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Technical Analysis - Potential Trading Opportunities

Perhaps you could use one of the many charts available on the internet to get something that's not behind.
I use specific software which takes data from Yahoo which is 1 day behind. Those charts are up to date only on weekends. Besides, as you may have noticed, the forecasts are given for a longer time period than just the next day.
But as soon as Tech/a pays me some money, as we agreed, I will order real time quotes from esignal.

As someone who portrays themselves as 'professional'
I don't remember saying that...

It means your 'set-ups' are not only totally useless, but worse than totally useless.... ....Which is where this thread is at, lovely lines and technical analysis, but nothing quantifiable.... Which usually mean diddly squat....
Thanks for unbiased, fact-supported analytical review. You could easily work at

Thanks for unbiased, fact-supported analytical review

You're welcome, and finally you have stated something accurately... :

OK, I should not be so condescending, I humbly apologize.

What I and others have been trying to communicate with you is that the charts you put up have nothing to do with trading opportunities. I could put up 30 charts of the DOW stocks with all sorts of technical reasons why they are a buy. Using the same charts, I could then give a whole lot of technical reasons why the same stocks are a sell, with different lines/parameters. It means nought.

Trading successfully is about a proven profitable plan, with actions to take depending on what the price does after you have entered the position. When entering a position you need a specific reason to do so, but this is only the beginning of a trade.


You're welcome, and finally you have stated something accurately... :

OK, I should not be so condescending, I humbly apologize.
Nevermind, this whole discussion only makes me chuckle. :

That is why I often write reasons for both upside and downside movements (possibilities).

Well, I do have my own plan after I have entered a trade. And this plan works with my charts and methods. I don't say it will fit all traders. At least it won't fit your seeing of the market, brty )) However, if used wisely, even these charts can be very valualble. This is just one of the possible ways to trade. If you don't like it, then don't use it but that doesn't mean that the method is bad itself.
And despite of what tech/a said previously, in most cases I predict direction correctly. Besides, as you may know, profit can be gained even from the trading where less than a half of trades are predicted accurately. Of course, this is just the very beginning and you can lose money even if your analysis concerning direction is correct. But this means that you don't have a plan or your plan is bad but not the charts themselves.
At this moment I don't write about the whole cycle from the beginning of a deal to its end...
Nevermind, this whole discussion only makes me chuckle. :

Cant understand why?

That is why I often write reasons for both upside and downside movements (possibilities).

By doing this all you are doing is commentating on a chart.Your topic is potential trading opportunities----presented as you do its as helpful as being given the next lotto numbers---here they are.

They will either come from no's 1-20 or 21-45 or a combination of both.
This comes from rigorous analysis of every single lottery result in the history of the planet and I guarentee that you'll find a winner from this analysis.

Well, I do have my own plan after I have entered a trade. And this plan works with my charts and methods. I don't say it will fit all traders. At least it won't fit your seeing of the market, brty ))

Would be great to see you run through a couple even if your trading doesnt "fit" any traders here---at least then we will have an insight into how you APPLY your analysis TO A TRADE.

However, if used wisely, even these charts can be very valualble.

Define Wisely?

This is just one of the possible ways to trade. If you don't like it, then don't use it but that doesn't mean that the method is bad itself.

We keep poining out "What way to trade????" You have presented a commentary nothing more ---no trading "Method".

And despite of what tech/a said previously, in most cases I predict direction correctly.

From what youve presented the ONLY time youd be wrong is when the stock niether rises OR falls.

And this sentance is exactly what the likes of myself and brty are on about.
You present one(Ambiguous analysis) and espose the other(A profitable trading plan).

At this moment I don't write about the whole cycle from the beginning of a deal to its end...

To be continued.......................
Would be great to see you run through a couple even if your trading doesnt "fit" any traders here---at least then we will have an insight into how you APPLY your analysis TO A TRADE.

You think there's much chance of him posting actual trades when you and brty have been on the attack since the start of this thread?

If you and brty don't like what's being posted in this thread, an easy option is to simply not read it anymore
You think there's much chance of him posting actual trades when you and brty have been on the attack since the start of this thread?

If you and brty don't like what's being posted in this thread, an easy option is to simply not read it anymore

Why do you see the discussion as an attack.

