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The Abbott Government

I'm quite sure you are capable of making up your own mind Julia. But sometimes it doesn't hurt to look at all the angles...

I noticed the story you quoted from The Courier Mail. That certainly was a hatchet job on Ms Lambie wasn't it ? By the time you finished reading it I suppose any right minded person just wanted to kick her as far into the sea as they could...

Which of course was the reason for writing it in the first place.

In that light I suppose that makes The Telegraph story I quoted even more interesting. It comes out of the Murdoch stables but somehow they managed to acknowledge her history and successful attempts at restoring her life (which incidentally was why I thought you might have some time for her) and didn't put a sneer in every second paragraph.

As far as calling Tony Abbott a political psychopath? As I said - IMO a spot on assessment. In fact I dare say at least half of his own party would privately agree. But of course he is their election winning psychopath so there are few complaints there.

I suggest that Jacquie just has the balls to say publicly what most people would recognise as truth. She would have remembered the way Tony Abbott tried to initially seduce the Independents in the last hung Parliament and then trashed them unmercifully when they sided with Labour. And she would not have forgotten the closing Parliamentary speech of the Independent Member Tony Windsor when describing Tony Abbott's behaviour at that time.

Jacquie won't take sxxx
Final point Julia on how neatly The Courier Mail manages to slice up Jacqui.

Senator Lambie, who lists her favourite weapon as an M60 submachine gun and only joined PUP because she was running out of money,

Did you notice the comment about her favourite weapon being a M60 machine gun? WOW!! That makes her sound like a pretty dangerous sort of nutter doesn't it when you slip that line into the story. But if you are told (which this story didn't mention) she was in the ADF then that makes sense doesn't it ? And asking a soldier what their favourite weapon is is quite reasonable - no ?

And then the slur about joining PUP because she was running out of money ? Is that true ? Is it relevant to how she behaves in the Parliament ? Was she in fact very politically active before hand (she was) ? Or is still a way to blacken a persons name ?

The Courier Mail has the lowest level of journalism in the country.
And she would not have forgotten the closing Parliamentary speech of the Independent Member Tony Windsor when describing Tony Abbott's behaviour at that time.

Jacquie won't take sxxx

She may not take sxxx but she does like dishing it out.

Don't worry about the press commentary, the video footage of her outbursts speak for themselves.

What she wants to take notice of in relation to Tony Windsor is not that bitter rant but his ultimate political fate.

What he (and Rob Oakeshott) thought was going to be their great legacy to the nation and to the world now looks like it will be repealed this week.

I'm sure Jacquie Lambie would want a more successful political legacy than that.
I am sure there will be outrage frothing forth from those who support the budget cuts and complained endlessly about the spin from Labor little did we know the real experts were waiting in the wings.............

Tony Abbott spends $4.3m on spin doctors

Read more:
The Courier Mail has the lowest level of journalism in the country.

I dunno about that Knobs. The AGE and SMH have that honour. It's just sour grapes with you because the guy you said was your last hope, Clive Palmer, is continually exposed by the Courier-Mail for the ratbag he is, and the Fairfax press and ABC sing his praises.

You can read more about the Manchurian Candidate in my post on the "Palmer is Loco" thread.
In a lighter vein.

Tim Blair
Monday, July 07, 2014 (5:50pm)

Ricky Muir has hired former New South Wales politician Peter Breen as his policy advisor which might explain the following,

Referred to as Breenie the Greenie, he joined the Libs in his youth but later joined briefly joined Labor.

Lismore-based "Breenie the Greenie", a committed environmentalist, told The Sun-Herald he expected a "furious bagging" from Parliament's three Green MPs who would probably feel betrayed.

Major party politics was perhaps not to his liking.

She has been nick named the SENUTTER....Some body called her a MOTOR MOUTH.

Isn't this just priceless ? Total and pure comedy really.. Pythonesque in fact.

97% of climate scientists (just a few selected opinions mind you ) reckon after umpteen years of research, observation, and evidence that the world is warming, we are causing it and that we are in a xhitload of trouble as a result.

Church Leaders decide to refer to and in a practical sense defer to these scientists as knowing what they are talking about on the issue and ask that our Government do like wise. Simply respect the science.

And now wait for it. ... The punch line... the creative insanity...

Tim Blair decides that being organisations of faith and belief they just can't actually have any capacity to follow anything as temporal as a scientific process. Nope they should simply ignore what is in plain sight and follow the delusional rantings of a bunch of total sociopaths who clearly havn't gone past crayons and wouldn't actually understand a science paper if it was read VERY LOUDLY AND VERY SLOWLY TO THEM.

