Garpal Gumnut
Ross Island Hotel
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I've come back again and again to respond to your post,and deleted every response till now. Why? Because I am frightened that I will be seen as breaking the 'non-disclosure' clause in our offer from CBA.
Please don't believe everything you read in the media. Just because it's in black and white it doesn't mean that it's the truth.
MW has not been 'fully' quoted, so what you've posted is not quite what he said. As always, the media have artistic license.
Please note also that the media rely heavily on advertising fees. Not that I would make any disparaging remarks about media correspondents, but their bread and butter is in advertising, is it not?
How many web pages do you open up that don't have an advertisement for one bank or another?
Again, from what you've read, you form an opinion on how many clients are accepting offers. If over half the clients have accepted offers how can I know of so many who haven't? I only know one client who has accepted. They accepted because they could not afford, health-wise, mental well-being wise, or financially, to continue. They were not happy with their offer. They just couldn't go on any longer.
For now, only CBA clients are tied by their 'secrecy clause'. We can't discuss our dealings with the bank with our families let alone anyone else. Can you please ask yourself why, if the banks are being so magnanimous, so generous, that they are gagging us from disclosing their offers?
Going to court will allow the truth to finally come out. There are many clients who will be very happy to go to court to do just that. The truth, the whole truth, under oath.
I would love to be able to be totally truthful with you and the forum right now, but unfortunately I've been gagged, bound to secrecy, by a bank that promised 'transparency' in their resolution scheme.
Mate, this a full of it post.
As many posters on this thread sussed from the beginning ,SICAG has been close to and involved with and in what is left of "Storm" as a concept and with its former advisers.
Their agenda is in some way to resurrect Storm as a going concern and restore all funds to the poor unfortunate bastards who lost their money through the Storm spin that markets only go up, and that leverage is without risk.
You sound like Mossad, James Bond or perhaps Maxwell Smart, in relation to secrecy. Every man and his dog at the Ross Island Hotel knows the terms of the CBA agreement with the clients who have decided to call it quits and get on with their life.
It is related daily by victims to their families and friends.
So don't go on with this line of so called secrecy obliterating debate.
Your opinion in regard to SICAG is well known and I suppose the great thing about this forum is you are free to continue bashing it. But the comment above is so ridiculous it beggars belief that anyone could come up with this one and feel comfortable publicly stating it.
I believe there is another forum on this site for conspiracy theories, this comment may be better there I believe.
Could you please offer some support for this claim. Could you please also elaborate on what evidence you have discovered that indicates anyone within SICAG or any of its members want storm resurrected. Further, how this could be achieved.
I eagerly await your answers.
Specialed mate this has all been gone over before but for you and you alone, let us step into the cone of silence, just you and me . Now please listen.
The sicag webpage prominently states that it is not associated with the Cassimatis but in the lower left hand corner prominently lauds the fee model of theirs, as compared to present best practice fee charging by Financial Planners. Btw, I think all FP’s are muppets, but you guys don’t , so I guess that is my first piece of evidence.
Nowhere on the sicag site is there even one, not one tiny, tiny, criticism of Manny, the Storm model or the Cassimatis. This in spite of criticism of them and the model by the following
A Parliamentary Inquiry
A Liquidators Report
By the major litigating firm involved with sicag members.
The majority of ex clients I’ve spoken to in Townsville.
Ex staff of Storm
All the major financial commentators from the Murdoch, Fairfax and ABC Financial Press offices
Some of the top sicag identities are either senior ex Storm employees or held quite high positions in Storm. One at least to my knowledge is related to an ex Storm adviser.
In relation to the ressurection of the Storm model, this is for the future, I of course have no proof, it is a surmise made from rational examination of the facts and knowledge of previous scams and the guilty but not punished survivors of those scams. They start selling again.. They do what comes naturally to salesmen.
Now I couldn’t give a monkeys whether you accept this or not, most people I read and speak to do.
People suffering delusions when they’ve been done over by charismatic salesmen often suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, where they identify with the perpetrator to protect their mind from further injury.
I’ve never been to Stockholm, but I hear it’s a good place to get a root.
And you’ve been rooted good and proper by Storm, so I guess anything I say from the viewpoint of a reasonable person is not going to change your opinion.