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Supermarkets, self checkouts and honesty


It’s a pretty large leap to say that because a person doesn’t enjoy small talk that they must be selfish or that you are looking down on people. Some people are just introverted and that’s ok.

It works both ways, I could say an extrovert that forces an introvert into a conversation is being selfish. For example if you see a person on a flight is listening to music or trying to read a book, and you keep trying to start a conversation with them because you want to be entertained, that’s you being selfish.

When I say I don’t like small talk, I am not saying I be rude, I still say hi, I still open doors for people etc etc but I just don’t like having to chat for no reason beyond those basic polite interactions, we are likely to be together long enough and have some interesting topic to chat about.

As for “keeping people employed” reducing labour in tasks has been something that’s been happening for centuries, as I mentioned to another poster are are you in favour of bringing back fuel station attendants, to “keep people employed” and have someone to chat to.
i like to say a few words , so i get a feel of employee morale ( as i most likely hold shares in that company , or am likely to buy shares in the future )

if it is a small ( unlisted )business a general opinion on the economy may be useful as well ( highlight a particular sector )
I am the same in those sorts of situations, I am a fan of the scuttlebutt method in certain situations, but there is information to be gathered by learning about how companies are employing automation to.
I have lots of Extroverts in my life and I also have lots of Introverts, neither side can normally understand why the others act the way they do, but the best way to explain it is to think of it like this…

Extroverts internal battery gets recharged when they are in social environments so they seek out people to chat with etc…. but an introverts internal battery gets drained in social environments, so although they may enjoy being social, they also need quiet alone time to recharge their battery.

It’s not self if an introvert seeks some mental solitude after being in social environments all day, it’s self care. Just like an extrovert who has been by themselves all day might seek to call or visit some one, or go chat to strangers at the pub to recover from their lonely feelings.
When you go to the petrol station do you resent pumping your own fuel? Because that used to be the job of a fuel station attendant, actually that was my first job out of high school.

I am always polite, but I don’t like chatting to strangers more than I have to about the weather, I find the conversations in “single serve friendships” draining. If I am in the mood for a chat I chat to people in my life.
Yes, remember full service servo's all too well and yes, resent that I've got to do it myself as I really dislike handling those leaky fuel nozzles. Especially diesel ones!

Idle chatter, introvert/extrovert I get it. I also get that one needs to grow and overcome the "hates and dislikes" imposed on our psyche. Much like I've had to learn to put up with leaky fuel pump nozzles.
Latex glove anyone?
Also want to add, whether introvert or not, I do think that talking to strangers is a regional thing.
In my experience, those living in smaller communites/towns are far more amiable to having a chat than their big town, big city cousins.
Yes, remember full service servo's all too well and yes, resent that I've got to do it myself as I really dislike handling those leaky fuel nozzles. Especially diesel ones!
Sounds like its time for an EV ;)

Idle chatter, introvert/extrovert I get it. I also get that one needs to grow and overcome the "hates and dislikes" imposed on our psyche. Much like I've had to learn to put up with leaky fuel pump nozzles.

I don't think asking an introvert to "grow" and become less introverted is any more realistic, productive or healthy than asking an extrovert to be less extroverted. It's just the way people are, there is nothing wrong with being an introvert, they aren't broken or need fixing, its just a different personality type.

You know the people that are quite at first, but once they get to know you they become quite loud, fun and end up being quite loyal friends etc, they are introverts.

As the article below says, extroverts often attempt to “fix” introverts, because they believe that because being extroverted makes them happy, it must make everyone happy, and introverts must be sad, but it’s the opposite, it’s silly to try and change either side. As I said I have people in my friends and family group in both extremes, both have struggles both have happy places, both can make people uncomfortable but both can be good friends.

Extroverts are usually the first people to struggle with loneliness issues, you could see this in the covid lockdowns, my extrovert friends were the ones that couldn't stand the lock downs and found themselves breaking the rules to have secret parties etc and some suffered mentally, but one of introvert friends said they loved the lockdowns, they are very comfortable in their own skin and although they enjoy social outings they don't rely on them.

