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The Abbott Government

Absolutely, what gets up my nose is those who take the moral high ground and wave their wand at who is being subsidised, when they themselves were subsidised.

Everyone in our society is being subsidised, wether it be because tax rates are too low or welfare payments or pink batts or $900 cheques or subsidised train travel or road and rail infrastructure or health or education or supperannuation.

What has to be acknowledged is we are running at a loss, and focusing on one area isn't going to fix it.
It isn't a Labor or Liberal thing, it's an Australia thing, if it isn't addressed everyones living standard will drop.

Labor had six years and tried but failed.
Liberal have had a tortuous 12 months and haven't been able to implement policy that can be laid squarely at their feet.
It is dumb Labor policy, not to say we disagree with this.
But as you voted them in we will, with reservation pass it.

However if we are voted in at the next election, we will review the outcomes and if we find it was detrimental, we will revoke it.

Then Shorten would look like he had a brain, but Labor proved they were short on that when in

So you support infrastructure pork, but not something that actually helps to save households of all types large licks of money over a couple of decades. The scheme will more than pay for itself from the energy savings. Self liquidating Government infrastructure.

The fact it's good for the environment is a secondary consideration for me. It's putting $$$ into my pocket, doing the same for my parents as well.

Definitely provides a better outcome than say the baby bonus.
What has to be acknowledged is we are running at a loss, and focusing on one area isn't going to fix it.
It isn't a Labor or Liberal thing, it's an Australia thing, if it isn't addressed everyones living standard will drop.

It's not just an 'Australian thing'. It's a 'developed world/advanced economies' thing. However, relative to the rest (let's just consider OECD) Australia is better than most with 28% public debt to GDP in 2014 versus OECD average of 113%. To put this in perspective consider Europe's basket case, Greece, which has public debt to GDP of 200%. Another sick man of Europe is Portugal with 135% but the sickest of the OECD sick is actually Japan romping in at 230% ahead of Greece. And how about these:
USA 114%
UK 114%
France 110%
Spain 105%
Italy 135%
And then there is our small neighbour New Zealand who who at 56% has double Australia's public debt to GDP.
Source: Public Debt as a % of GDP in OECD Countries, 2007-2014

Relative to our peers it seems justified to ask, what is all the fuss about here in Australia. We can put much, much more on the public credit card yet. But that assumes it would be a good thing to become as sick as they are.
On the contrary, I think the Abbott Government is doing the right thing in trying to reduce Australia's indebtedness now because we will be in better shape to weather the SHTF day that is coming to all of the world's over-indebted economies.
Tony Abbott one year on: how the trust was won and lost

Even then, sure of victory, Abbott stayed a resolutely small target. He refused to put candour before caution. He refused to risk telling voters the truth, even though his own remorseless campaign against Julia Gillard’s “lie” on the carbon tax proved beyond doubt that honesty was essential for successful reform, and trust for successful leadership.

He insisted Labor’s claims that the Coalition would “cut to the bone” were “bare-faced lies”, unwilling to admit his promises of continued spending were incompatible with his promise to return to surplus and solve the “budget emergency” and the “debt and deficit disaster”.

“In the last week of the campaign, Labor will say anything to sway your vote including the most bare-faced lies about the Coalition … There are no cuts to health. No cuts to education. Pensions don’t change. The GST doesn’t change.”

“... My aim is to lead a no-surprises, no-excuses government that says what it means and does what it says.”

Oh dear...the good old Guardian headed by the Fabian Society to bash Abbott....every thing they quote is bad and negative...not a good word anywhere to be seen.

Well, at last we have a government headed by an adult leader with a mature team........progress in the development of Northern Australia is beginning to see the light of day...something that was lacking in the previous government....a new dam 120km south of Darwin is in the making with prospects of opening up new farming, new towns, new roads and schools.....probably the first new dam to be constructed in many years.

But then again, I guess we will see those useless Greenies chaining themselves to trees to save the rare red frogs or pink nosed wombats...OMG I don't want to even think about it.

But of course you would not expect the Guardian to give praise to such an initiative....only negativity...harp on the broken promises.....get over it.
Reminds me of the Obama isn't a US citizen claims, though he was quite willing to clear up the question by providing his birth certificate.,6859#.VAgnLI2Wt5o.twitter

Abbott can clear the whole thing up in the blink of an eye, of course ”” just show us the RN and it will all be over.

But he and his camp followers don’t seem to want to do that ”” or allow others to release this information. We can only wonder why.

If the British Home Office come back to Magrathea and say they are unable to find the RN, things may move up a notch.

Surely a man of Abbott's integrity and respect for team Australia wouldn't ever let some like this happen?
If the British Home Office come back to Magrathea and say they are unable to find the RN, things may move up a notch.

On 1 August, Magrathea’s email account was hacked and all his emails were deleted. What started as an innocent enquiry has begun to morph into something quite serious ”” and perhaps sinister. Certainly suspicious.

Very interesting and something worthy of investigation by an independent media.

I doubt if the Australian would do it. Four Corners perhaps ?
With the Ashby/Slipper story on 60 minutes tomorrow the liberals are going to relearn Richard Nixon's adage that it's the coverup not the crime that gets you.
With the Ashby/Slipper story on 60 minutes tomorrow the liberals are going to relearn Richard Nixon's adage that it's the coverup not the crime that gets you.

Very true. I don't think Mal Borough will come out with much political life left in him. Be interesting to see what is said about Pyne and his little fireside chat a couple of weeks before Ashby lodged his claims in court.
It's no different from those of us who installed rooftop solar systems long before the current ubeaut subsidised system was offered.

It's a classic "if you can't beat them, join them" situation with solar.

From an ideological perspective, I favour the cheapest option and that's still centralised generation of electricity. Even if we say no to coal and gas, large scale renewable is still cheaper than small scale - it's just basic economics there.

But I've got solar panels on my roof simply because they are saving me money (that plus I just happen to like technical things generally, but for most people that's not a major factor).

That approach has gone right through society really. Today, there is practically nothing that isn't cross-subsidised in some way from petrol to holidays to food. Very few things are charged on a true cost basis these days, solar is just one example of many (albeit a fairly well known one).

We've reached the point where the people receiving the benefits are the same people paying the taxes - it's all one big money-go-round as I call it and much of it is pointless. If it were up to me, I'd have welfare for those in genuine need and so on but abolish much of the money shuffling.
Rob Oakeshott glad he chose Labor in 2010.

The retired politician said the trio had faced a blunt choice between former prime minister Julia Gillard's "transactional" leadership style versus the "crash or crash through" adversarial style of Tony Abbott following 2010's hung parliament.

Of course he was. He wanted to crash through on a carbon price.

It was the decision that crashed his political career.
How is telling what she thinks is the truth not strong leadership?

Because it's an admission of defeat.

Nazism was an ideology and it was defeated. For Bishop to say that an ideology can't be defeated is a weak kneed statement that flies in the face of history, and is at odds with what Obama is saying that ISIL can be defeated.

Bishop hasn't done herself any favours with that statement.
Very interesting and something worthy of investigation by an independent media.

I doubt if the Australian would do it. Four Corners perhaps ?

I'm shocked...I would have bet London to a brick he was a Vatican national.

So you would prefer her to lie?
I think she is spot on. The west will never defeat IS (or some other form of it) unless you wipe out Islam (and that is not going to happen). But that does not mean we should not try and contain it as much as possible if it threatens us.
That's her message - she lives in the real world.
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