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Swine flu pandemic fears

I think Ms Nicola has realised their swine flu drama has been played too hard. Now she is saying that Organisers should not be cancelling public events.
Yes, I heard Ms Roxon furiously back-pedalling on "PM" this evening. What did she think was going to happen for heaven's sake! She has been talking up the panic since it started.
Yes, I heard Ms Roxon furiously back-pedalling on "PM" this evening. What did she think was going to happen for heaven's sake! She has been talking up the panic since it started.

Sounds a bit like there GFC approach as well - interesting to see the spin on why we had to mortgage our futures to avoid what is looking like the most pathetic recession in history.....

Back on topic. I live in Vic and have had cases diagnosed at my sons child care, my daughters school along with her best firends family going down with it and a case at work. The current infection rates in Vic are about 20 in every 100,000. I know of 8 first hand cases - if I look at the populations from which these have occurred the sample is about 4000 people (being very generous about my social circle).

So on the per 100,000 scale the infection rate that I have seen is more like 200 per 100,000 people. Has anyone else got similar experience to me?

Thankfully it's mild, but if it wasn't could you imagine the panic that our 'balanced and fair'media would induce.......

So now it is "officially" declared a pandemic?

I love how Vic gummint has wiped it's hands of the whole deal due to the spread being all too much to cope with. We now have a Viccy Swine Flu Black Hole

NO more counting.
NO more worrying.

Just as well it doesn't have a 100% mortality rate, eh?

Oh, but KRuddy says "We are doing everything we can to contain it"

Oh, so gummymint has it all under control?


Spin me another one, matey.....

Thankfully it's mild, but if it wasn't could you imagine the panic that our 'balanced and fair'media would induce.......

Being mild will allow people exposed to it build some immunity natural way.

Big vaccine Companies might not like that!

Oh, but KRuddy says "We are doing everything we can to contain it"

Oh, so gummymint has it all under control?


Spin me another one, matey.....

Where did this cynicism come from?? What possible reason have you got for accussing Mr Rudd of spin? he looks like such an honest and reliable chap - I understand he's on good terms with God as well, has a successful, mountain climbing, out doorsy (and indoorsy) type wife - the very model of a modern major minister.

Honest question as I've beeing LIVING UNDER A ROCK since just before the Kev and Hocks show on Sunrise aired.

btw love the - "not counting anymore" stance of the vic gov - nice one brumbs - if you don't talk about it people will forget about H1N1, cough and sneeze for 3 days and move on with their lives..

Have you had your dose yet? *sniffle* *coff*

I propose the whole of OZ follow the lead of the Vic Mexicanos in not releasing any further statistics.

Honestly, what we don't know can't possibly hurt us, right?

It's wonderful how our OZ pollies have everything under complete control right now.


I'm off the Honolulu is 3 weeks, I wonder if I'll make it the way this is going.
if you are under 60 you should probably be does not affect the oldies...only the younger ones
otherwise you have more chance of being hit by lightening or an air crash..then becoming sick with swine flue

or being stabbed by the kids out on the town
I'm under 60 , just, but Vitamin D deficient, taking tabs now, so my immunity is probably down, just found out, dont know how long it's been like that.

I've cancelled the trip now, just too risky.
immunity is your problem now then.....
but being closer to 60 you might get off scott free
mine crashed when I was about 32....I rarely get the annual coughs and colds...just a big dose of something every 5 or10 years, knocks me around for about 4 months...but now have asthma....and then just recently excema /dermatitis....and the latest is probably very sensitive to textile dye....
this getting old is really crappy...dont know if I want to live for another 30-40years if this is the crap I have to endure...

just wear a mask......or one of those gas mask like things the astronaut's wear ...hahahaha
I am sure you will be fine....or cancel the holiday until its over

Yeah I 've cancelled, you cant get insurance against flu now so if I get a cold there's $1500 down the drain.

Getting old sux big time, people treat you like you're invisible, girls in shops dont even look up when they give you the change, shall I go on ?

Awww, shoot, Burnsy!

I always thought The Invisible Man (Tm) was a way cool TV proggy in the 60's - even if it was broadcast in glorious shades of black & white!!

Gee, the things he could do when he was indivisible made me want to be indivisible too.

Now you say being indivisible sux?

Awww, shoot...

58+ and NOT HAPPY, JAN!!!!

Ah, my nephew has today tested positive for swine flu! Was at school yesterday (Westminster, SA) and Year 10 students were quarantined last week. He is in Year 9. His mum is a nurse at a large Public Hospital so he was tested immediately.

But he is fine. Not well enough to go to school, temp of 38. He was given tamiflu but his mum doesnt think he needs it. We have been invited down for a swine flu party.
Oink, oink - I've got the swine flu! I best get my affairs in order.

In all honesty, it isn't so bad; it's just the dizziness which has me a little ... dizzy. Sorry, too sick to think of anything really witty.

The sore back and chest-pains aren't exactly fun either, though : Nor is this darn cough!
Oink, oink - I've got the swine flu! I best get my affairs in order.

In all honesty, it isn't so bad; it's just the dizziness which has me a little ... dizzy. Sorry, too sick to think of anything really witty.

Stay away till you're over it we might catch it
Oink, oink - I've got the swine flu! I best get my affairs in order.

In all honesty, it isn't so bad; it's just the dizziness which has me a little ... dizzy. Sorry, too sick to think of anything really witty.

Stay away till you're over it we might catch it

Oh, come on - here in Victoria nearly everyone has it : People are all having to stay in their cars to get diagnosed at the doctors office, and the pharmacy is out of tamiflu, as well as masks! Doc said it was too late for tamiflu for me anyway, ugh

I don't think I'm being over cautious in saying that I think we need large furnaces into which swine flu people are thrown upon diagnosis. Obvioulsy a big centralised one won't work, probably need to have smaller ones distributed in medical centres. The old people could use it to as a remedy for indivisibleness and eczema as well. COme to think of it perhaps you could nomiate people to be introduced to it's interior - get, say, 10 nomiations and the tribe has spoken and in you go.

If only they'd implemented this in the early days we wouldn't be facing this horror of horrors - sniffles, coughs, muscle pain - it's too much to bare.

Mr Burns - you can actually buy specific swine flu insurance - probably cost you more than the $1500 you stand to lose, but it's available - some savy (avian flu experienced) hong kong based insurers are providing it.
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