since Labor raided it all 2007/2013.

Easy noco, you charge a percentage of their profits. Mineral prices are like most commodity prices, they go up and down. If the miners make less profit, they pay less tax.

As my favourite meerkat would say, Shimple.

Easy noco, you charge a percentage of their profits. Mineral prices are like most commodity prices, they go up and down. If the miners make less profit, they pay less tax.

As my favourite meerkat would say, Shimple.

Isn't that what the 30% business tax is meant to do?
Isn't that what the 30% business tax is meant to do?

SP, the Green/Labor left wing socialist party will not be happy until all the coal mines are closed and thousands of workers are thrown out of a job.

Without coal, iron ore cannot be smelted so there goes the iron ore mining.....more workers thrown out of jobs.

What hypocrites they are when they have the audacity to criticize Abbott for considering buying subs from Japan and perhaps throwing 3000 out of work
Isn't that what the 30% business tax is meant to do?

All companies pay company tax, but most don't dig up our non reneweable resources and leave big holes in the ground after they leave. There needs to be a premium on mining companies ; it's called resource rent.
All companies pay company tax, but most don't dig up our non reneweable resources and leave big holes in the ground after they leave. There needs to be a premium on mining companies ; it's called resource rent.

They pay royalties to the states for what they mine. It is the states that own the resources and that is their fee to the miners for what they dig up. I am not sure, but I believe royalties are paid based on the quantity mined and is independent of whether the miner eventually makes a profit or not.
Isn't that what the 30% business tax is meant to do?

Yup. But with the likes of Glencore shifting profits out of Australia, BHP and RIO using depreciation to cut their tax rates, they don't actually pay anywhere near the 30% corporate tax rate.
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