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The Abbott Government

Everyone pays for everything in the end. we don't want employers complaining that company tax rates are too high to pay for pensions because people haven't got enough super.
Everyone pays for everything in the end. we don't want employers complaining that company tax rates are too high to pay for pensions because people haven't got enough super.

What's the point. A lot of us will be dead before we will be of an age able to access it.
What's the point. A lot of us will be dead before we will be of an age able to access it.

Are you kidding , or just commenting on the increasing pension access age ?

The population is ageing and medical technology is keeping us alive at great expense.

There will be a lot of old people around in the years to come who need something to live on.
Is it just me? Or do others see the growing number of unemployed as a 'wasted resource'... and one, that only it seems, to be squandered by the Abbott governments ideological distemper....

There will of course be jobs building and administering more prisons in the years ahead as the crafted underclass of poorest steal to survive.
I have the feeling Tony must get his economic advice from Joe. This is what he said during the repeal of the resource tax:

“We have seen the back of the mining tax – possibly the most foolish tax in the history of our country – a tax that destroyed jobs, a tax that damaged investment, a tax which cost money and a tax which did not raise any revenue,”

Now, if he's correct in that the tax didn't collect any revenue, how did it destroy jobs and damaged investment? Half a billion must be along the lines of poor people don't drive cars, or Gina's lose change in the couch maybe.

If the tax was kept it would start to produce a decent level of revenue in a few years, once the large store of depreciation was used up. Increased revenue would seem to be a good thing when there's a budget emergency, or non emergency. The Govt can't quite decide which it is these days.

If the tax has been so damaging to the resource industry, why hasn't the Government provided a list of projects that were cancelled due to the tax?

Conversely, with the repeal, and it's been known it would be repealed for pretty much the last year, why is there no announcements of projects canned due to the tax now being scheduled for approval? How long before the resource industry renaissance begins?

Tony has said a number of times that BHP would get on with the Olympic Dam expansion once the resource and carbon taxes were repealed. BHP has flatly refuted this. Who do you believe more? The one with a political agenda, or the ones spending the money.
If the government was not paying $1 billion per month interest on Labor's follies then they may have got some to live on.

But tax free super for those with pensions over 100K is a worthy revenue drain. SMSFs with up to $100M balances are perfectly fine.

Or somehow keeping a log book to justify car FBT rates is too onerous but 40 job applications a month for the unemployed is a fair suck of the sav. Providing a fee GP visit to get a Chronic disease management plan set up is OK, but each subsequent visit will have a GP copayment slapped on to someone who is likely to already earn a below median income due to their illness is a fair and smart policy. Save $80 on the GP visits but cost the state Govt hundreds or thousands when the patient ends up in a hospital emergency room.

Abbott has wasted nearly all his political capital on ideologically based cuts to spending, and pretty much ignored any kind of true reform. He's made palmer, the king of naked self interest, look like a hero for the working poor.

What hope do we have that when the tax white paper is finally released that any of the reforms will have a chance of being implemented when the sales pitch will be up there with poor people don't drive cars and '‘If we’re honest, most of us would accept that a bad boss is a little bit like a bad father or a bad husband … you find that he tends to do more good than harm. He might be a bad boss but at least he’s employing someone while he is in fact a boss.’

We have a leader moving us closer and closer to taking sides in a civil war that even Obama has admitted to not having a strategy to deal with. Team Australia has the ‘It’s not goodies versus baddies, it’s baddies versus baddies’ doctrine though.
Everyone pays for everything in the end. we don't want employers complaining that company tax rates are too high to pay for pensions because people haven't got enough super.

That sounds like double Dutch to me......It just does not make any sense.
Scott Morrison; Abbotts Minister for and pervader of septicaemia. Just stating the obvious. If only Scott had some Ebola or Small pox to sprinkle around, too placate his cheer squad.

Or maybe humanity may request; they need a Doctor up there, rather than a 'Quack'.
"The secret plot that will ROCK the Abbott government"

I have a feeling the 60 minutes expose about the Slipper affair this week will reveal what all of us logically thought in the first place.
Let's keep all discussion of the Abbott government in the one thread please. No need for separate threads on the same topic, unless an exceptional case be made that one is required.

That sounds like double Dutch to me......It just does not make any sense.

The point is if people don't contribute enough to superannuation to adequately fund their retirements then they rely more on the pension, and tax rates including company tax have to be high to pay those pensions. So employers pay one way or the other.
What a breath of fresh air we have in Tony Abbott...He has become a great Prime Minister and has come a long way in just 12 months.....He has his hand on the rudder to steer the ship clear of the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd iceberg......What a wonderful feeling it is to have a competent leader.

No need to bash Abbott any can't deny it ......he is doing a great stop pickin' on Tony.
I don't know a single person who is self funded who has reached that status via compulsory savings. Rather they've acted entirely on their own initiative.

True that, but its not about this was always aimed at the mid years boomers, the original plan was to get to 12% compulsory level reasonably quickly > 22 years later and we are still stuck at under 9.5%

Thanks to the Noalition will be for a while yet.
If the government was not paying $1 billion per month interest on Labor's follies then they may have got some to live on.

If that was a real issue why did they actually increase the deficit?

The Carbon tax raised money ditto the mining tax, yet they're gone? reducing revenue is whos folly?

Considering even the IPA has turned on Abbott you can't seriously expect anyone to believe that over the last month, let alone the last year, that the Abbott Govt has shown a level of economic and policy competency.

Besides giving up taxation revenue and slashing assistance to the poor, what exactly has Abbott achieved
Besides giving up taxation revenue and slashing assistance to the poor, what exactly has Abbott achieved

Stopped the boats ?

He also got rid of the carbon tax and mining tax, although I don't think doing that was to the nations advantage.

Syd, I am out fishing ATM....I am so disappointed as I have only caught two stunned mullet all afternoon.

I am hoping to catch a sweetlip before dark.
Stopped the boats ?

He also got rid of the carbon tax and mining tax, although I don't think doing that was to the nations advantage.

And he responded to a plane crash or two whatever that means, but it's gotta be meritorious if Andrew Bolt says so, regardless of the schoolgirl crush he has on Tony.
Stopped the boats ?

He also got rid of the carbon tax and mining tax, although I don't think doing that was to the nations advantage.

That covers the giving up revenue.

Not quite stopped the boats. reduced them, but not totally stopped.
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