Thank you, Mash. I don't believe you or anyone else has previously posted such a direct quote before. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could direct me to the appropriate previous post.
It is indeed clear. It was that wording Bunyip and I were looking for and which as far as I'm aware has not been posted before.
Why then has there been all this long period of confusion about whether it was the CBA or Storm who were responsible for the margin calls?
Are CBA alleging the responsibility was transferred to Storm at some stage?
Hi Julia,
I too am sure this has been placed on the forum before, however, am not going to waste anyone’s time by trying to locate it through some 240 pages of blogs.
I suppose we have to realise that there are only of handful of storm investors who contribute to this forum and therefore not every request for information by contributors is read, let alone acted upon. Whether you realise (or agree) or not, this forum has been perceived has having a very NEGATIVE attitude towards the storm clients personally, that borders on malicious sometimes. This observation is not directed at anyone in particular and is just MY belief. I know it is held by storm investors, who do not wish to put themselves up for more critisism by contributors to this forum who claim to fiancial wizards but actully offer very little up as proof of their financial success. This is not however to say that there havent been many valuable contributions to this debate, in this forum. But may also add to the reluctance of those few storm clients to risk the further consternation by some in this forum by bothering to contribute here. Again, this is just my personal observation.
However, as recently as approx. two pages ago I again made mention of the CBA’s response to the issue of Margin call at the senate inquiry. Whilst it is my abridged version, it basically sums up the CBA’s response to the inquiry. This failure to deal with the Margin loan issue effectively is at the heart of many storm clients perception of the failure of the resolution scheme, and in particular the feeling that the law firm responsible for it initial design and implementation has left many out in the cold.
That firm is happy to spruik the wonders of it, yet will in a recent article in the Townsville bulletin I believe there was only one person quoted who actually felt it had served them well. Of those that have settled, how many have been forced to do so as time has simply run out ? I understand there are many who are VERY dissatisfied with the representation made of them by a certain law firm. But they just could not afford, either financially or mentally to continue the fight against the CBA, and certainly not against that particular law firm. I do however feel very sorry for those involved i nthe floods in western QLD who now appear to be being chased by this mob. I trully hope their experience turns out to be better than may of the storm investors who have dealt with them.
It may turn out that the CBA has nothing to answer with respect to the margin call, however, it appears they are doing all they can to avoid letting it as issue get to court. As far back as December 08, a judge in Brisbane ruled that this needed to be decided upon, however the CBA made sure that a court case involving Storm itself would not get to trial…..
Given what a failure the senate inquiry was for storm investors, I can only sit and dreamed that Norris, and in particular those NOW ex cba employee's who made sush a timely exit will get to sit in the witness box. Obviously ASIC doesnt have the courage to do anything about it, prefering a "commercial resolution"........