I applaud you on your balanced and sensible approach, it is refreshing to see this stated and I hope others are influenced by your views.
Just more about my comments about investment derailments which occur in later life. My observations of the Stormers is that some come from a generation who are very trusting. Where a handshake sealed a deal, a person's word was a binding contract and intent to defraud was a far away concept. Unfortunately it appears in this over regulated and compliance focused world some innate basic values get buried in the layers.
I acknowledge your view of blame and responsibility regarding the Stormers. I will be very interested to see where the regulatory authorities and the judiciary determine where the fault lies in this collapse.
Cheers Solly.
Like you, I will be interested in what comes of it all. I am sure it will continue to be drawn out. Again, I know there were many parties involved in all of this, and if people or companies are proven to have failed in their duties along the line, then I would hope they pay for their actions.