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Swine flu pandemic fears

The stockpiled doses aren't for you, they are for those working in the health professions.

The system kinda falls apart if all the health professionals fall ill or die.

Precisely my point.

Has there been an exponential rise in world wide deaths from swine flu that indicates a "potential" pandemic condition? NOPE. Only those of Mexican origin in a specific area. This virus is NOT escalating in potency world wide. It even appears to be plateauing in no. of confirmed Mexican deaths, not exponentially increasing.

Meanwhile, how many have died this last week worldwide from the ravages of "normal" or "common" flu? Thousands? 10's of thousands??

Makes you wonder...
The stockpiled doses aren't for you, they are for those working in the health professions.

The system kinda falls apart if all the health professionals fall ill or die.

Could you imagine a planet where only pollies, ceo's & health professionals survived?

Bit short on the gene pool there....

The mortality rate of swine flu is 10%. 300,000 infections in Sydney say, 30,000 deaths, and 300,000 infections is not a lot. That is why it is a big deal.
The mortality rate of swine flu is 10%. 300,000 infections in Sydney say, 30,000 deaths, and 300,000 infections is not a lot. That is why it is a big deal.

10% thats not right its more like .5%
I hear one of the possible reasons there are more deaths in Mexico is because of the elevation.
A factor could also be that people were slow in getting treatment because they thought they had a common cold/flu. No drama right. Just wait it out. No need for a doctor.

People are rushing to the hospital now with a sniffle.

Also remember, just a handful of the 150 or so suspected deaths from this strain have been confirmed as swine flu.
The stockpiled doses aren't for you, they are for those working in the health professions.

The system kinda falls apart if all the health professionals fall ill or die.

Michael, I was sufficiently curious about this to contact Qld Health to ask.
Am assured that both Tamiflu and Relenza are made available on the basis of need. Qld Health staff are not being and will not be prophylactically given either drug.

When I asked if the drug wholesalers had unlimited supply to make available to pharmacists for filling GP scripts, he said no, and repeated the above statement about basis of need.

So I'd guess GP's have, e.g. been instructed not to hand out scripts unless patients genuinely have the symptoms.

The person I spoke to said in his entire career as front line nurse with Qld Health he had never received 'priority care'.
Hi Julia,

I would be interested to know when these vaccines expire. Batch by batch. What do they do with the past dated -destroyed, but is it replaced at the same rate?

Probably one we will never know.
I still think this is a massive over reaction and media beat up.

It is unfortunate that people have died but the flu kills thousands every year.

Furthermore you dont see the media talking about the millions of guns and bullets that are legally manufactured in countries like the US and then sold world wide that kill thousands of people (of yer I forgot the media doesnt care about "those" people).
The person I spoke to said in his entire career as front line nurse with Qld Health he had never received 'priority care'.
I know there is this type of policy in the Defence Force, for the reasons given. Not sure about the real world.
Many ways to die - choose your posion

With the tensions in the world the finger is never far from the trigger, maybe just a walk on the safe side
Got this email today

Swine Flu - Frequently Asked Questions

As you may be aware there is a lot of media coverage relating to Swine Flu, whilst at the current time this strain of flu has not been detected in Australia the following FAQ’s provide some background information on the issue. We will continue to monitor the situation and take the necessary measures in line with Australian Government recommendations.

What is swine flu?

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by one of several Swine Influenza A viruses that leads to outbreaks in pigs and occasionally infects humans. It is spread among pigs by aerosols, direct and indirect contact, and asymptomatic carrier pigs, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It is not yet known how easily the virus can spread between people, although human-to-human transmission has occurred in some instances.

What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in humans?

Symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to that of the regular flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, aching body, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting. Severe illness, including pneumonia and respiratory failure have been reported as being caused by swine flu in people. The virus may heighten the severity of underlying chronic medical conditions, according to the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

How is swine flu spread?

Swine Influenza A is thought to spread in the same way as seasonal flu, from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. It is possible to become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching the mouth or nose. Those infected with the virus can spread it to others one day before symptoms develop and a week or more after becoming sick. Young children may be contagious for longer periods.

How can I avoid catching the virus?

