lawyers bill by hourly rate.
judges are appointed / annointed. it's not hourly rate, but annual salary, plus perks and
per diems and super.
check out Vic rates, other states commensurate. Federals are even more coddled!
Information regarding judicial officer salaries in Victoria.
True, QC etc are.
One of the few jobs where you can be an absolute mess and have no liability: condemn an innocent, free a murderer who walk off the courthouse for revenge..nothing.
If you even raise an issue, contempt of the court and he she is always right.
I actually believe this is a core issue in our democracies and is leading the west to its downfall.
I understand the need for a separate power, independent of the government, not sure i have the solution but the current system does not work.
In the US, judges acceptance of futile claims makes medecine unaffordable, policing useless
In France , it is a red judges mafia; and here the most futile pretext can be used.
Judges should be replaced by AI based on laws, precedents should be challenged but i will not see that.
Should SVL sort its power line, mining will next be stopped because a kid in 1900 carved a tree and it becomes in 2025 an Aboriginal site of significance .
Mining in Australia is risky, less than Mali or Burkina Faso but not that great either