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The Abbott Government

I hope you are on statins otherwise I can see you keeling over after reading yet another story that doesn't shower glory on the dear leader.

I don't care that the SMH doesn't shower glory or even praise on Abbott.

What I do care about, is the SMH using the oppostion leaders opinion, as a judgement of Abbotts performance.

Then using it as a headline,it is just ridiculous.
I guess there are a few ways at looking at this.

They are on the 'same side' politically, for a start.

Given Hillary's experiences with her husband's, er, peccadilloes she is probably an arch feminist. The feminazis seem to lack objectivity in their determination to stick up for their own gender.

No doubt such a stance will have been exacerbated by sexism she has experienced herself, particularly from the Republicans.

I agree with you, Logique, but - depending on who the Republican candidate is - I still think she'd be a pretty good President, at least compared with some in the past. Rumour has Jed Bush as being the Republican nominee. Pretty funny if there's another Bush/Clinton contest.

A number of prize Republican candidates stayed out last election due to Obama seen as a shoe in.

I think the next US election will see a better field for the Republicans but Hilary could make a good president I think she would be further to the right than Bill.
''The government is open to criticism and debate about our budget. However, we owe it to the community to set the facts straight and articulate the reasoning behind our decisions,'' the Treasurer said.

''Criticism of our strategy has been political in nature and has drifted to 1970s class warfare lines, claiming the budget is 'unfair' or that the 'rich don't contribute enough'.

''I would argue that the comments about inequality in Australia are largely misguided, both from an historical perspective, and from the perspective of the budget.''

''But a just and fair society must not seek to penalise those who aspire to be better. We must reward the lifters and discourage the leaners,'' he said.

Read more:

If the Abbott Government is truly thinking like this then they've certainly lost the centre. In a slowing economy with rising unemployment I'd like Hocket and Abbott to explain how removing support for those under 30 is in any way going to increase youth and the under 30s employment levels.
Where there's smoke there's fire. Clive a fox. Malcolm knows.

We wanted change, but we didn't want scarey north shore cossetted (a Sydney reference), elitist 'blame the victim' dogmatism.

Lives in too comfortable a world does PM Abbott, and we see who advises him.

Of course, Malcolm lives in a comfortable world as well, but at least he has an eastern suburbs (another Sydney reference) constituency, who keep him honest.

One term, it is increasingly apparent.
Seems everyone is lining up to put the boots in

John Hewson criticises 'obvious inequity' of budget measures

Former Liberal party leader scathing of Coalition's approach as new report points to rising income inequality
If you luv football, you've just gotta luv goal posts. My favourite, are 'shifting ones'. Like Joseph Hellers 'Colonel Cathcart' in Catch22, ar$e licking HQ and his ever increasing number of missions for the bomber crews under his command, to finish their tour of duty, so do we see now Abbotts toadying to the fossil fool industry; Once it was no use Australia going out to lead the world on climate action if there was no movement in that direction from the worlds bigggg emitters of CO2. But now as they have announced their intention to move, the US China South Korea the UK, it's no longer a prerequisite. Our PM StumbleBum, either blissfully ignorant, or a complete muppet, or both, fails to grasp what is ahead tomorrow let alone whats in store for his grand children.

And no dropping in to Baghdad on the trip this time? to observe the flowering democracy so evident in every oil weeping pour of that nation. And to be showered by its rapturous populace in praise that his political mentor,John Howard, who saw fit to help 'rein' down such luck upon them.

so much better that they're blow-up on the streets there, than cause disquiet by drowning on their way here or worst still cost us money by filling our gulags
One term, it is increasingly apparent.
Don't you think it's a little premature to make such a prediction, Logique? They have more than two years to go.
Do you disagree that measures need to be taken to counteract the projected increases in spending, apparently the highest in the world going forward?

How would you like to see this dealt with? Someone is going to lose out, obviously. If you're unhappy with what the government is proposing, presumably you have something better in mind which will ameliorate increasing debt.

Seems everyone is lining up to put the boots in
John Hewson criticises 'obvious inequity' of budget measures
There are two notable features about John Hewson:
1. He was a failed candidate for PM, being completely unconvincing re the introduction of the GST
2. He has been one of the most vocal critics of all current politicians, despite his own exceptional failure.

I'd rather take notice of someone who was successful like Paul Keating or John Howard.

Perhaps, along with Malcolm Fraser, Dr Hewson should consider quietly retreating into anonymity instead of insisting he has wisdom to impart to present governments and oppositions.
I'd rather take notice of someone who was successful like Paul Keating or John Howard.
Agreed with your logic although in this case Hewson's actual comments are pretty much spot on in my view.

Abbott has alienated a disproportionate number of people relative to the budget gains achieved. Whether or not it's good economics (and I doubt it), it's not smart politics in the long run.

As for alternative options, first thing I'd be looking at is closing the loopholes. If the tax rates are intended to be x then that's what they should be. No loopholes available only to those for whom finding them saves a fortune. If it's x% tax then it's x% tax, end of story. How much it would actually save I don't know, but it would look a lot better politically to be targeting tax avoidance prior to cutting in other areas etc.


tax expenditures generally benefit he already well off, while the focus appears to be on actual revenue spending, yet a $ the Govt chooses not to tax is equivalent to a $ of spending, just one is easier to see since it appears as a $ figure in the budget papers.

Considering tax expenditures are equivalent to roughly 8% of GDP, there's plenty of scope to target that area to increase revenue without actually increasing tax rates.

We HAVE to move away from taxing profits and income and hard work and more to taxing land / resources / consumption. If the budget did this I'd expect to be a similar level of grumbling, but an acceptance that it is sharing the burden equitably and in a manner that enhances the long term stability of the budget. The Abbot Govt budget definitely does not do this.