There is no vaccine currently available to protect against swine flu. The best ways to prevent catching the virus include avoiding contact with people who are ill, trying not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the virus, staying in good general health and being physically active, getting lots of sleep, drinking lots of fluids and eating nutritious food. It is also important to limit the spread of germs by washing your hands, covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throwing the used tissue away, as well as avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Is it safe to eat pork meat and pork products?

Yes, swine flu has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork, according to the World Health Organisation.

Which Countries are most affected?

Mexico is the epicentre of the outbreak, with over 150 confirmed and suspected deaths as of Tuesday 28 April and in excess of 500 people hospitalised. In 10 other countries, there have been 57 confirmed or suspected cases, none of them fatal, among people returning from Mexico. There are confirmed cases of swine flu in the United States, Canada, Europe, Spain, Israel and New Zealand. Several other countries, including Australia, are investigating suspected cases.

I think I’ve got swine flu, what should I do?

Contact your health care provider if you are worried about your symptoms and if you live in areas where swine flu cases have been identified. As at 28 April 2009 there are no confirmed cases of swine flu in Australia however a number of people are being tested for swine flu. If you are sick you should stay home and limit contact with other people as much as possible to avoid spreading your illness.

Anyone that has returned recently from Mexico or the South-western states of the USA with influenza-like symptoms should seek advice from their General Practitioner.

Adults who experience these warning signs should seek urgent medical attention;

· Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;

· Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen;

· Severe or persistent vomiting;

· Sudden dizziness;

· Confusion.

Children who experience these warning signs should seek urgent medical attention;

· Fast breathing or trouble breathing;

· Bluish skin colour;

· Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough;

· Not waking up or not interacting;

· Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held;

· Not drinking enough fluids;

· Fever with a rash
the investigators are looking at the piggeries....
or like anywhere else in the world....the backyard farmers....cheaper/cash product without a certificate ?

In Makati, meanwhile, Mayor Jejomar Binay has ordered the Makati City Veterinary Office (MCVO) to monitor daily and hourly all three slaughterhouses in the city to ensure local consumers of safe pork and in the process other meats.

He said he wanted to “to avert pig flu panic in Makati.”

Dr. Jacinto Jaime Inocencio III, MCVO veterinarian, the city’s meat inspectors are doing their best to protect residents from any threats of swine flu, ebola reston virus, avian flu, and foot-and-mouth disease.

He added that no fresh meat or pork or chicken product may be sold in Makati without a veterinary health certificate issued by the place of origin; and suggested that buyers demand they be shown the clearance certificate issued by the MCVO to meat sellers before making their purchases.

When in doubt, they could easily call the MCVO at telephone numbers 757-1413 to check

You are confusing fluvax with tamiflu

I think that doctors have been very unethical doing prescriptions for relenza for people with no symptoms or risk.
You are confusing fluvax with tamiflu
I think that doctors have been very unethical doing prescriptions for relenza for people with no symptoms or risk.

I dont agree, you have very little time to act once the symptoms kick in, to have it on hand is very important otherwise you have to go to the doc and try and source it from a pharmacy and they're already in short supply.
I dont agree, you have very little time to act once the symptoms kick in, to have it on hand is very important otherwise you have to go to the doc and try and source it from a pharmacy and they're already in short supply.

But why are they in short supply ?

It is unethical for a doctor to prescribe relenza to a healthy individual, with no obvious risk of developing swine flu, and hence restrict the availability to people who have or are at high risk ( social justice )

No - it's a preventative, self defence in the case of a quick acting virus.

Many people carry this with them when they travel, in an emergency or if you're kids health is at stake you can take your social justice anally
No - it's a preventative, self defence in the case of a quick acting virus.

Many people carry this with them when they travel, in an emergency or if you're kids health is at stake you can take your social justice anally

Preventative and self defence is ok if the supply is reasonable. At the moment it isn't

Your argument is not relevant to the social justice and ethical behaviour of doctors. They should not be doing this at the moment. If you were travelling to america, or mexico yes, staying in Australia, no.

I never said it is a bad thing to have protections vs this, but to take it away from people who need it is a social justice problem, which is what I said.
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