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The Abbott Government

What happens when he tries to negotiate with Palmer/Greens ? How can they believe any offers he makes them ?
'(read in pirate voice)
Ahh come on Knobby, don't be like that.... 'They've stopped the boats'

LOL that's all that matters..................

Can the US is a poor example with a massive working class poor and the middle class going backwards in real terms from the 90's, 19% or the wealth has been redistributed to the very top end wealthy.
Biggest group of suckers on the planet as they keep buying the great American dream.
This thread has now been Rumpolized...i.e. trivialised.

Get a life Calliope. Without SirRumpole, you would be talking to yourself.

Your biggest contribution to this thread was starting it, that is all.

My contribution, very little, except I think the medicare co-payment is a long overdue good idea.
With respect to you Julia, that makes this Budget even worse.

Mucking around with peoples lives for the hell of it ?
I understand what you're saying, but from the government's point of view, it's probably reasonable that they put out feelers as to how much the electorate will accept . That is simply being realistic.
But certainly, I'd have had more respect for a government that didn't do the leaking, but then made a decent case for the changes suggested by the Budget.

Actualy Rumpole, he is saying nothing and doing nothing untill he obtains expert advice.

It is a shame Labor didn't do the same thing when they were in office, we wouldn't be in the mess we are.

To be fair to at least ABC Radio National, they did this and provided a pretty well balanced overview.

Yes, exactly so.
This evening 7.30 had an item on students protesting the changes to university funding. They are full of righteous outrage that they might have to pay more.
But if you were to ask them who they believe should be actually paying for their education if not them, I've not heard a single one of them come up with an answer.

That is the the big problem with all the indignation about the Budget proposals. No one wants to take a hit in their own personal circumstances. Labor, The Greens, and PUP are all full of criticisms, but I have not heard any of them explain how we can cease borrowing the $1 billion per month that Trainspotter pointed out just to pay the interest on the debt, and how the reality that Australia has the fastest rate of spending growth in the world can be addressed.

It's about time some realism was required from all the detractors.
I don't think the Budget is as fair as it should be by a long shot, but let's not put our collective heads in the sand and deny that anything needs to be done.
Labor did that for six years and look where that got us.

And for all the people who vow they will never vote Coalition again because they are so disgusted with broken promises etc., OK, fair enough. But who in god's name will you vote for? Go back to Labor who believe nothing ever has to be paid for?
Get a life Calliope. Without SirRumpole, you would be talking to yourself.

Your biggest contribution to this thread was starting it, that is all.

My contribution, very little, except I think the medicare co-payment is a long overdue good idea.

Agree Macquack, even if they made it $3, it would make people think, do I want a coffee or have a chat to the doctor.
When I was at work, they placed work gloves on the store counter, to stop people from cutting their hands in minor accidents. Well they couldn't keep the supply up, as soon as a new box was opened they were gone.

The company decided to make it a store requisition stock, which meant you had to fill out a requisition form.
Nobody was interested in gloves anymore.
If it's free, people don't appreciate it, they abuse the privilege and it isn't valued.

A bit like advice or lending
Get a life Calliope. Without SirRumpole, you would be talking to yourself.

Your biggest contribution to this thread was starting it, that is all.

My contribution, very little, except I think the medicare co-payment is a long overdue good idea.

I'm surprised that you are a Rumpole fan. Your support for the medicare co-payment is at odds with Rumpole's philosophy that the taxpayer should support all his needs. However it is refreshing to see that we can at least agree on the co-payment.
I'm surprised that you are a Rumpole fan. Your support for the medicare co-payment is at odds with Rumpole's philosophy that the taxpayer should support all his needs. However it is refreshing to see that we can at least agree on the co-payment.

Back in the mists of this thread I said a $6 co-payment is not objectionable, it turned out to be $7 and even that is not excessive, however the increase in medicine prices is objectionable considering we already pay high medicine costs compared to similar countries.
But if you were to ask them who they believe should be actually paying for their education if not them, I've not heard a single one of them come up with an answer.

