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The Abbott Government

It seems she has axe to grind with the Libs over a failed pre-selection and after a history with Labor is now trying to pal up to Penny Wong according to the following tabloid article.
Ah, that provides some perspective. Thanks, drsmith. I had no idea about that.

The ABC replayed her remark in the second video. She is well and truly out of order. She knows almost nothing and needs to just shut up, be a bit respectful. I hope someone chews her up and spits her out quickly.
Yes it is elementary dear Watson, unless you have a better idea.

Governments do not create jobs.......private enterprise does.

Again you miss the point noco. Governments are supposed to be like a think tank and provide the vision. The idea my friend.

Yes it is up to industry and business to provide the jobs but the task of government is to provide the right environment, suggestion and vision so that people can get an idea of where the jobs are going to come from and from that to plan a future for themselves and their families.

Noco, you purport to be on top of liberal philosophy so again I ask you, WHERE ARE THE JOBS GOING TO COME FROM?

And if you go back to my previous posts I have given you plenty of hints of where to perhaps start.

ROFL....You have just answered your own question....The Government is trying to provide the right environment, suggestion and vision but those Labor "DING BATS" are hampering the cause.

Those same ding bats would much prefer to see unemployment rise under the Coalition......In the National interest of course.
Even David Marr distanced himself from her comments (ABC's Insiders).

Yes explod, you've hit it right on the head.

It's the Governments task to provide the right enviroment.

We have one of the highest basic wages, our company tax rate is 30% and our competitors are around 20%.

We have an extremely generous welfare system that anyone who gains citizenship can access, whether they have contributed or not.

So to improve our fiscal position isn't easy. Somethings got to give.

Shorten can talk up a storm, but it doesn't change the underpinning problems.

Labors idea of a 'Big Australia' with a population of 50million, would have only compounded the problem and brought about mass poverty.

Where were they going to find the 'jobs'? or better still where were they going to find the money for the welfare payments for twice as many people?lol

Their immigration programme of bringing people in through Indonesia, wasn't very well focussed on nation building criteria.

To stimulate jobs companies have to be viable, unless they are run as a charity.

It is extremely hard to reduce taxes on companies as well as increase payments on welfare, that is unless you run it like Labor and borrow money.

The only other way is to take it off tax payers, a bit like our public transport system, take more of the full paying users, so more non paying users can travel on
It's not going to be Penny Wong,
Wong said;

Women in politics, as we know, have to hold their own and I think Jacqui demonstrates her capacity to do that and good on her."

Penny and Jacqui have at least 'holding their own thing" in common.
Clive palmer is certainly throwing his weight around.

First up on the agenda he has stated
he will vote against Coalition plans to abolish the schoolkids’ bonus, the low income superannuation guarantee and a bonus for welfare recipients – at a total cost of more than $9bn.

And it gets better.

So of course with this catastrophic hit to the budget its absolutely clear what Tony Abbott must do.

He has to call a double dissolution and sort out once and for what the Australian people want to see happen. Tony can then lay out his plans for raising the pension age to 70, slashing people off Disability pensions, sending refugees back to be tortured, slashing/selling off the ABC, introducing payments for Medicare ect, ect and get a real mandate.

All agree ?
Uncle Clive only has one card left now in testing the government's resolve in relation to a DD.

We'll know in the next fortnight or so if he's foolish enough to play it.

He is drunk with power and has the Press Gallery eating out of his hand. And why not? He is the best thing they have had since the election. A double dissolution would be a disaster for this country and probably entrench the nasties balance of power and make the house of reps irrevelant. The best thing we can hope for is that the evil PUP Palmer gets convicted soon for misappropiation of Citic Pacific's funds.

Sieg Heil! Power drunk Palmer Dominates the Press Club
I agree absolutely. The ABC in particular is in its element, continually giving time, even on "7.30" to the now ubiquitous Jacquie Lambie who seems to be doing her best to emulate her boss in terms of throwing her weight around. She was a corporal in the army. Had years on some sort of disability payment. Two children to separate fathers. She calls the Prime Minister a 'political psychopath'. This was before she has ever met him.

Just unbelievable that the Left media are hanging on her every silly word.

So you reckon you know all about Jacquie Lambie ? Someone has obviously done a good hatchet job on her. Perhaps The Australian or our old friend Andrew Bolt? it sounds like the sort of poisonous dribble we should expect.

By the way I havn't met Tony Abbott and I would have no hesitation in calling him a political psychopath. It's the perfect description of a politician with no morals and a determination to destroy opposing forces with anything he can find. Very apt
Much as I dislike the PUPs, it did my heart good to listen to Christine Milne's hysterical reaction to the PUP's decision to support the the bill to abolish the Carbon Tax. The poor old thing suddenly realised that they have lost control of the Senate and as a wrecking party they are now irrevelant. Their loony supporters will drift away to the support of the real legislation wreckers...the Palmer gang.
It's interesting to look at the Senate.

The Coalition actually lost a seat in the election.
Greens and Labor together cannot block.
The Liberal Democratic party is actually more like the US style, low taxes no services style politician so he will normally vote with the Coalition. Family First is a bit similar.

Palmer United need to work with the Greens and Labor to block.

It is actually quite an open Senate and it should be possible to get many of the bills through. the problem is that Abbott is seen as having provided a budget that is poorly balanced and against the promises he made before the election. This has resulted in low popularity meaning he has little political capital.
Interesting times.
Very funny article in today's Age about the new independent Senators.

My favourite line is:

The mysterious Senator Muir turned out to have a photogenic wife and five children in tow and, as promised, had bought himself a suit, though he had forgotten to have the pants taken up, giving him a fetching, Chaplinesque air.

Read more:

Bit funny having a Parliamentarian that has had a real job.
Julia I think she is someone you would admire. She has had a tough time and through force of will has managed to recover.
I think I'm quite able to draw my own conclusions about Ms Lambie without your advice, basilio. I do not admire anyone who, with no experience and little to offer, is being grossly disrespectful not just to the PM but to others and the parliament in general.

It seems in addition to her fraught personal life she has had a go with both Labor and Liberal before finally finding someone who would take her on in Clive Palmer.

In the Senate, PUP Senator Jacqui Lambie has asked her first question time question.

When asking the second supplementary to her question, she ran out of time before being able to complete the question. Penny Wong then on a point or order stood up on Jacqui's behalf requesting more time be granted for her to complete the question on the basis that was was her first question.

She was given that extra time as a matter of indulgence.
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