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In my experience, those living in smaller communites/towns are far more amiable to having a chat than their big town, big city cousins.
Yeah, probably because people in smaller communities see less people in general, so they are not as mentally over stimulated by crowds of people. if you walk past 3 people on walk you will say hello to each one, but if you walk past 50 you probably will not want to stop and chat to each one.

if you work in a busy cafe and have served 100 people that day and had to smile and small talk with each one, you are probably less likely to seek out another chat on your way home, unless you are an extreme extrovert.
This thread is so far off topic that it is an embarrassment to ASF. What are readers going to think after googling investment scams and this conversation about self service aisles and personality types appears. :banghead:
This thread is so far off topic that it is an embarrassment to ASF. What are readers going to think after googling investment scams and this conversation about self service aisles and personality types appears. :banghead:
Kinda like what happens in real life, a conversation about recent rainfall in an optometrist transmogrifies into a discussion on near death experiences (true story). LoL
... But on the (newly created) topic: people are interesting and even the most seemingly dull shop assistant may have an amazing story to tell if you only break the ice with them.

...and, you might just make their day by just having a chat.
They have lost the ability to look someone in the eye without judgement, judgment of their job, their intellect, their place in society.
Even worse is when those judgements are completely superficial and inaccurate.

Suffice to say the most useless people I've ever come across looked impressive on the outside and the opposite is also true. :2twocents
This thread is so far off topic that it is an embarrassment to ASF. What are readers going to think after googling investment scams and this conversation about self service aisles and personality types appears. :banghead:
Thank you Joe for the new thread and fixing the off topicness.
Apologies to @peter2 for the derailment over in the scam thread.
This thread is so far off topic that it is an embarrassment to ASF. What are readers going to think after googling investment scams and this conversation about self service aisles and personality types appears. :banghead:
Thank you Joe for the new thread and fixing the off topic-ness.
Apologies to @peter2 for the derailment over n the scam thread.
@Value Collector
Lol, EV eh? We've had this discussion before and EV's are just not viable for this little black sheep.

Dividing people into introverts or extroverts negates the varying degrees to which we are all one or the other pending on the circumstance/s.

Whichever it is, I'm all for becoming the best one can possibly be but that's just me....
@Craton I believe that we all strive to be the best we can be, except for the scumbags of this world, as they have already reached their zenith and are perched comfortably at the top of the heap down a deep hole.
@Value Collector
Lol, EV eh? We've had this discussion before and EV's are just not viable for this little black sheep.

Dividing people into introverts or extroverts negates the varying degrees to which we are all one or the other pending on the circumstance/s.

Whichever it is, I'm all for becoming the best one can possibly be but that's just me....
Yeah, I know we discussed EV’s in the past, that’s why I did the winky face 😉.

Most people are either an introvert or an extrovert, although it’s a spectrum, what you might be noticing based on situations is just that even an introvert can appear outgoing and extroverted when they are within their in group, but the main difference is as I said whether the situation is energising them or slowly draining them.

An introvert can definitely party and be the life of the party, but they will probably not be wanting to do that everyday.

Hahaha, I think everyone wants to be the best version of themselves, but sometimes others have opinions of what the best version of you looks like that you don’t agree on.
Just curious, but how does that show honesty is reduced.

I always will line up for self checkout, even if there is a manned checkout free, I just prefer to avoid the human interaction, and just process my own groceries as I listen to my music. I think it’s best to leave the manned checkout for some one who needs it, a bit like a disability car park.
To each their own, I can see your side and go to self checkouts when I have a small amount to buy, but the weekly shopping goes to assisted checkout because they pack as well and all I have to do is put the stuff in my trolley and pay.

Self checkouts usually have staff looking over them anyway in case anyone pulls a swifty (sorry Taylor), so its debateable whether they save the stores money.

As for smalltalk it just slows things down, but it's polite to say hello to the assistant and it doesn't take much effort.
To each their own, I can see your side and go to self checkouts when I have a small amount to buy, but the weekly shopping goes to assisted checkout because they pack as well and all I have to do is put the stuff in my trolley and pay.

Self checkouts usually have staff looking over them anyway in case anyone pulls a swifty (sorry Taylor), so its debateable whether they save the stores money.

As for smalltalk it just slows things down, but it's polite to say hello to the assistant and it doesn't take much effort.
Yeah, definitely I am It against assisted checkouts, I was more responding to the suggestion that self checkouts only had lines because the lines of people are just shop lifters. As I pointed out some people genuinely prefer self check out, as I do.

It to mention some people would enjoy the privacy of buying things like condoms, lube or pregnancy tests etc at the self checkout 😅
Yeah, definitely I am It against assisted checkouts, I was more responding to the suggestion that self checkouts only had lines because the lines of people are just shop lifters. As I pointed out some people genuinely prefer self check out, as I do.

It to mention some people would enjoy the privacy of buying things like condoms, lube or pregnancy tests etc at the self checkout 😅
My wife prefers self checkouts, absolutely hates going through an assisted checkout, I think it is mainly because she hates lining up with people, nearly as much as talking to people. 🤣