HECS existed before this budget, and while it was a burden people seemed to get along with it at that level. It was a reasonable balance between user pays and taxpayer pays. People who have university education go on to earn higher salaries and therefore pay higher taxes throughout their working lives, and they pay their HECS debt off as well, so the idea that they are a burden on the taxpayer is exaggerated.

What should be trimmed is government support for courses that are not useful in terms of productive capacity, and there are a few of those (Arts, History, Philosophy etc).

There seems to be a general reluctance to raise taxes in this country, even though we are not highly taxed in global terms. If a party said "expenses are exceeding income, so to maintain services we need to raise marginal tax rates by 1% across the board", I think people would accept that, and it spreads the burden over all income levels rather than just targetting the low paid, but politicians see this as political poison and so they don't trust the electorate to understand that income tax rises may be necessary. However they are quite willing to surreptitiously entertain a GST increase/broadening which is a regressive tax that affects people more when they can least afford it.

Ever thought about doing some research before making claims.

We are up with the best of them when it comes to business and personal tax rates and our gst is one of the lowest.
Not saying your asertion that taxes could be put up, is wrong.
Just saying your supporting evidence is unfounded.

Also your repetition about not increasing tax rates, when you are fully aware that the tax system is to be reviewed would indicate selective memory or memory retention problems

Your table was simplistic as the following article shows. Maybe you should consider more detailed research than just Wiki

Also your repetition about not increasing tax rates, when you are fully aware that the tax system is to be reviewed would indicate selective memory or memory retention problems

The Coalition had 6 years to formulate an opinion on personal tax rates, based I'm sure on input from the business community, and they also had the Henry review as mentioned previously.

I hope the current review is more useful than the "Commission of Audit" which seems to have been largely ignored, and is an example of "policy on the run" that the Coalition seems to be embarked upon. "Sloppy Joe" seems an adequate description of our Treasurer.
Just a reminder that this thread is about the Abbott government, so let's please stay on topic.

To the few that prefer to discuss other ASF members than the topic of the thread, please don't. If someone expresses an opinion that you disagree with then feel free to take issue with it. However, as soon as things get personal the thread starts to drift off topic, with insults and personal attacks not far behind.

Let's keep the discussion on topic and civil please. Attack opinions, not other ASF members.


I have a very close friend who works at Medicare. She tells me that they have a "Top 10" list. The list is the Top 10 people who visit a doctor each month.

Guess the demographics?

Old ladies who just want to talk to someone - aka - the doctor.
There are reports in Sydney that visits to doctors have dropped off since the budget, presumably because some people think the $7 co-payment has already been introduced.

I don't know how it could be done, but it would be interesting to see some research into the effect this has on the nation's overall health. My gut feeling is that the majority of the forgone doctors visits were never necessary.
The fact that we are a relatively low taxing country, with low public debt and reasonably small government is a huge positive in my opinion. Look at those nations with large government and high public debt to GDP....they are all stuck in a downward spiral of growing budget deficits and unconstrained government debt. I'm talking about most of western Europe, the UK, US and Japan.

We should be paying down public debt over time with modest tax increases and tightening up of welfare to those who don't really need it (means test of PPL, tighten Age pension assets test and indexed to CPI only, broaden GST, reduce negative gearing and super concessions).

One day we might face a serious recession or even war, and that's the time the Government will be forced to go into debt.

Agree IFocus that they are an extreme example, then Australia is likely the other extreme really....

Being from Canada i'm actually quite socialist, i don't mind high tax as long as supports good health care and education. However having been away from home so long and having to pay for everything ourselves recently, I'm not as keen as before to pay for others....

We are a Nation Of Welfare Whingers

If the federal government overnight reduced welfare, health and education spending to New Zealand levels it would be rolling in a $40 billion budget surplus next year rather than wallowing in deficit until 2018 or even later.

So you consider health spending to be welfare ?


What do consider we should receive in return for the taxes we pay ?
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