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The Abbott Government

It will be interesting to watch how it plays out, that's for sure.

Doc, the Green/Labor left wing socialists are executing their Fabian Society ideology to ruin the the Australian economy.

Reference my post #143....Communism is not dead and buried.

Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard, PM of Australia, and self-confessed Communist that morphed into the Fabian Society

Julia Gillard and her comrades have done everything precisely by the Fabian book. They have got into the corridors of power using honeyed words and big promises, as well as knifing their only obstacle in the back.Once in power they have ruthlessly, but quietly, gone about imposing their socialist aims on a population powerless to act against them. We have been disarmed. We have no way to determine how we are governed. The Fabianists dictate what laws we are ruled by. We are spied on (cameras everywhere today). The press, that pillar of our social fabric, has let us down and succumbed to the bullying politicians. Instead of standing up for the rights of the common man, they have surrendered their power to those in power. They have left We the People totally exposed to the depredations of the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Bill Shorten, Chris Bowen and Jenny Macklin are following in Gillards foot prints.

What a rant of coddswallop. Non of those people are in power.

What is Tony the friendly gorilla doing about all those grievances you have.
What a rant of coddswallop. Non of those people are in power.

What is Tony the friendly gorilla doing about all those grievances you have.

plod, it is regrettable, you just will not accept reality of what is going on in your beloved Labor Party.

Bill Shorten, Chris Bowen and Jenny Macklin are following in Gillards foot prints....Didn't you read it all?

Strange how this is presented as the government failing to sell the budget well
Strange how this is presented as the government failing to sell the budget well

Who cares, abbot holds the reins now. And this thread is about THE ABBOTT GOVMINT.

You are off topic noco.

And therefore codswallup
Strange how this is presented as the government failing to sell the budget well

The biased media....ABC and Fairfax are certainly not helping.....plenty of adverse rhetoric and negative ideas.

They doing all they can to discredit Abbott.
plod, it is regrettable, you just will not accept reality of what is going on in your beloved Labor Party.

Bill Shorten, Chris Bowen and Jenny Macklin are following in Gillards foot prints....Didn't you read it all?

And again wrong, I have no association with the labor party.

And on the libs, it is all cut back with jobs being lost in all directions.


On Q and A Monday the frirst two speakers asked where are the jobs that all the retraining and support program's are aimed at.

And no one,on the panel answered the question.

So noco I ask you ...where are the new jobs going to come from?
The biased media....ABC and Fairfax are certainly not helping.....plenty of adverse rhetoric and negative ideas.

They doing all they can to discredit Abbott.

I think its clearly a commo conspiracy.

Lets see how that goes. Considering how much talent Telstra has let go over the last decade it will be interesting to see if they can do any better than the NBN contractors, though for their day to day faults they use contractors supplied by the same companies, and when you hear how they would "ground" their test equipment on plastic conduit it makes me wonder how much gets repaired.

It will be interesting to see how Telstra manages all the issues for a FTTN style rollout though. About March next year will be a good time to see if their rollout schedule of 12 months is another 2016 esque policy failure. I'm hoping they release some information on remediation costs and how much of the copper had to be repaired and replaced, along with maximum cable distance to the nodes. The fact that they're averaging 200 users per node makes me think they're maybe fudging things by building closer to the users which may not be maintained when the rollout ramps up. Each node is capable of supporting roughly 330 users. No word yet on how voice services will be provided either.

Oh and why are they bothering with the CBA any more? It's costing $1400 a day, and Henry Ergas said he could do one in 3 days for the NBN, admittedly before being awarded a lucrative 6 months contract to produce one.

Why do corporate and income taxes HAVE to be raised? Other taxes could be used more efficiently. Why can't we tax resources and land more? Why can't we tax consumption more?

I think Labor should wave all the crap of the budget through. Wash their hands of it. The economic impact will be felt rapidly. I think the bounce in consumer confidence has been due to the fact some of the nasties from the budget are unlikely to get through. If people still thought it was all going to be enacted, we'd be looking at near recession by Q3 of the tax year.

Oh, Tony has told the SA Govt not to worry about the car manufacturers closing down. He's assured them that once the resource and carbon taxes are repealed that BHP will fire up the CAPEX and get on with the Olympic Dam expansion. The fact that BHP has said neither the carbon or resource taxes impacted their decision to not go ahead with the expansion, and made clear after Tony gave SA his assurances that it would, BHP came out yet again to say the expansion will not go ahead, but it seems those flat our rejections were inaudible to Tony's tin ear. Current mineral prices don't make the economics stack up.

So I fear that Tony does believe his rhetoric, and will be in for some major headaches this time next year when the public is asking where do the 75-100K worth of workers involved with the CAPEX boom go for their next job? If the car companies decide to shut shop in 2016 it will add another 40K of workers looking for a job.
In terms of raw $, a lot the budget savings don't kick in till after this electoral cycle. 2014/15 is the smallest of all.