I dont think anyone has a problem with the analysis.
Client is posting from a position of supplying the info which in his words could be benificial to others.

Our argument or mine at least is that in its form it is purely a commentary on some technical indicators on a group of charts I'm asking him to add to it (Trading application) so we can get some real discussion which is meaningful.

Analysis on its own needs to be supported with application.

This can of course be different from one person to another and one plan to another.
By seeing how Client applies his analysis to trading it should be helpful to see how the analysis is used all may learn something.

Currently I have 45 lotto numbers and no way of applying my knowledge of the numbers to turn a profit.

There is no indication of how it, the analysis is used and looking back on it doesnt give any sort of edge---if that edge is in the application of the analysis then lets have a look at it for discussion---if its not then its a pointless thread.
Why do you see the discussion as an attack.

sorry I'll clarify, I said 'on the attack', meaning you guys have been highly critical of pretty well everything he's posted.

If there is no alternative analysis of the companies client is posting up charts of, why not leave the thread alone and see how it develops?

It would seem that if client wanted to post an actual trade then he would have done so by now
IMO. anybody who wants to share his/her view on market should be treated fairly as long as they aren't trying to SELL you something. Every investor/trader has a different view on the market. The beauty of this forum is that we are here to share ideas. It's good to know what the "other guy" is thinking about the market.
Just my 2 cents. I didn't mean offend anyone. It's just my experience from a good trading forum in the US.

If you think this guys motives are purely for the good of mankind and there are no hidden agenda's then you/r Nieve!


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If you think this guys motives are purely for the good of mankind and there are no hidden agenda's then you/r Nieve!


nowhere on Client's site that I've seen is there anything about him selling a subscription service, or anything like that. He's not the only member here that has a blog/website, nor is he the only member that originally showed up hoping to score a few extra hits to their website by participating in discussions here and having a link to their site in their signature.

He's broken none of the rules of the site and has generally been polite when posting. What's the problem?
If you think this guys motives are purely for the good of mankind and there are no hidden agenda's then you/r Nieve!

I was just passing by and saw only the last post. Don't know about this guy. Thanks anyway. Next time I would be very careful.

If ASF is happy with it then Fine.
We have all wasted enough cyber space on this.
I wonder why all of you are so excited about the exact trading actions. Even if you had bought/sold the stock at the moment you read about it here, in a couple of days you would have been with profit in most cases described in this thread...

Don't know about this guy. Thanks anyway. Next time I would be very careful.
Yeah, be very careful, otherwise my website can kidnap you and I can eat you alive
I think most of us have enough experience and software to churn out our own "potential trading opportunities" on the Oz market.

nowhere on Client's site that I've seen is there anything about him selling a subscription service, or anything like that.

While there is no subscription service, there are adverts to other sites, called
Our Partners

If you go to one of the sites you find the following........

Every post of client's is a subtle referral to his/her website, Tech picked it up in his first post in this thread...

Great if it wasnt such blatent advertising.
Suprised its lasted this long

I did not comment in this thread until I noticed mistakes in the 'classic' technical analysis.

Should the more experienced on this forum let such things go and not comment?? Should the lack of "Potential Trading Opportunities" in this thread be left alone without comment?? How do any of the charts presented add anything to the forum without analysis of the plan of action, of which there is none??

You did a great investigation, brty! Nothing can be concealed from you...

ads are a big part of websites, you'll notice that most are covered in them these days. Referral $$ from click-throughs aren't exactly uncommon either, it happens here sometimes too.

Armed with your new knowledge, feel free to spend a bit of time clicking through the ads on this site so Joe can pay off the tab at his local

Feel free to comment brty but IMHO why don't you try and make it a little more constructive. Instead of just wading into a discussion and saying that something is "a terrible example of "significant" support and resistance" and leaving it at that, you could take a leaf out of bunyip's book, who posted not long after your comment I've just highlighted and then proceeded to give examples of what context he thinks makes a pattern more valid, and included some charts to illustrate his point.

If you don't see any value to the forum in what's going on here, why not try and improve things by adding some of your own analysis?
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RealNetworks Inc (RNWK). The price reached 2 trendlines at once on the daily and weekly charts. You should watch this stock closely as reversal signals may appear the next trading session...

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