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Sydney Cenotaph vandalism

10 December 2012
Seems a couple of drunken idiots have seen fit to damage the Cenotaph in Martin Place yesterday morning

I'm hoping the police can work out who they are from video footage and invite Jonesy along, cause we all know how much they don't like the cold steel up 'em. I had always thought our ANZAC memorials had always been the once thing that even the most antisocial of the community would regard as a no go.

One thing I notice in Asia is that the youth tend to have respect for public property. I've never seen any form of damage / graffiti of public transport in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. Walk around Thailand and there's thousands of little bhudist shrines and not one is damaged by youthful indiscretion.

Can I suggest that if the police catch the buggers, they are forced to march at the front of the ANZAC march - give them a 5 minute head start - and let the crowd articulate what they feel. I'm sure the PC of the community would be against it, but I'm also sure it'd sent a strong message about just how angry it makes us.

I grew up with the stories of my great grand father and gran on the first and second world wars, along with life during the depression. My grandfather rarely spoke about it. Lest we forget, because it is that kind of courage and willingness for sacrifice I believe we will need in the not too distant future if we are to maintain our freedoms and great way of life

+1, sydboy

But the thought police of PC will tut-tut you because you mustn't bend those charming kids' self-esteem. Teaching them manners and respect could make them feel inferior...


+1, sydboy

But the thought police of PC will tut-tut you because you mustn't bend those charming kids' self-esteem. Teaching them manners and respect could make them feel inferior...

Maybe better, let them have a chat to the remain WWI vets and explain to them why they felt it was OK to desecrate the Cenotaph.

Video it and upload it to youtube so hopefully others of their ilk will see it and think twice.
Then some of the older WWII vets.

Just like to see them squirm, then again they might have no understanding of just how wrong they've been.

I would agree syd.

Punishment rarely fits the crime.

Probably pissed or bad, or one or both.

Shaming them would stop it.

I would agree syd.

Punishment rarely fits the crime.

Probably pissed or bad, or one or both.

Shaming them would stop it.


I doubt even that, gg
Too often these days do I get the impression that such mindless thugs know no shame. They'd more likely gloat in the glory of being a YouTube "Celebrity", and many of their friends might even agree.
Make them march the Kokoda Trail instead, with as much logistical "support" as our Diggers had. And if a lot fewer came back than started the march, it might even benefit our future gene pool.
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