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SVL - Silver Mines

Nothing is happening in this thread cos like everything else, its on a downwards spiral, which is why I have chosen it for the July comp.
When you have no real money in the game, not a lot of thought tends to go into it.
I've been adding to my physical SVL holdings in my portfolio

mine developer so not incurring the high operational costs impacts due to increased energy and increased diesel inputs.
silver on the metals market grossly over-done and Gold/Silver ratio currently up to 87x

IMO anyway, SVL represents great buying just on the anticipated moves in silver metals market alone.

just my opinions and actions - not intended to be advice

FWIW, this has been my ..costly..thought..for the last 2y...
I found this video very informative wrt the economic drivers behind an inevevitable increase in both gold and silver

Money supply and out of control printing in the West and the BRICS (or should that be BRIICSA now) nations are the ones seemingly most active in increasing holdings of precious metal reserves

the message here certainly fit my justifications for holding both SVL and AAU, and if SVL keeps dropping I have a lowball top up intention to buy further

but big picture is the shift away from the USD that will drive up (and cease any supression of) Gold and Silver that is currently present in markets

thoughts ?

Well could not resist this for the August Comp due to sudden move upwards on the close Friday. Maybe approval to mine is close, if it does should fly like a rocket in my humble view DYOR.

Purchased some today also. LET"S SEE lol

Beat me to it, was going to double again after last months entry.
Have to look somewhere else.
SVL and ARD, two of my silver plays are having another big day.
Looks like silver is back in favour (at least in the short term).
The red futures for the tomorrows US market suggest it may come back again tomorrow.
Okay...not much happening however approval to mine expected on the 29 of November, probably won't show much in the price but an increased from the current very low silver price may hopefully combine to give me a lift in the comp for September. The chart.. rrrrrr well.

It is my pick again now in the October Comp. With low price of silver currently it, like myself is just Plodding along.

When the change does come as they advance to approval I think it will jump up dramatically as there is a
growing shortage of actual physical silver.

Chart speaks as said.

SVL once again going on a tear.
Have had a 20 cents sell order in since my last buy at 16.5 in late Sptember.
Was too late in getting the low at 15.5, but hey, I will take a 15% gain any time.
Approaching that 20 level now. may or may not get taken out in this rush up.
This stocks continues to be a nice little earner for me.
SVL in trading halt pending announcement re the Bowdens silver project getting final approval.
Just in time for the next leg up of silver.
Yes Mick, looks like approval could be near. 28th not end of the month. Lol should have had it in this months Comp.

Anyway my pick for January and due to some trading changes doubled my holding last week.

Good news must be because I have been trying to buy it for a couple of days with a price lower than last traded. So with the good news, my buy order will be gone. Silver is at top high now and right time for announcement for the existing holder
I guess then that once the approval is bedded down and announced, the share price will have a bit of a kick, which will likely be the indicator for the first of many cap raisings.
The October statement gave them 13mill in cash including 4mill in unused borrowings. That will not build much.
I will try and offload some if it gets a signifcant boost over the next few weeks.
I have no doubt I will be able to buy back in at a cheaper level in the future..
Up 5% after getting out of trading halt.
There is one more hurdle, the Independent Planning Comission for approval (am I the only one that is amazed that any company would bother trying to start up a new mine given the myriad of planning approvals they have to go through??).
The IPC meets late January next year, so hopefully there will be another boost to the SP when that comes through.
It would be good to see the SP get back to the 25 mark it hit twice in early 2022.
That might be the sign for the cap raise no 1.
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