Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

SPI200 Chat - What will happen next?? *suspense music*

But isn't 'opex' the Thursday? So why wait for Monday? :confused:

ah yeah sorry obviously you're thinking local and this is an SPI thread so I should've made it clearer :) >> expiry in the US & Europe is 3rd Friday. since Aus tends to follow the US (all sessions anyway, in-hours as Trembling Hand has shown is often counter-US or gap fade) then its 'usually' a good play to buy into opex & sell after
ah yeah sorry obviously you're thinking local and this is an SPI thread so I should've made it clearer :) >> expiry in the US & Europe is 3rd Friday.

Ah yes, I get you now. Confused me when you were talking about Largesse who trades the SPI.

Ah yes, I get you now. Confused me when you were talking about Largesse who trades the SPI.


no worries - apologies for the confusion :)
I pointed this strategy out to Largesse a while back but he didn't seem that interested, just thought I'd mention it again given his frustrations with Wednesday
dyor & all that
Just LOFinL

Can the mods shut this thread down? We now know what is going to happen to the SPI next,


19 point range with 2.5 tick 5 min ATR. Its a joke!!

:fish: this thing is more interesting than watching the SPI!


  • SPI 06-10  8_04_2010 (10 Min).jpg
    SPI 06-10 8_04_2010 (10 Min).jpg
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