If you read through the article I thought Hewson had some very good points.

Hewson was the perfect example of some rising too quickly (3 years then gaining the Liberal party leadership)before gaining enough political experience, Turnbull is another.
Hewson was also up against Paul Keating at his best, I don't believe any modern day politician would survive long and before the Liberal supporters turn up saying Howard defeated Keating, Keating had been in government as treasurer (8 years) and PM (5 years ) for 13 years total.

To some extent I would argue the other side as saying Hewson isn't tainted by the need of giving the usual tribal response also he is some one who has had a very successful career outside of politics in banking and economics unlike Keating, Howard, Abbott and Hockey all of who are career politicians.
I am just wondering why the change (sucking up to the Jewish lobby after burning it with the senseless "Bolt law" change perhaps) given that no one else has appeared to do the same. The "Bush Socialists" are going to get really angry if it translates into trade losses at the farm gate.

PM rejects Arab risk to farm trade

Slight change to terminology..........really, seems the Arabs understand English better than Abbott.
Interesting from the Australian so it must be true calls Hockey an absolute liar

Benefits of boom shared, says HILDA report

The ABC, Fairfax and the Labor Party, in particular the shadow Foreign Minister, should now hang their heads in shame after portraying Abbott's overseas trip a failure which we all know is far from the truth.

The Shadow Foreign Minister mad a stupid statement to the press that Abbott had no friends it has come back to bite her on the *um.......She is as big a liar as is her boss.

Critics obsessed with discrediting Abbott

The Australian
June 16, 2014 12:00AM

TONY Abbott returns from a very successful overseas tour during which he held court with numerous overseas heads of state, most notably the President of Indonesia, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the US. I have no doubt that Abbott would win the approval of those with whom he met, just as he did on his recent trip to Japan and China.

Abbott may not be the world’s greatest showman, but what you see is what you get: sincerity with a straight forward presentation.

What is concerning, however, is that his Labor and Greens opponents, along with the ABC and Fairfax media, seem obsessed with discrediting Abbott domestically. These people want Abbott, the individual, to fail simply because he is Abbott, not because of what he stands for.

As the baby boomers retire from the workforce, it may not demographally fit with the youth unemployment areas.
So I would think it is a bit of carrot and cane going on.

Didn't the government say they would give relocation allowances to unemployed youth, relocating for employment.

We could go happily along, with huge centres of unemployed young people and keep bringing in 457's to take up jobs in areas they don't want to live in.

Just up the taxes, then the unemployed can stay in the areas they want to live.

We can't have it all ways, at the moment work is an option, if you feel like it

I remember seeing an interview with a young lady in Newcastle, when the relocation allowance was announced.
She had attained a degree but couldn't find work in Newcastle, she didn't want to relocate because her family and friends were there. The journalist was sympathetic and asked why should she have to.
I wonder why she shouldn't have to? If she can't find a job in her chosen stream and decides to stay there.
She won't have any super, so she will possibly be on some form of welfare all her life and still owe

And here is more on the failure of the left media to discredit and embarrass Tony Abbott......The lies and the beat up stories are degrading their characters on every occasion to the point where surely any sane Australian can see through their objectives.....The socialist media should be the ones who are embarrassed.
This is an example of sexism.IMO

How Gillards mysogyny speach, wasn't ever tested by the media for validation, has left Abbott with an undeserved tag.
To me, that smacks of sexist behaviour, by the media.
Obviously sexism towards Abbott is o.k.

When Palmer made comments towards Abbotts female head of staff, that's o.k
Mysogyny is only a dirty word, if you can hang it on
I keep being stunned by the "reforms" proposed.

The Federal Government will now not have any environmental controls and these will be undertaken by the states only. Qld and WA have already signed up. These controls were initially put in by Fraser to save Fraser island from sand mining. Howard enshrined them in law by creating the Environmental protection and Biodiversity Act. Abbott will retain one control, the ability to stop a project before the States have made a decision, but once they have there is no ability to stop any activity.

We will become the only country in the world that will not have the main government controlling the environment. The Barrier reef for instance belongs to all Australians. We deserve a say.

The other bit of information I wasn't aware of is that council grants have been frozen meaning council rates will have to rise substantially over the next 3 years. Bad luck pensioners and self funded retirees.
We will become the only country in the world that will not have the main government controlling the environment. The Barrier reef for instance belongs to all Australians. We deserve a say.

I'm sure "your last hope" and saviour, Clive Palmer has your Barrier reef interests at heart and will give you a say I notice however, on another thread, that you still have some faith in Bill shorten
Oh Calliope, a bad nights sleep yet again.
No I agree. Clive will encourage this. I think I said in another thread that he would not normally get a single vote except Abbott is doing such a bad job. I have heard he is up to nearly 20% of the vote at present.
I don't see where I have said anything good about Bill Shorten, in fact I said the opposite very recently regarding his work experience. But still what has that to do with the price of fish?

Very trollish to go the man rather than the issues though. So let's start again. Are you for or against them?

I keep being stunned by the "reforms" proposed.

The Federal Government will now not have any environmental controls and these will be undertaken by the states only. Qld and WA have already signed up. These controls were initially put in by Fraser to save Fraser island from sand mining. Howard enshrined them in law by creating the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act. Abbott will retain one control, the ability to stop a project before the States have made a decision, but once they have there is no ability to stop any activity.

We will become the only country in the world that will not have the main government controlling the environment. The Barrier reef for instance belongs to all Australians. We deserve a say.

The other bit of information I wasn't aware of is that council grants have been frozen meaning council rates will have to rise substantially over the next 3 years. Bad luck pensioners and self funded retirees.
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