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The Abbott Government

Oh come on IFocus....stop this Fabian Society way of getting your message across.

You you are talking nonsense.
Oh come on IFocus....stop this Fabian Society way of getting your message across.

You you are talking nonsense.

Glad to know you support the Government watering down of the FoFA legislation then. Next scandal will rightly or wrongly be pinned on the L+NP.
Ah who would have thought next step from "on water operations" has progressed

Just constantly repeat lies perpetrate fraud in government and operate in secret......

Journalists will face jail over spy leaks under new security laws

George Brandis's new spying laws will include measure to criminalise media reporting of Snowden-style leaks

it would be easy for Asio to declare special intelligence operations because it simply required the security director-general or deputy director-general to approve.
Carbon tax repeal has passed the Senate.

The way things are going, Palmer will make a fool of himself (even more), PUP will implode and the Greens will have the balance of power after the next election, and here we go again.
Just like to congratulate the Abbott government on keeping it's first election promise.
The boats are close but not quite there.
It's a good day today.

Winners are grinners.


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Carbon tax repeal has passed the Senate.

I remember i was happy back when the Carbon tax legislation was first passed and so now im a little sad...looking back i was happy in 1998 when John Howard launched the Aust Greenhouse office and stumped up half a billion in funding, and then sad when he pulled the plug 6 years later once he didn't need the senate support of the Aust democrats.

I remember i was happy when Turnbull backed Rudds CPRS and if it wasn't for 1 lousy Liberal party room vote it may very well have got thru without the Greens support, then sad when the Greens blocked Rudds CPRS...fact is that its an absolute certainty that i will be happy once again in the not to far distant future.

The inevitable will not be denied, just such a shame and waste of time and money to be taken one step back by the Coalition every time that Labor takes us 2 steps forward.
Kevin Rudd took Julia Gillard's advice to have no balls with his CPRS and Julia Gillard after then putting the stake through Kevin's prime-ministership thought she could introduce a new economy wide tax by deception.

Only in Labor la-la land.

The supporters carbon pricing only have Labor to blame for this outcome. It will go down in political text books on how not to conduct major tax policy and be compared to the great success in this area, John Howard's GST.
Comedy gold IF
The way things are going, Palmer will make a fool of himself (even more), PUP will implode and the Greens will have the balance of power after the next election, and here we go again.
Meantime, I even had a momentary flash of sympathy for poor Christine Milne today whose despair is palpable. Must be pure hell for the Greens.
The supporters carbon pricing only have Labor to blame for this outcome. It will go down in political text books on how not to conduct major tax policy and be compared to the great success in this area, John Howard's GST.

Noalition la la land, your confusing tax policy with economic evolution, the need to transform by pricing via a was meant to be a driver not a revenue raising exercise...but i really should know better than to expect any real level of understanding from you.

Best of luck with the denial.
Meantime, I even had a momentary flash of sympathy for poor Christine Milne today whose despair is palpable. Must be pure hell for the Greens.

Good, they could have avoided this years ago but instead they voted against the CPRS because in typical Greens fashion it wasn't extreme enough when both Labor and the opposition leader at the time supported it. As a result of that we now have to endure Tony Abbott as PM.

Complete rubbish.

10% of carbon tax collections were to go to the UN which in turn was to be passed on to 3rd world economies to assist them to slash carbon 'pollution'.

It was mooted in the early stages to be up to $9-10 Billion per year to the UN.

If it was a driver, revenue to the UN would have ongoingly fallen thereby increasingly diminishing their ability to assist the 3rd world countries cut carbon 'pollution' year on year.

The very definition of a self-defeating exercise.
If you wish to split hairs about what form of cost impost it was on the electorate, the point remains that Labor government to convince the electorate of merit of such a major cost impost and for that, Labor only has itself to blame.
The carbon tax repeal has passed both houses but the repeal of the mining tax is another story.

The reps has rejected senate amendments to retain the associated spending measures so it's back to the senate for this piece of legislation.
Unions are a collectivist notion, Im calling BS on that IF. Unless you mean official don't live their ow ideology

Off all the Union secretary's and organisers I met there was only a couple of organisers that were true ideologues and they were not many.

The rest were genuine honest selfless human beings with true moral fibre that got off their butts and who joined up to the union movement because they wanted to make a difference to peoples lives and fight for those that were ripped off of which there were endless amounts.

In my day the strikes got the headlines (that you and others here apply quoting you ideology endlessly) but the reality was organisers were working 14 hour + days helping workers obtain the basic working conditions and pay rates that awards called for.

It was the union movement that forced the rise in safety culture and practices in the work force not government not business who saw it all as an extra cost when in fact business now understand its all a net saving.

I was a 15 year old apprentice that was illegally trashed by a major employer in Perth. The government agencies knew about the individual and my situation but wouldn't do anything because of his Liberal party connections.

They refused to offer any help what so ever or to even confront the employer.

It was the union movement that came along supported me found another apprenticeship for me and literally gave me a very successful working life / career.

I was not a union member and was told that I was not expected to join.

Yours and others here sprays of ideology certainly apply to some sections of the higher echelons ACTU etc but you ignorance over all about the nuts and bolts is unfortunate.
Meantime, I even had a momentary flash of sympathy for poor Christine Milne today whose despair is palpable. Must be pure hell for the Greens.

I support the principle of the carbon tax. The revenue it generated and the solar pv subsidies provided have take a load off the coal fired stations (and that is the problem for the corporate generators). Effectively, consumers are part financing their own power infrastructure. My problem with the tax was that the rate was too high, $10 per tonne would have been sufficient, and the deal to send 10% of the revenue the the UN was unnecessary and wasteful. The Greens , extremists as they are, went too far and killed the concept by their greed.

But now, it's just the coal and gas industry that get the subsidies as I've pointed out. Until the next election anyway.
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