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The Abbott Government

Noco, you are the one that does not get it.

Governments are supposed to lead and promote vision for the people to follow. We have had none of this from your pal Tony. In the past we had, .Chiffey, Menzies, Fraser and Keating who were very visionary, whout the ideas out there andut government money in to ensure objectives were met.

The debt of the government is minuscule on a per capita basis compared to that of most other countries and is why our currency refuses to fall. The US debt is almost off the scale in trillions. The little bit of debt we have is just a reason for the libs to rant on and do nothing more than support the self interest of their close financial supporters.

I would be telling the people that we have the Chinese starting to have direct flights out of Avelon airport, (in fact about 3 years time) The Geelong region is a great producer of food so the government could assist enterprises to ramp up productivity in this area to capitalise on this. And food production is becoming a big problem in china. Government help to increase and further stimulate the fish farms in this region. The Chinese love our scallops for example. China is working on more efficient solar panels, our expertise being made redundant could work with the Chinese to create much more energy efficient vehicles. Investment (by borrowing ) in such areas is the way forward and how it was done successfully in the past.

In the past the government financed Soldier Settlement to develop the farming of western Victoria just after the war. Such schemes could be imitated to help people on the margins build their own homes and create decentralised communities, which could also reduce traffic problems. Decentralised self sufficient communities will again help to reduce the terrible traffic problems we have in Victoria and reduce the need for the enourmouse amounts being spent on freeways.

And I could go on noco.

So I repeat noco, under Abbott, where are the jobs going to come from?

Are you able to think and conceptualise ole pal, can Abbott. Not looking good.

I give up on you plod....I have explained it to twice on how jobs will be created.

You appear to be so narrow minded, I believe you could see through a key hold with two eyes.
Hopefully some of the experienced senators will pull Ms Lambie into line fairly quickly.
She certainly doesn't suffer from any self esteem problems.
Where are the jobs coming from.Maybe from an idea that someone in Northern Norway told me years ago.
Perhaps they can all go down to Oslo and cut eachothers hair."
I saw the Jacquie Lambie interview, and she reminds me of the character Nurse Diesel in the Mel Brooks film High Anxiety. That said, at least she has some ability to express herself and some ideas on what she wants to get done.

I think Clive has his hands full dealing with Jacquie, never mind Tony Abbot.

I give up on you plod....I have explained it to twice on how jobs will be created.

You appear to be so narrow minded, I believe you could see through a key hold with two eyes.

Never give up noco. You have said how, But have failed to say WHAT.

Can you go from the how and tell us in what the jobs will likely to be. Some concepts is all I ask ole pal.

Stimulation around the world has failed, the people need direction and support.

I think he has his hands full with the chows as well
It's inevitable that Uncle Clive will have trouble with the cats on his lap.

What's PUP's guiding principals other than Clive himself ?
Never give up noco. You have said how, But have failed to say WHAT.

Can you go from the how and tell us in what the jobs will likely to be.
You seem to be hammering this point so as a mild curiosity, I'm interest in your specific ideas.

OK Plod, now pay attention and I will tell you one more time....If I don't get through to you this time please drop it because I think you are trying to be a little smart by half.

The Government scraps the carbon tax, the mining tax, Labor's hare brain regulations, green tape, red tape gets their budget though the senate without the negativity of the Green/Labor socialist left wing Fabain Society thinking, control the corrupt militant unions, build up business confidence and the jobs will follow in the planned infrastructure, mining, agriculture and manufacturing.

If you can't understand it all that well, then I suggest you wait and observe developments during the next two years when you will see the results....You are expecting them to be able turn the Queen Mary around in 5 minutes and it does not work like that.....You also have a very short memory of the Labor mess that has to be cleaned up at the same time.

I like how people who are ostensibly free marketeers place such stock in the actions of Government to create jobs.

Wow. It's all so simple!
Tim Dunlop writes quite a good line worth a read

The right hates the society it has created

So noco you have metered out a heap of bang heads and told me to go away.

But noco I cannot go till you get it, you still do not.

Now to get the carbon tax out of the way, get the budget back into surpass and all the other things you would think that ya ole pal tony would dangle some carrots by putting up a few ideas on,



Now this time answer the question with some objectivity.

And blaming the last government is unproductive, we all know they fell apart, that,s why they are out. How are you libs going to stay in?

And for the record I am fast becoming a centre left to the right, a Malcolm Frazer follower. Certainly labor has lost me and the greens seem pretty bereft of ideas also.
And for the record I am fast becoming a centre left to the right, a Malcolm Frazer follower. Certainly labor has lost me and the greens seem pretty bereft of ideas also.

You are obviously bereft of ideas Plod. What the hell is a "center left to the right"? It would be foolish to follow Malcolm Fraser. It might lead you to Memphis where you could end up "wearing nothing but a towell and a confused expression". I don't think anyone has taken him seriously since, except the Greens, and they are weirdos.

IT'S one of Australia's most enduring and mysterious political scandals. How did Malcolm Fraser end up in the foyer of a seedy Memphis hotel - popular with prostitutes and drug dealers - wearing nothing but a towel and a confused expression?
Paul Kelly's piece today is well worth a read.
Hopefully some of the experienced senators will pull Ms Lambie into line fairly quickly.
She certainly doesn't suffer from any self esteem problems.
It seems she has axe to grind with the Libs over a failed pre-selection and after a history with Labor is now trying to pal up to Penny Wong according to the following tabloid article.

We'll know how well that's going soon enough with the upcoming Senate vote on the carbon tax and I'd suggest Stephen Parry got two short words in response to his approach.

In the above link, watch the second video. She has another crack at Tony Abbott in response to a media question about her own conduct.

Uncle Clive made a blue when he signed her up to his team.
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