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The Abbott Government

And you have to factor in what the farmer has done to produce suitable product. For example some products need to be the right size, no insect bites etc. Quality can be extremely variable.

Yes-say an orchardist wants good quality eating apples picked.....he would pay wages to get unbruised first class apples....not let piece workers go their hardest and produce inferior quality.
Good to see his former master calling Abbott out for political muckraking.

It has to be pretty bad before Conservatives attack their own.

Perhaps this link is a bit off the thread but it is reply.

It would have been better suited to the the thread , "THE USELESS LABOR PARTY".

Nevertheless, Hawke and Keating have not spoken too kindly of comrade Shorten.

It has to be pretty bad when ex Labor Prime Ministers attack the present Labor Party now in opposition.

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

PRESSURE IS RISING on the ALP and its “leader,” Bill Shorten, to stop their mindless obstructionism and allow government spending cuts to pass the Senate; with Labor legends Bob Hawke and Paul Keating lending their imprimatur to the need to urgently restore the federal budget to health, the cynicism and sheer bloody-mindedness of the ALP’s blocking tactics are stripped bare: not that further proof of their hypocrisy is required.

It must be galling, if you’re Bill Shorten, to find two of Labor’s most successful modern leaders publicly repudiating your entire political strategy; that is what Bob Hawke and Paul Keating have, in essence, done, and it’s time Shorten — and his erstwhile colleagues — woke up to themselves.
What is Labor's plan to fix unemployment, syd?

On Syd's behalf, labor are not in government. But just the other day they suggested alternatives to full constuction of defence machines offshore.

Libs bereft of anything but being the front news stars its seems.

So its Dysneyland starring Mr Rabbit and the noise of discontent and jokes will only get louder as things are headed at the moment.
FORMER prime minister John Howard is uneasy about the *Abbott government’s decision to hold royal commissions into the former Labor government.
Which is why John Howard was a long term popular prime minister in a way Tony Abbott will never be.
Good on him for having the integrity to speak out.

Perhaps this link is a bit off the thread but it is reply.

It would have been better suited to the the thread , "THE USELESS LABOR PARTY".
Why? It's about a former leader of the Liberal Party being honest enough to apply some appropriate criticism to the current PM. I don't see how that should go into any thread about the Labor Party.
On Syd's behalf, labor are not in government.


Also the Labor party did not kill off the automotive industry in this country. Massive mistake that one, unless you are happy with Australia becoming a third world nation.

Julia perhaps you read my post was about my link......I was referring to Rumpoles comment about Howard criticizing Abbott when in actual fact Hawke and Keating were even more severe on Shorten.

Also the Labor party did not kill off the automotive industry in this country. Massive mistake that one, unless you are happy with Australia becoming a third world nation.

The unions did that job all by themselves then expected the Government to forever give out handouts to an over seas company.

The Labor Government gave Ford billions of tax payers dollars and then the unions would demand higher wages....even when Gillard them the billions they were still mind set to close Ford in 2017 or maybe sooner now.

$80,000 for unskilled workers is a bit rich.
What is Labor's plan to fix unemployment, syd?

Considering it's 2 years from an election, Abbott spent most of his time in opposition without articulating a plan, and still seems to have no plan beyond repeal of the mining tax and carbon tax will cause business to begin investing again, why is it now that an opposition party should have these kinds of policies.

That said, I'd be a darned site happier if Labor was more nuanced in their opposition. If they sounded like that had a bit more of a plan than Abbott, which IMHO wouldn't be that difficult, then the Government would be in a real pickle.

Abbott has plans already in place but your comrades in the senate will not let him implement them.

Rumpy, Shorten should be listening to and taking notice of Uncle Bob and Uncle Paul......all in the interest of the nation of course.
One thing I must say, since the abolition of the that stupid carbon dioxide tax, which I might add did nothing to affect climate change, my electricity bill has been dramatically reduced.

Tariff 11 ....down by 9.41%

Tariff 31.....down by 18.31%

Tariff 33.....down by 12,11%

THE extreme left-wing Australia Institute has been conducting a relentless campaign against the resources industries that are the foundation of Australia’s prosperity.

It grabs at every possible opportunity — from climate change to spurious claims of taxpayer handouts — to try to delegitimise the industry in overall terms and to kill individual projects.

In its latest sally AI had claimed that state and territory governments had provided $17.6 billion in subsidies to the industry over a six-year period.

Well, an analysis of the claim for the Minerals Council of Australia has completely demolished both the claimed subsidy in general and the claimed figure specifically.

Arguably, the demolition even more fundamentally demolishes the AI itself and any claims it had — if you’ll pardon the expression — left to analytical credibility.

So, comparing to your previous bill, what was the reduction?

I just got my latest bill - $191.16 for 540kWh or avg 35.4c kWh

For the same period last year $258.21 for 812kWh or avg 31.7c kWh

Care to explain why my average cost per unit of energy consumed has increased?

I'll give you a hint. It's the fixed costs. They're continuing to increase as a % of power bills. All eyes are on the variable cost, but as you can see, a near 50% drop in household consumption, along with your hyped up carbon tax reduction, and we got a 35% reduction in costs. Pretty much we're at the point now where spending any money to reduce electricity consumption is not going to provide adequate returns for my household.

Shock and horror. Mineral council funds research showing....resource companies don't get much subsidies at all.


Well Syd, at least Abbott doesn't have to find employment for another 50,000 boat people, that would have arrived if Labor/Greens had been re elected.
Well Syd, at least Abbott doesn't have to find employment for another 50,000 boat people, that would have arrived if Labor/Greens had been re elected.

+1....but don't you mean another 50,000 on social welfare compliments of the Green/Labor coalition.
Shock and horror. Mineral council funds research showing....resource companies don't get much subsidies at all.


Do you know what "much" subsidies is and the amount? I'd be interested to see what an independent (neutral if that's at all possible) auditor came up with rather than the far left and far right studies you are quoting.
Who would you move on Noco?

That is for me to know and you to find out.

If I were to tell you, it would be exploited so it best if I don't say..... But nevertheless the poor performers should be replaced and that applies to who ever is in Government.
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