Andrew O'Brien and Luke Vogel were both employees of Ron Jelich, prior to the busines being sold to Storm, and were both in an "advisory" capacity. Andrew & Ron went on to be employed by Storm when the business was sold, whereas Luke did not. Mr Noel O'Brien (who is Andrew's father) is a very very long time friend of Ron's. I believe a couple of other ex Storm employees were involved in the creation of the SICAG website and initial establishment of the group but I'm not sure about their current level of involvement.
It is also well known in the industry that quite a few of the ex Storm advisors are now working for In Focus (another financial planning practice), spruiking the Storm message under a different banner.
If that's the case then it's no wonder SCIAG are putting out such a distorted version of events by blaming the banks....seems like it's all about directing the heat away from mates and relatives who are former employees of the failed company!