"Solly", some of those submissions appear like clutching at straws. Mr & Mrs Clare's call their loan application "false" but they do not say who declared those "false" income figures. Are they suggesting that they signed a blank application form and allowed some other person to fill in the blanks afterwards?
While, with some difficulty, I can feel some sympathy for some of those old and penniless pensioners who tried to better their lot, I fail to see why Mr & Mrs Clare, close to retirement age and with a $1.35 million home and an annual income of approx. $65,000, would want to enter into a high-risk poker-game to make even more money?
They take issue with the "falsely" declared annual income of $142,111 by writing, "If we did [have such an income], we certainly would not be borrowing money to make more." Why, was $65,000 a year not enough?
At the time they applied for two CBA margin loans totalling $850,000, they already had an NBA margin loan of an unspecified sum on which they paid between $7,500 and $11,000 a month in interest. That would suggest that the NBA margin loan was around $1 million. What madness made them want to load up with another $850,000 in debt ? If that is not greed, I don't know what is!
Onlooker , your a very hard marker! a lot of these people were not just influenced by greed , but by the very "Storm Model" that introduced "fear" as a motivator, i went to one of their "over the top" hyped up seminars, it was a bit like going to see some sort of evangelist do his thing , and they preyed on the people's fear of , no pension in the future, becoming a burden on their family , being cast out with no hope for a comfy retirement, then came the clincher , invest with us and all your cares will be gone. Unfortunately a lot in the room fell for it, i suppose it's a bit like time share selling , only way more expensive and disgusting.