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The Abbott Government

Everyone should watch this weeks Media Watch to see even the right in the form of Alan Jones is attacking the Courier Mail for being biased.

It is good to see that you now have the support of Alan Jones and the ABC's Jim Middleton in your put down of the Courier-Mail, even though they are problably two of the most biased commentators on the air. I am surprised that you do not see the irony in that they represent the extreme right and the extreme left. I am pretty sure your dislike of that paper is because of its continual exposure of Clive Palmer's irresponsible behaviour.
Of course we need change, but to take the country with you it has to be seen as fair.
I think we've all agreed on that several times.

The Libs have made a hash of it and no amount of Newscorp propaganda will turn that around
That seems unfair to me, based on "The Australian". I don't ever look at the odious "Courier Mail".
Several of "The Australian"'s journalists have been critical of the breakdown of the budget and certainly also of the government's bumbled attempts to sell it.

Do you ever read "The Australian", Knobby, or just confine your attention to the "Courier Mail" in order to justify your ongoing apparent dislike of anything Murdoch?

as the number of people buying their papers, or even listening to them is dropping rapidly according to figures leaked to Crikey.
But of course Fairfax is thriving, huh? I don't think so, especially given the number of journalists and photographers they have been forced to let go.
We all know there's a clear swing away from newspapers.

Everyone should watch this weeks Media Watch to see even the right in the form of Alan Jones is attacking the Courier Mail for being biased.
Goodness, I don't think anyone needs to watch Media Watch to know that Alan Jones and Ray Hadley are simply sensationalist attention-seekers. Pity for Clive Palmer's sake that they're apparently not on his side, as they could all compete for the highest level of hubris and self interest.

The term Team Australia may not be great, but the sentiment behind it seems reasonable enough to me.
The ABC provided coverage today here; (transcript plus audio)
"Team Australia" is fine when applied in a sporting context , but in the anti terrorism context it smells of "Term Germany" under Hitler. I know Abbott did not mean it that way, but it just shows that his penchant for slogans is getting in the way of a constructive debate.

It's disappointing that some members of the Muslim community boycotted anti-terrorism talks with the government. Have they been frightened off by increasing jingoism in the Coalition's rhetoric, or are they afraid of upsetting some of the radicals ?

I cringed when I heard that Team Australia BS. One thing I've been happy about with Australia is our lack of overt nationalism. yes it comes out on January 26 and the odd international sporting event, but we're not like a lot of the European countries or the USA.

Considering the secret negotions Abbott has going on for the TPP negotiations, and the fact that so far anything that's leaked about them shows the Government is planning to sell us out for some glass beads, along with the prior form they had in the AUS-US FTA negotiations a decade ago, I have to seriously question if Abbott and the rest of his Government are on Team Australia!

The TPP MAY benefit the National party and a few farmers, but the rest of the economy will be trashed and sold out to the foreign asset strippers at bargain basement prices.

I would be very surprised if the Liberals hadn't polled the "team australia" phrase. Probably plays well with the bogan vote.
I cringed when I heard that Team Australia BS.

So did I. He does possess a streak of juvenile naivety. Fancy appealing to team Islam to become a part of "Team Australia". After they stopped laughing they would know that they had him by the short and curlies.
So did I. He does possess a streak of juvenile naivety. Fancy appealing to team Islam to become a part of "Team Australia". After they stopped laughing they would know that they had him by the short and curlies.

I guess if there was a team Islam in the middle east and the Muslims asked the Christians and the infidels to be part of the Islamic team, it would be a case of you join us and become a Muslim or we will kill you......they exploit are racial discrimination act here but you won't find such act in the Islamic countries.

Sorry for the long time to reply, I have been leading a very busy life this week.

Worth watching Media Watch. Really is, give it a look.

The Australian have said officially they are advocates for this government though I admit they have much higher standards and allow their reporters some freedom. They do have their agendas that all commentators are to comply with. You must be aware of this.

Team Australia was another way of saying you are with us or against us. It smells bad to me.
Australians (and New Zealanders too I suspect) have, in the past at least, found overt patriotism distasteful.

Calliope clearly displays the corollary with the Team Muslim statement which is the wolf whistle effect the Team Australia is trying to achieve and of course noco instantly followed. I dislike politicians using tactics developed by Goebbels when he was the minister for public enlightenment. I know they are getting desperate but this is not the way to turn around public sentiment.

I thought someone would ask me for it but here is the picture going around like wildfire in twitter which is what the 20 somethings use to get information. The words that come with it are - "a recent picture - no comment."

I wonder when the first use of the term "un Australian" will come in the budget debate battle ?

Probably when the government announces the tax increases, after the tax 'white paper' is completed.

A quote from the article:

Perhaps it could have been clearer to say that everybody is going to contribute, this is the budget dimension of it and there will be more coming with the tax white paper," Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson said.

Read more:

Hopefully all the people who argued the Government shouldn't tighten up on welfare spending, will not complain when their taxes are increased to cover it.
I dislike politicians using tactics developed by Goebbels when he was the minister for public enlightenment.
You seem to be suggesting the use of propaganda is practiced unilaterally by the coalition. That is astonishingly biased Knobby. All parties are guilty of that.... especially those left of center.
You seem to be suggesting the use of propaganda is practiced unilaterally by the coalition. That is astonishingly biased Knobby. All parties are guilty of that.... especially those left of center.

They are but give us an example to stress the point. I can think of a couple that Julia Gillard tried but they were pretty incompetent and the press attacked them. Not seeing that at present.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
"he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda"

It would be easier to quote what isn't propaganda.
I thought someone would ask me for it but here is the picture going around like wildfire in twitter which is what the 20 somethings use to get information. The words that come with it are - "a recent picture - no comment."
Probably no one asked you for it because no one was especially interested.

I can't help wondering why you were so keen to post it?
Looks 'enhanced' to me and even if that's not the case, so what?

Every time I see Mr Abbott live on screen he looks lean, fit and healthy to me, an example of someone who is self disciplined. In complete contrast to the Palmosaurus.
It's just gave us a giggle at work. Not to be taken seriously. the comment was more about the comb over believe it or not.
I'm an oldy here so am not into the twitter stuff. probably shouldn't have posted it in this forum.
Little things like that amuse me though.
Oh god........

Lets see's fault

Hockey...............epic fail.

Plane crash, hoopla by the bucket full, tough words........right wing commentary happy Abbott's approval rating rises, sigh.

Terrorism, great opportunity .....guess what, talk tough......over reach look like a tosser.

This mob are really a rabble they cannot even get agreement form a centre right senate to pass legislation.

Mean while Labor keep spending all our money.............when will they ever stop?
What a heap of jumbled rabble on this thread of late, should be in the Gobbledygook Thread. A bit, no a lot, like the Government at the moment.

And the finesse of Mr Abbot, could just see him with the upper set down Toorak Road, South Yarra, holding his knife and fork with his elbows up ready for take off. The tongue would be lolling about too.

But just my humble opinion mind.
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