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The Abbott Government

Odd how Amanda is in making sure the agony Shorten has gone through is somehow a call for sympathy to be directed to Abbott?

Is the hatred so strong and endemic in the Liberal Party that they have no moral compass that allows them to at least be old fashioned polite without meaning it?

I'm sure Abbott will have his own accusers eventually and perhaps Ms Vanstone will be quick to ride Shorten's pony of empathy ......not!

I think Shorten probably did what Abbott would have done if it was him. Threaten to sue the living daylights out of any media outlet that released the story.
Did you happen to catch the NBN beat up the other day? a full page with 4 or 5 mention of the 15 mbps average per household or other broken NBN election promises.

We all know that Turnbull has NFI about anything internet than the average keyboarder warrior. He managed to jag a dot com windfall like so many punters of that time and somehow he became a knowitall when Tony needed to stuff him in a closet somewhere out of sight and out of mind. It's sad to see a good mind withering on the vine, but watch we must.
Malcolm knew how to make money out of the internet whereas someone else only knew how to waste it.


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You obviously weren't in the country, when Abbott was accused of punching a wall near a woman, 30 years ago.
The papers ran with it for weeks, Labor were right in there too.
You obviously weren't in the country, when Abbott was accused of punching a wall near a woman, 30 years ago.
The papers ran with it for weeks, Labor were right in there too.

I confess I wasn't full bottle on the event 30 years ago when Tony was a nobody, but I do remember the fracas in more recent years.

Did Amanda write a piece complaining that if was Kevin is would be worse? I'm guessing no.

I seem to remember News Corp had to read an apology in the Supreme Court to the woman after previously siding with the paragon of Liberal values; Michael Kroger who called her out for being a liar and a nobody?

Just an observation, no matter.
Malcolm knew how to make money out of the internet whereas someone else only knew how to waste it.

I'd more argue that MT was lucky to have invested on the ground floor of the internet revolution than any internet nous.

In some way ozemail is MT going the same path as they heavily invested in dialup and never made the transition to ADSL.

It wasn't untill iinet bought the ailing ozemail shell from MCI in 2005 that the majority of ozemail customers were activelly promoted ADSL.

iPrimus made the same mistake in the early 2000s. The revenue from dialup customers was far higher than ADSL so it was hard for these companies with massive investments in dialup tech to actively cannibalise their customer base to upgrade to ADSL.

The only smart thing MT did was seeing his Alan Bond moment with MCI and selling out at the tech boom levels.
The only smart thing MT did was seeing his Alan Bond moment with MCI and selling out at the tech boom levels.


You only have to know about technology to know he is parroting interest groups.

Let's not talk about the 100Gbps (100,000 Mbps) over dark fibre already available in New York to keep their business' ahead of the game
Lordy lordy.

It's blind luck when Malcolm Turnbull succeeds in private enterprise but when Stephen Conroy wastes $billions on fantasy, it's genius.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the government and enough x-bench senators have reached a deal on the mining tax repeal and associated measures.

Labor and the Greens are screaming.
Stephen Conroy in the senate has just had his bellyache over the impending mining tax repeal.

Now it's Christine Milne's turn.
I'm guessing the mining tax repeal will be linked to superannuation? In other words the working poor won't be able to nest egg for another generation, but happily import labour won't cost as much to the mining companies as a result.

The economy is failing and the govt wants to force a J curve by increasing the trajectory to bottom. Watch out for dead cat bounces and unmanageable mortgage rates to follow.

You guessed right

They are correct. Yet Mr Palmer still seems able to convince some people that he is purely about the interests of the nation. He will now be seen as a hero amongst the fan base for supporting the various programs that were supposed to have been funded by the tax.
What a farce.

Greens leader Christine Milne [is also reported to have] said the government and Palmer United Party were treating the Senate with contempt.

“Within one hour they want to come in here, circulate amendments, just bang them on the desk and say it doesn’t matter what you think about it, we’ve done the deal, we’ve got the numbers, we can ram it through,” Senator Milne said.

I have to laugh Isn't this exactly what the Green's themselves did together with Labor when THEY had the numbers. Milnie, gets a wee bitie sensitive when the bootie is on the other footie.

I heard the odious and egregious Milne's petulant whining live and thought exactly the same thing.
I'm guessing the mining tax repeal will be linked to superannuation? In other words the working poor won't be able to nest egg for another generation, but happily import labour won't cost as much to the mining companies as a result.

The working poor still get the extra welfare super payment, and everyone else gets the same contribution.
But imported Labor will still be required, because our unemployed don't want to work in the Northern areas.

What would you sugest, move the mines to the cities, so the unemployed don't need to move.

That's is a fallacy; you need to get boots on ground before holding court. I have first hand knowledge of the mining industry and there is no shortage of applicants for jobs in the mine camps and support towns. What is happening is the staff in the retail sectors are snaffled by the mining and catering companies, which leaves a temporary gap in placements. It is not viable to be paying high rents in the township waiting for a call, so obviously there are logistics in play. Accommodation availability is a second major obstacle to tenancy.

Insofar as "same", this is not solving the problem already facing the community and it is not the "same" as the LNP backed agreement for the super to ratchet up over the specified time, which even then was way too slow to bring it back to something that would stave off pension impoverishment for the majority.

I suggest your indignant argument is predicated on the nonsense spoon fed to you by the tribe of your choosing that you are emotionally wedded to. I have no such galvanisation and see things for what they are from a different perspective than Lab, Green, PUP and LNP tragics and their fifth estate propaganda machines like News Corp and Fairfax. A vote for Tisme is a vote for governance, industry, prosperity and cronyism....amen.
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