When it comes to the biggies, the government has given itself a lot of time to argue its case.

So the only real policy is a budget surplus.

Then what, unemployment everywhere.

Plans for new innovative employment opportunities should be discussed now. But no, silence or it's the previous governments fault, and we gunna have a surplace.

So drsmith, I ask you the question that noco has twice failed to answer me over the last few weeks.


What other biased questions would you expect from Q and A....I can't be bothered even watching that Tony Jones...he makes my blood curdle.

If you do some research on statistics, you will learn that unemployment is lower now than under the Labor Party.

By removing the imposition of the carbon tax, the mining tax, Labors red tape and green tape, controlling the corrupt militant unions will build confidence in the business community and the Coalition infrastructure programs will create many more jobs than under Labor...unemployment rose from 4% in 2006 to over 6.5 % in 2013.

Not much on QandA myself but liberals were on it with no substance to their replies.

On unemployment they are now jigged with part time work and would be most interested in your stats that employment has improved.

The big one though which you have still not answered noco, is where are the jobs going to come from to employ the thousands per wewk being laid off as a result of our high dollar and loss of manufacturing competitiveness.

People are encouraged to borrow to buy more investment properties and expand business, why suddenly does the government not do so to create industries and environments to increase productivity and employ more people.


You just don't get it do you? ........Jobs will be created when business confidence is resurrected under the Coalition Government by deleting the impediments installed by the Labor Party and the control the corrupt unions.

You just think the Government can wave a magic wand and ha presto new jobs will be here tomorrow.....there is a lot of catching up to do after Labor's neglect......The Labor Party has also hampered the government in the senate in implementing their polices......hopefully the new senate will be more sympathetic and not as hostile with the negativity of the Labor Party.
Let us see the results in the next two years and if improvement does not happen I will be first in line to criticize the Abbott governement

You using an unemployment figure from the pre GFC boom when the savings rate was NEGATIVE, the terms of trade powering ahead, corporate tax revenue ballooning, GST revenue running along at 7-8%.

As for researching statistics you are not factoring in the falling participation rate since the Abbott Government was formed in September. So add those workers back to the unemployed figures and you'll see that the level of unemployment is around 0.5% HGIHER than the headline rate. I'd suggest you DYOR and you'll find aggregate hours worked in the economy has fallen since this time last year. A lot less wages income in the economy now.

Can you point me to any mining projects currently held up due to the resource / carbon tax and /or red tape and green tape?
Let us see the results in the next two years and if improvement does not happen I will be first in line to criticize the Abbott governement

Just for interest sake, could you give some benchmarks that you believe would indicate success / failure?

There was the 1 million new jobs in 5 years pledge. Do you think if we take 60% of that figure and say if the economy hasn't added at least 500-600K new workers by the next election that this would indicate a failure?

The seasonally adjusted number of employed persons increased by 9,100 in September 2013 to 11,645,800. Should we say in August 2016 an employment level less than 12,145,000 would be a policy failure?

Some things to note about the September employment stats:

* Despite the slight increase in total employment, seasonally adjusted aggregate hours worked decreased 6.4 million hours in September 2013 to 1,641.5 million hours (over $1.1B less in wages for the month)

* September 2013 saw the seasonally adjusted participation rate decrease 0.1 percentage points to 64.9%

* The decrease in the unemployment rate is consistent with the decrease this month in the participation rate. 2013&num=&view=
Seems the Government is doing it's level best to disuade anyone from accessing the DA ERT.

* Once a bidder is successful in the reverse auction it will enter into a contract and it will not be able to further negotiate its terms. Details provided by the bidder before the auction – quantity of units to be delivered, price and delivery schedule – will automatically become terms of the contract.

* A major issue for some project proponents may arise from the requirement to specify a delivery schedule in advance. For some proponents, particularly in the land sector, it may not be possible to know with exact precision the time at which they can generate and then deliver units. The contract provides some flexibility by allowing for the seller to deliver carbon units in advance of the scheduled date where notice is given 20 business days before the proposed delivery. However, the Commonwealth is under no obligation to accept advanced delivery. According to explanatory notes provided with the draft contract, this is necessary "to allow the Commonwealth to manage its spending commitments, particularly between financial years"

* The most significant risk for contractors is the draft agreement's "force majeure" provision. Normally, such contractual provisions provide for both parties to be relieved from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond their reasonable control occurs, such as a natural disaster. However, the ERF contract provides for an extra requirement for the operation of the force majeure provision – that the proponent be unable to provide "make-good" units.

In other words, if a proponent is hit by, for example, a bush fire or flood and unable to generate the contracted units, they must attempt to buy replacement units from the secondary market before claiming force majeure.
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