Actually.. wait for it. I did see another similarly "brilliant" piece of murderously twisted logic.

It was when the Heartland Foundation showed pictures of the Unibomber acknowledging the reality of climate change and then comparing climate change believers to serial killers. Perhaps Tim Blair should take the next obvious step and connect The Church to serial killers as well ?

Well done Tim. Plenty of laughs for you on ASF.


Yes your right this is a forum on Tony Abbot not Climate Change. But doesn't stop us from seeing and quoting really crazy comments does it folks ?
She has been nick named the SENUTTER....Some body called her a MOTOR MOUTH.

That's not fair. Basilio thinks she wonderful. But then his (her?) assessments are often a bit wierd.:screwy: See above.
Where have you been since she was elected? We have heard her say countless times that she was in the army. It has been reported absolutely everywhere. Why anyone would want to know what her favourite weapon is beats me. I couldn't care less and I suspect neither could most Australians.

I'm not privy to her financial circumstances but it has certainly been reported across a wide range of media that she had no money, couldn't even come up with the required fee to pay for her Liberal pre-selection attempt.
Perhaps you need to read a bit more widely, basilio? It's not just the Courier Mail.
I'm sure Ms Lambie is entirely capable of standing up for herself if she reads something written about her which is not true. So far I've read nothing that I've not heard her say herself.

I'd have a lot more respect for her, and for you, if you both, as people unqualified to make clinical diagnoses, refrained from bandying about such terms as 'political psychopath'.
Of course you are a fan for this person because she reflects your own intense dislike for Mr Abbott and his government. That's fair enough.

The Courier Mail has the lowest level of journalism in the country.
Agree that overall it's quite dreadful. But the only newspaper I read is The Australian so am not really in a position to make proper comparisons.
Keating was right when he said that the Senate was "unrepresentative swill"

Ricky Muir represented AMEP in Victoria at the 2013 federal election and won on a record-low primary vote of 0.51 percent or 17,122 first preferences.

Now after a sudden lurch to the left, he holds the fate of the Carbon Tax in his hands.

I have to say I have been doing some catching up on Ms Lambie in the past couple of days. I really didn't know anything beyond her name.

I only have a couple of comments to make regarding Ms Lambie

1) I think she has great courage (or is downright crackers ) in being so forthright regarding Tony Abbott. I believe her assessment is accurate but actually saying it out loud...

2) I believe PUP and her are in the sights of the Murdoch Press as roadblocks to the Coalitions agenda. I presented that Courier mail article as an example of how to make someone look like an extremist, money grabbing nutter. (I also noted that The Telegraph presently similar material but without the sneers and in context. That was a surprise.)

When I did further reading I discovered that Ms Lambie had indeed outed herself regarding her career in the Army, psychiatric breakdown, obesity and drug issues and suicide attempt. She decided that rather than have the Press make "horror" leaks of her past to trash her it was a better look to acknowledge them and point out by practice that she had pulled herself together. :

As I watch all the PUP Representatives I can see Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten going grey. On the face of it they won't be cowed by the Government and if a double dissolution is called I can only see the PUP party gaining strength and giving whichever party gains power a headache.
The senate today has blocked the repeal of second round of income tax cuts associated with the carbon tax.

These are the tax cuts Labor reneged on prior to the last election and then changed their minds again after losing office.
1) I think she has great courage (or is downright crackers ) in being so forthright regarding Tony Abbott. I believe her assessment is accurate but actually saying it out loud...
They were just rude personal attacks that speak more about her character than anyone else's.

As I watch all the PUP Representatives I can see Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten going grey.
Bill shorten might well be the king of political psychopathy.

Under the hair colour he sent Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard grey long ago.
The senate today has blocked the repeal of second round of income tax cuts associated with the carbon tax.

These are the tax cuts Labor reneged on prior to the last election and then changed their minds again after losing office.

It's an interesting situation, when the parliament is deliberately forcing the government to go further into debt, it boils down to economic vandalism.

I can't see how this tactic will end well.

And who will suffer the most.......Yes ole mate......YOU and ME.

I just hope if we do have to go to a double dissolution that the average Joe will think long and hard of what the consequences will be.
It's an interesting situation, when the parliament is deliberately forcing the government to go further into debt, it boils down to economic vandalism.

I can't see how this tactic will end well.

Sp, the sooner people begin to understand the tactics of the Fabian Society, the sooner they will understand what is going on in is worse than economic vandalism......they are swinging a wrecking ball to our standard of living.......They want to see higher unemployment, higher taxes, higher debt, voter discontent and division within the community and more illegal refugees and to make matters worse they are succeeding with the help of some biased media.

I have never seen such dirty tactics in all my life.
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